Rot Essence are special Key Items in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice that are acquired after Sekiro's death and respawn at a Sculptor's Idol. The chances for acquiring Rot Essence are not specified in-game.

Each Rot Essence is an item that tells you who is afflicted with Dragonrot - NPCs inflicted with Dragonrot may be unavailable to interact with normally, stalling their story progression until the Dragonrot is cured by using a Dragon's Blood Droplet at a Sculptor's Idol (one droplet cures all NPCs). Additionally, the more Rot Essence Sekiro has, the lower the chances of receiving Unseen Aid which prevents losses upon death.


Rot Essence in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice






Rot Essence: Black Hat

The coughing and wheezing comes from a man who wants nothing more than to return to an abandoned place. Blackhat Badger

Ashina Castle

Senpou Temple, Mt. Kongo

Rot Essence: Charmed One

The coughing and wheezing sounds of a man who is enamored with a beautiful melody. Jinzaemon Kumano

Ashina Castle

Abandoned Dungeon

Ashina Depths

Rot Essence: Crow Mob

The coughing and wheezing sounds of a man who takes great pride in memorializing the dead. He holds service somewhere in Ashina Outskirts. Crows Bed Memorial Mob Ashina Outskirts

Rot Essence: Drunk Mob

The coughing and wheezing sounds of a drunk who has forgotten the sincerity of offerings, yet offers them regardless.

Shugendo Memorial Mob

Senpou Temple, Mt Kongo

Rot Essence: Faithful One

The coughing and wheezing sounds of an old woman of great faith. Keeping one's faith even when driven mad allows one to see certain things. Thank heavens... Old Hag

Ashina Castle

Senpou Temple, Mt. Kongo

Abandoned Dungeon

Sunken Valley

Rot Essence: Fine Son

The coughing and wheezing sounds of a man thinking only of his sick mother. Inosuke Nogami

Ashina Outskirts

Hirata Estate

Rot Essence: Info Broker

The coughing and wheezing sounds of a man who makes his living dealing in information, yet cannot remove himself from compassion. Fujioka the Info Broker

Ashina Castle

Dilapidated Temple

Rot Essence: Jail Mob

The man who coughs seems to be one who frequently sees those gruesomely abandoned. Even so, he continues to make offerings to the dead. Dungeon Memorial Mob Ashina Castle

Rot Essence: Lost Child

The coughing and wheezing sounds of one who seems to be a lost child in a large body. Kotaro

Senpou Temple, Mt. Kongo

Abandoned Dungeon

Ashina Outskirts

Rot Essence: Newcomer

The coughing and wheezing comes from one who travels frequently, looking to expand his business. Anayama the Peddler

Ashina Outskirts

Hirata Estate

Rot Essence: Pious Mob

The coughing and wheezing sounds of a man who holds memorials for the dead, in a place where Buddha has been forgotten. Exiled Memorial Mob Ashina Depths

Rot Essence: Sculptor

The man who coughs zealously sculpts statues of Buddha to avoid being consumed by the building flames. Sculptor Dilpidated Temple

Rot Essence: Surgeons

The coughing and wheezing are coming from a deeply troubled pair of researchers who are nonetheless tireless in their work. Doujun Abandoned Dungeon

Rot Essence: Thirsty One

The coughing and wheezing sounds of a man who is both frightened and thirsty. Basket Wearer Shosuke Ashina Depths

Rot Essence: Timid Maid

The coughing and wheezing sounds of an old woman deeply worried about her beloved master. Inosuke Nogami's Mother

Ashina Outskirts

Hirata Estate

Rot Essence: Toxic Mob

He who coughs finds himself near poisonous pools, He works to make offerings to those Buddha cannot save. Toxic Memorial Mob Sunken Valley

Rot Essence: Wartorn Mob

The coughing and wheezing sounds of one who is near death. The man who coughs has witnessed endless battles, making offerings to the dead in the battlefield outside Ashina Castle Gate. Battlefield Memorial Mob Ashina Outskirts



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