Dousing Powder

dousing powder quick item sekiro wiki guide

 Medicine for treating burns.

Heals status abnormality "Burn", and for a time decreases Burn buildup while increasing Burn resistance.

When fire is used on the battlefield, Dousing Powder is crucial for survival.

Dousing Powder is a Quick Item in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. It is used to heal Sekiro from the status abnormality "Burn", and for a time decreases Burn buildup while increasing Burn resistance.



 Dousing Powder Usage

  • Heals the status abnormality: Burn
  • Increases Burn Resistance for a total of 30 seconds.



How to Find Dousing Powder

  • Hirata Estate - at the end of the bridge where it is a dead end.
  • Hirata Estate - From the Thicket Idol, kill and make it past the enemies at the bridge and you'll see a triangle grapple hook. It will take you to higher ground. From there, jump and grapple to a far platform across the fire.
  • Hirata Estate - once the fog is lifted after defeating Juzou, make a left after entering the main door to find it along with 2x Pellet
  • Hirata Estate - Dropped by the enemies that throws oil.
  • Hirata Estate - In the area where Flame Barrel is, the item would be nearby.
  • Hirata Estate - The torch enemy in the cave would drop this item.
  • Hirata Estate - By a samurai armor in area enetering the main estate would be the item.
  • Chance to drop by Flame Archers & Torch-wielding Bandits throughout Hirata Estate.
  • Scattered occasionally throughout the landscape. 
  • Fujioka the Info Broker - unlimited amount, for 100 sen.
  • Hirate Estate - drops from the Bandit (Katana and Torch) enemies.



Dousing Powder Notes & Tips

  • xx
  • Other notes...



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