Okami Warrior (Kemari)

okami type (kemari)
Location Fountainhead Palace
XP 513 (Non-Elite Version)
1060 (Elite Version)
NG: 513
NG+: ??
Sen 77 (Non-Elite Version)
130 (Elite Version)
NG: 86
NG+: ??
Drops Scrap Magnetite
Adamantite Scrap
Eel Liver
Mibu Balloon of Soul
Weakness Any Variation of Sabimaru

Okami Warrior (Kemari) is an Enemy in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. The Okami Warriors (Kemari) are inhuman women guards skilled in unusual martial arts. They are known for their leaping and hopping attacks, making them easily knocked down by a Shuriken, and are weak to Sabimaru. These variants are known for having a ball as their weapon, which they kick to propel toward you, dealing damage. Rushing them down and repeatedly attacking is usually enough to break their posture and perform a Deathblow.


Sekiro Okami Warrior (Kemari) Location

  • Fountainhead Palace
    • These variants can be found deeper within the palace courtyard, playing Cuju.


Sekiro Okami Warrior (Kemari) Rewards


Sekiro Okami Warrior (Kemari) Notes & Tips

  • Their windup attack is absurdly strong, so it is recommended to dodge or sprint around it, as the deflect window seems to be small and hard to predict. At a distance though, their attacks are easy to dodge, but they are able to track you.
  • This variant may have been inspired by Susamaru from Demon Slayer.
  • Other notes


Sekiro Okami Warrior (Kemari) Story & Lore

  • Okami, written as "淤加美 (okami)" in the Japanese version, is a dragon deity of water, rain and snow from Japanese mythology. According to Kojiki, the god was born from the blood of the slain god Kagutsuchi. The name can be alternatively written as "龗 (okami)" and "闇龗 (kuraokami)", which all hold the meaning of "dragon". It's likely that the Divine Dragon (called "桜竜/sakura-ryu" - Sakura Dragon in Japanese) is inspired by Kuraokami.
  • The Okami warriors' armaments resemble those from Japan's Heian period of the late 8th to 12th century. Similar to other enemies in the Fountainhead Palace, they pose a stylistic contrast to the Sengoku period the game's main events take place.
    • The armor they wear is known as an ō-yoroi, which is characterized by it's thick box-shaped appearance. The sword they use is a tachi, which is a long and more curved version of the uchigatana, used as a cavalry weapon.


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