Fujioka the Info Broker

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Location Ashina Castle
Dilapidated Temple

Fujioka the Info Broker is an NPC in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. He is first found in Ashina Castle, hiding from nearby Samurai, and later moves to the Dilapidated Temple and sells items.

Fujioka the Info Broker Information

Fujioka the Info Broker information or lore description goes here.

  • Location: Fujioka the Info Broker Can be found at Ashina Castle. From Ashina Castle Idol, go up the stairs and take a right from the Mini-Boss position, then right again. He's in a small area behind a wall.
  • Progression: Fujioka the Info Broker moves to the Dilapidated Temple after you complete his assignment.
  • Combat: Players may not kill Fujioka the Info Broker.
  • Rewards: Finishing a quest grants X, killing them grants Y

Fujioka's Store

Item & Quantity Price (Sen)
Pellet x 8 80
Dragon's Blood Droplet x 2 180
Antidote Powder (unlimited) 100
Dousing Powder (unlimited) 100
Pacifying Agent (unlimited) 100
Ungo's Sugar (unlimited) 120
Light Coin Purse x 3 110
Heavy Coin Purse x 3 550
Sabimaru Memo x1 500
Three-story Pagoda Memo x1 500
Valley Apparitions Memo x1 800
Gourd Seed x1 2000
Unlocked by the Dragon's Tally Board
Eel Liver (infinite) 50
Divine Confetti (infinite) 300
Snap Seed (infinite) 80
Scrap Iron (infinite) 150
Black Gunpowder (infinite) 150


Associated Quests

  • Defeat all the Samurai: Fujioka asks that you clear the area of Samurai. Do so by following our Ashina Castle walkthrough, and then return to him to obtain 1x Nightjar Beacon Memo. The memo gives you clues to follow the incense smoke up the rooftops.
  • After your encounter in Ashina Castle is completed, he moves to the Dilapidated Temple and becomes a merchant.
  • If not spoken to before defeating Lord Genichiro, he will move to the Dilapidated Temple automatically.



(Repeating Opening Line)

Hey friend, you still got some business with me?


(Choosing Talk after the Death of Hanbei)

Looks like that damned near-immortal samurai's finally gone and died.

I tell you, I don't understand what goes on in the mind of an honest samurai.

If you're not gonna die, you should go off and enjoy yourself.

Anyways, nice job friend.

I'm sure he went to heaven.


(Choosing Talk after defeating Divine Dragon)

Oh, if you're looking for the Sculptor, he's gone.

He stumbled off muttering something about "the flames..."

I think he was heading towards the battlefield.

But where he went and why he went there's none of my business.

Notes & Tips

  • Voiced by: Ben Diskin
  • Trivia and such go here


fujioka nightjar memo ashina castle walkthrough sekiro wiki guide 600px



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    • Anonymous

      When he catches Dragonrot, he says:
      "Friend... I can't breathe... I'm not going to die here..."
      With some coughing and wheezing interspersed.

      • Anonymous

        Does anyone know what he calls Sekiro in Japanese? It sounds like danda or donnda, but i can't find that phrase written anywhere. old timey japanese is so cool, but so elusive.

        • Anonymous

          he does appear in the temple (even if you don't talk to him) once you kill Genichiro. I just confirmed it in my play through

          • Anonymous

            His dragon rot description is odd it says he left the mob (the group of merchants) but he couldn't abandon his compassion he literally makes fun of a dead guy and the game thinks he's compassionate

            • Anonymous

              I can confirm that he’ll appear at the dilapidated temple even if you don’t encounter him at the castle. I didn’t even know he existed until he appeared at the castle after my fight with genichiro.

              • Anonymous

                I have him at the dilapidated temple and i eaves dropped the salt info, howevever the chat dialogue doesnt prompt me for it. I can't get him to expand his inventory. Any idea what i missed?

                • If you send kotaro to anayama, at end-game after purchasing the promissory note and seeing kotaro dead/anayama die, fujioka will have additional dialogue. Something like "I dont know what goes through the mind of an honest samurai." Then he sarcastically tells you good job, "I'm sure he went to heaven" (whether talking about anayama or kotaro, I'm not sure, accidentally skipped a bit of it, wasn't expecting new dialogue)

                  • Anonymous

                    Bad advice for quest completion. If you've already beaten the area, and just want to know how to do the quest, their advice to just follow their guide will take way more time than is necessary. All you have to do is specifically kill the samurai in his immediate proximity, the ones below him, and you complete the quest.

                    • Anonymous

                      After defeating Corrupted Monk, this guy also started selling unlimited amounts of Divine Confetti (300 sen) and Snap Seed (80 sen). It might have been something else just prior and I didn't noticed, but I don't think so.

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