Emma, the Gentle Blade

emma the gentle blade sekiro wiki guide
Location Ashina Castle
Weakness Mortal Draw 
Reward None

Emma, the Gentle Blade (柔剣 エマ,  Nyūken Emais a Boss in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. This Complete Emma, the Gentle Blade Boss Guide gives you strategies on how to beat Emma easily, as well as tips, tricks and lore notes. Bosses like Emma are special, dangerous Enemies that feature a special display on-screen when defeated, such as "Immortality Severed" or "Shinobi Execution".

Emma is part of the Isshin Ashina boss fight that happens if players select to betray Kuro when meeting The Owl at Ashina Castle.


Emma, the Gentle Blade Location

Where to find Emma, the Gentle Blade in Sekiro?

  • Ashina Castle: Part of the Shura Ending if you choose to side with Owl and forsake Kuro, you engage in a fight against Emma. Otherwise, you fight against Owl instead.
  • Is the beginning phase of the Isshin Ashina (Boss). There is no checkpoint between her and Isshin, meaning if you are killed by Isshin or Emma, you will have to fight Emma again to reach him.


Emma, the Gentle Blade Rewards

What do you get from defeating Emma, the Gentle Blade in Sekiro?

  • Rewards: None



Emma, the Gentle Blade Boss Guide Strategies

Sekiro Emma, the Gentle Blade Video Strategies



Sekiro Emma, the Gentle Blade Strategy Writeup

For this fight it be best to let Emma start the encounter and for you to react to her. Most of her attacks are multi-hits so don't be greedy trying to get an attack in until her combo is exhausted. When she puts her blade away and it gleams, run away to avoid the attack while circling back to counter hit her.  If you're close to her you can interrupt her Ashina Cross with a sword swing.  Be cautious as she likes to grab often, sweep moderately, and thrust sporadically. Alternate deflecting her combos while chipping away at her health to take her down. Shinobi Firecrackers can be used before her combo or after to get some free hits in if players like.

If you defeat the boss you will see the writing "SHINOBI EXECUTION" upon the screen.


Sekiro Emma, the Gentle Blade Attacks & Counters

Attack Counter
Phase 1
Single Slash Deflect
Dash Slash Deflect
2 slash combo Deflect
Sword & Hilt Flurry

Deflect, The last attack has a slightly delayed timing. 

Grab Run away and counterattack or go behind her and counterattack
Sweep Jump to posture break or Run away and counterattack
Thrust Mikiri counter or Run away and counterattack
Ashina Cross Backdodge through it or Run away and counterattack or interrupt with an attack.


Emma, the Gentle Blade Lore

If you give her sake, Sekiro asks her about her skill with the blade. She assert that she doesn't wish to harm any human but would like to kill a demon given the opportunity. 

Emma also mentioned that she learned her sword skills from Isshin , and from her move set is clear she has not only mastered the Ashina Arts (as Ashina Cross is the secret technique of the Ashina Style sword arts), but also incorporated her own moves into the style.  

Emma's katana is in "shirasaya," which is a plain and relatively unadorned long-term storage scabbard designed to seal a blade to protect it from oxygen and moisture. Such hardware is not designed for combat and reflects Emma's gentle nature.

Emma, the Gentle Blade Notes & Trivia

You cannot apply a weapon buff such as Divine Confetti or Bestowal Ninjutsu prior to the fight as Sekiro will automatically sheath his sword when approaching Owl to initiate dialogue.



Emma, the Gentle Blade Image Gallery

[images go here]



Corrupted Monk  ♦  Demon of Hatred  ♦  Divine Dragon  ♦  Folding Screen Monkeys  ♦  Genichiro Ashina  ♦  Genichiro, Way of Tomoe  ♦  Great Colored Carp  ♦  Great Serpent  ♦  Great Shinobi Owl  ♦  Guardian Ape  ♦  Gyoubu Oniwa  ♦  Headless Ape  ♦  Inner Father  ♦  Inner Genichiro  ♦  Inner Isshin  ♦  Isshin Ashina (Boss)  ♦  Isshin, the Sword Saint  ♦  Lady Butterfly  ♦  Owl (Father)

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    • Anonymous

      i don't even know what is harder to master her moves while charmless or betraying and fighting her. doing this just to get an achievement and a cool drip, but this fight (along with the 2nd boss) is too sad

      • Anonymous

        probably the worst designed boss in the game, sorry emma. if you heal at all during this fight you've already lost, her instant stabs and cross slashes leave no time to drink a gourd even if you know they're coming. because you have to fight another 2-phase boss that is weak to long range attacks right after her, you also shouldn't be using any prosthetic tools. instead the fight boils down to spamming attack on her which is a surprisingly effective cheese, making it so she can't do anything at all. shouldn't be fighting with that short sword anyways

        • Anonymous

          What’s worse than killing her is dying to her
          “Maybe I should have killed you sooner.” Goddamn woman just let me crawl in a hole and die and YOU can protect Kuro. Maybe this game should be called “Emma: the doctor’s double life as a swordsman”

          • Anonymous

            I really disagree with the page's strategy of just reacting to her, you can interrupt a lot of her attacks just by spamming the basic attack on her. If you give her no time, her move-list shrinks to sword move (parry) or grab (run/jump away).

            • Anonymous

              So it just occurred to me that O'rin of the water has a watered down version of Emma's moveset (no pun intended). Same pacing in the spinning attack, same wickedly fast heal counters, and they both depend entirely on posture to end the fight quickly

              • Anonymous

                I don't know what's worse, getting the regular deathblow on her or the air deathblow. I hate watching both variation's of Wolf stabbing Emma in the neck

                • Anonymous

                  Killing her is so harsh. At least Isshin craves battle and probably wants to die but she’s a doctor who only wanted to prevent bloodshed. There’s not even a memory of her to top it off.

                  • Anonymous

                    To be fair, I was, in fact, acting like I won't get command grabbed. For 70% of my HP. By a 4'11" woman.

                    My bad, G.

                    • Anonymous

                      When I first started Sekiro and fought Great Shinobi Owl, I thought that his attacks hit like a SUV. Then on NG+2, I fought Emma and holy hell she hit like a dump truck. Her Ashina Cross is basically a posture management skill check if you can't perfectly deflect all her attacks yet. You fail to deflect the first of two strike and your posture is nearly full, you're dead. 11/10 boss.

                      • Anonymous

                        When I first played Sekiro and fought the Great Shinobi Owl, I thought he hit like an SUV. But then I fought Emma, the Gentle Blade my a**, I thought, holy hell...she hit like a dump truck. The posture damage even if you deflect her attack is just enormous. Her Ashina Cross is basically a posture management skill check because if you haven't been able to memorize her moveset (thus able to deflect them) and your posture is nearly full prior to said Ashina Cross, you're basically dead. 11/10 boss. Shame it's a short fight.

                        Also, I swear her Ashina Cross have different deflect timing than Ashina Elite's or Isshin's. Hers is just faster.

                        • Anonymous

                          Well good to know I'll never be happy again after killing the nice doctor lady who helped me through my first two playthroughs. For Other guys, a death blow to the throat is nothing personal, but putting a sword through her neck was genuinely a little upsetting, time to go to bed and pray I don't cry in my sleep because I've witnessed murder

                          • Anonymous

                            Dodge forward+left when she attacks,then do double ichimonji. Rinse and repeat. Or you can just hold sprint and bait attacks then come forward and ichimonji double or single slash

                            • Anonymous

                              After hitting with her grab attack, sometimes she follows up with a slice that you need to dodge away from, other times she does not use that. Is there something that'll tell in advance whether she'll use her sword? Are those two different grab attacks that look very similar?
                              I wouldn't be surprised in that case, because even with 5h+ spent on these bosses I still couldn't consistently dodge-iframe her grab, and if there were two different grab attacks with different timings than that'd explain things.

                              • Anonymous

                                I know I'll be sent to the horny mines for this or whatever, but I do find her movements during the fight quite alluring. Makes me wish we could've gotten a more complex fight against a swordswoman that fights like her.

                                • Anonymous

                                  I appreciate the fact that even if what we're doing in this ending is totally immoral (and we only do it for the trophy), the game accepts that, and still gives us a fun fight, instead of a troll boss like Sans in Undertale.

                                  The only problem with this boss fight is that it's too long: 3 phases, 1 for Emma and 2 for Isshin. That took some patience for me.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    Get rid of her with Mortal Draw. She won't even touch you. Use the Tanto to replenish some emblems afterwards. She's so annoying I really don't have the patience to fight her every time.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      Should stay dead when beaten the first time, hate the run back to Isshin makes you fight this annoying fight every single time

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Is it just me or does she take absolutely no posture damage from Mikiri counters? I didn’t fight her until NG+2 though, so maybe that has something to do with it.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          How do i beat this boss? The screen just gets blurried when the music intensifies and water seem to get out of my eyes

                                          • Anonymous

                                            She can three hit kill and body slams me while my hits scratchs her. Just imagine a doc trained in sword is wiping the floor with a trained shinobi whose father is the master shinobi. Not saying she's hard just use umbrella for her grab and ashina cross and deflect those damn normal attacks but dying to her? Man ftom is really pissing me off with this one.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              "i onLY HaVe A pasSiNg INTEReSt iN ThE BlAdE" Floaty gap close and disengage rivaling the sword saint and a ghostly apparition (o'rin). Janky delayed strikes (teehee I only have a passing interest in the blade), ashina cross but her damage is still endgame boss worthy, her long thrust feels like it has better range and shorter startup than ****ing Genichiro's edgelord mode, she can casually flip and throw the Wolf. I was afraid she'd pull out a (double) Ichimonji or Floating Passage. Madlass is probably trying to gouge Wolf's eyes out in the deathblow animation after Wolf stabs her in the throat. What is she even doing watching Owl cut us to pieces on the other routes, go **** his **** up for Kuro or maybe Isshin could get off his ass.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                I just spammed jump attacks. one of them hits her everytime and if you immediatly jump again she has only one move that can hit you, which she rarely uses

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  Tried to do vault over on her maybe get a different deathblow, but Sekiro just jump on her and she was crouched down. Would have been interesting if it were possible to use the puppeteer ninjutsu. But that would be cheesing Isshin.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    I has question. I'm on the new game because I wanted to do the other 3 endings first and I'm now completing the Shura ending but Emma is not Emma the Gentle Blade for me. Her name is Emma Juken for some reason. I don't know if that is supposed to make her harder or something but she can almost 1 shot me with full 20 vitality.... I do have the Kuro's Charm if that changes anything. Anybody know why her name is different?

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      You can cheap your way out of this fight very easy, she's powerless against the floating passage technique. Also vs mortal draw (but you'll kinda need the spirit emblems for the next phases).

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        After deflecting her long combo, do a double ichimonji, then deflect again right after. One of the two ichimonji hits is guaranteed to do damage, both deal posture damage, and most importantly, both hits lower your posture gauge by a generous amount.

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          How does Sekiro knows she is skilled with the sword? He never saw her wielding a blade in my first playthrough.

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            Staying aggressive and continuously attacking her is the most important thing. Obviously this concept applies to pretty much every boss in the game, but especially so with her. She has an extremely fast forward dash attack that can catch you off-guard if you try to distance yourself, she doesn't have overly complex or fast counterattacks when she deflects you, and as long as you go toe-to-toe with her, you'll be able to react to her Ashina Cross attack and just hit her out of it instead of dodging away. Also, when you see her pose with her sword over her head she's going to do a four-hit combo. Parrying the last hit will allow you to throw her off balance and give you a free thrust attack, but even if you fail the last deflect and she throws you off balance, just immediately face the other direction and charge up a thrust attack. She will always follow up her four-hit chain with her Ashina Cross, and you'll have plenty of time to intercept it.

                                                            • Spiral Spear Cheese She can be easily defeated using only spiral spear, you will use somewhere around 13 emblems, but you will save all your healing items for the upcoming battle, Simply Run around Her and poke her, it seems she gets double the damage if you hit Her just before she attacks, so you will want to aim for those moments to hit her with spear, keep your distance run around and hit her, it's just that simple. But remember, hit Her with the Basic thrust, dont try to do any charged rush with spear or pull Her. If someone could put it in The strategy section it would be nice :)

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                That moment when you go for the "All boss" trophy and watch Emma get a deathblow from you. Close the game right there and now, become sad. Lay on your bed and think about your life choices and why you do them, then in the dark read the wiki about Emma. Feeling empty. You got gud in Sekiro but you'll never git gud with your feelings. 10/10 FromSoftware.

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  when she puts her blade away you should attack her instead of running away, she will lose balance and you can even land a free hit

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    I wish there was a way to fight her without forsaking Kuro. Such a great fight (and the cutscene before it) with an awesome musical theme. I love Shura ending, but it would be nice if we could have a friendly duel otherwise :)

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      Now I know why From makes bosses twice as tall as the play character. It's goddamn impossible to see the tells for Emma's attacks.

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        She and O'rin share a lot of animations, i wonder if there is some reasons behind it, or if it is convenient.

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          Easy strat to deal with her, if she goes for an underhand sword swing deflect it then you have enough time to double Ichimonji (not the charged version). If she overhand swings then deflect and get ready to deflect her double slash, rinse and repeat.

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            I don't think I've ever been this angry at a video game in my lifetime. All of her attacks look exactly the same, her grab has twice the range it should, and she has instant damage counters if you even think of trying to heal. I've done all bosses aside from the shura ending, and I legitimately think she's harder than Sword Saint Isshin.

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