Lone Shadow Longswordsman

lone shadow longswordsman two sekiro wiki guide
Location Ashina Reservoir
Deathblow Markers 2
Useful Tools

Loaded Axe
Loaded Spear
Loaded Umbrella - Magnet

High Monk

Mikiri counter

Reward Prayer Bead
Scrap Magnetite
XP NG: 215
NG+: 1935
NG++: 2902
Sen NG: 96
NG+: 864
NG++: 1296

Lone Shadow Longswordsman is a Mini-Boss in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. This Complete Lone Shadow Longswordsman Mini-Boss Guide gives you strategies on how to beat Lone Shadow Longswordsman easily, as well as tips, tricks and lore notes.Mini-Bosses are special Enemies that are uniquely named, and have 2 or more health bars. This means they often require at least 2 Deathblows in order to kill, they are generally much more difficult than normal enemies, and they drop some of the best loot in the game.



Lone Shadow Longswordsman Location

Where to find Lone Shadow Longswordsman in Sekiro?



Lone Shadow Longswordsman Rewards

What do you get from defeating Lone Shadow Longswordsman in Sekiro?


Lone Shadow Longswordsman Notes & Tips

  • Voiced by Mick “Ricepirate” Lauer
  • You can do a Stealth Deathblow on this enemy if you go past the first entrance to the well, and drop down on his head.
  • You can use either the Sabimaru or the Loaded Axe Prosthetic Tools to "stunlock" this enemy. Using Ungo's Sugar is recommended if you use this method.
  • Because the camera angle is so bad during this fight, using the Loaded Umbrella - Magnet can make this fight much easier. Simply turtle with it by holding R2 and press L1 to deflect his attacks. If you have Projected Force you can attack in between his combos.
  • The Loaded Spear can be used to hit him from long range, which is very useful. The Loaded Spear Thrust Type or Spiral Spear are the best to use here for the most damage.
  • His kick is counted as a thrust attack, as such Mikiri Counter can be used on it.
  • His sweep attack can be avoided using High Monk, it will also inflict very high posture damage.



Lone Shadow Longswordsman Lore

  • Lone shadows are the Interior Ministry's most trusted agents. Each lone shadow is said to have a speciality, but this one seems to not have any special talents. This swordsman was sent to assassinate Sekiro.
  • In the original Japanese release, this character's name includes the title "太刀足" (Tachi-ashi, "Sword Kick"). The implication is presumably that his kicks have the strength of a sword strike.



First Encounter:

"...he said I'd find a cowardly wolf here. No sign of him though."

"...a broken and incompetent shinobi living in disgrace. I hope to see such a man for myself, but it seems I'm out of luck."

"And if he truly cannot die, I'm sure I'll run into him at some point..."

If you talk to him for the second time:

"Oh... you... Are you the wolf... he spoke of?"

"You don't look all that cowardly..."

"That matters not. They say you're immortal... Let's see if that's true."

If you run past him:

"Hey, you there. Are you the wolf they spoke of?"

"That matters not. They say you're immortal... Let's see if that's true."

If you start the fight with a plunging attack from above or without first talking:




Lone Shadow Longswordsman Mini-Boss Guide Strategies

Sekiro Lone Shadow Longswordsman Video Strategies



Sekiro Lone Shadow Longswordsman Strategy Writeup

You can rip one health bar off this guy if you head past the initial well entrance and find the hole a little way after. This will allow you to drop onto him.

Then you'll need to deflect many attacks, trying to dodge his kick attacks when possible, as these do a lot of Posture Damage. Use dodge counter attacks whenever possible to chip away his Vitality, as this allows you to more easily fill his posture bar. His Death Kick can be Mikiri Countered, dealing considerable posture damage to him.

The Loaded Spear helps a lot with this fight, as it allows you to strike from far away, where you are save from long reaching attacks. Shinobi Firecrackers can also be used to keep him on the defensive.

 Another option for this fight is using the oil-urns and the flame-vent prosthetic. This leaves the Lone Shadow Longswordsman ignited and lets you hit him 2 - 3 times in his recovery-animation. 




Lone Shadow Longswordsman Image Gallery

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Tired of anon posting? Register!
    • Anonymous

      so looks like attacking him from the 2nd hole for 1 posture bar and then spamming axe prosthetic made the fight trivial.

      • Anonymous

        least favorite enemy in the game. reskin the annoying ninja guarding the raven prosthetic and put in in a little room. great idea.

        • Anonymous

          Ashina Cross seems very effective on this guy. Deathblowed him from above then took him out with only Ashina Cross. I remember dodging like a mad man on my first playthrough to beat him.

          • Anonymous

            Deathblow him once then, then just do your normal deflect and attack. Personally used Shadowrun, which made this fight relatively trivial. Albeit the camera here is actual garbage and I had no idea where I was half the time.

            • Anonymous

              Mist Raven is what saved me from this guy because I kept getting cornered. MR allowed me to escape back to the center and heal when I needed.

              • Anonymous

                Thank you to that random anon who gave that really helpful tip of alternating between hitting once and blocking once, worked like a charm against this type of enemy

                • Anonymous

                  Him calling me a coward and then changing his mind when I didn't backstab or plunge attack him was a surefire way to make sure I would never do it on any of the subsequent attempts

                  • Anonymous

                    I just missed the sneal attack and cheesed him super easily through both health bars.
                    My VIT: 13
                    ATK: 3

                    Recipe: Whirlwind slash, immediately jump (NOT DODGE) backwards, rinse and repeat. I had to heal quite a bit, but that was mostly due to my own sloppiness. Best of luck! -Casual

                    • Anonymous

                      the very first boss that shows how absolutely ****ing cancer can be combination of horrible camera in FS games and tight arena on top of no Iframes and complete collision block from this guy

                      • Anonymous

                        The suggestion to use the axe is correct. I munched an Ungo's Sugar, stealthed him from above, and then just wailed on him with the axe prosthetic. Made sure to juke out of the way of the one perilous attack he threw my way, maxed out his posture bar with maybe four or five axe swings, and then got him with the second deathblow. You gotta keep on him or else is posture will recover, just wail on that RT until he's stunned.

                        • Anonymous

                          Okay, so finally beat this guy after 10+ tries.
                          A couple pieces of advice for first runners, if you fail the jump sneak attack you can lure him down the corridor and escape to deaggro him and use a sneak attack while he’s walking back.
                          The most important thing though do your best to stay near the middle of the wider room and don’t let him push you into a corner or fight him in the corridor because then the camera gets really annoying.
                          I know most people have mentioned how bad the camera is but still…
                          Good luck guys

                          • Anonymous

                            This guy is harder than the damn ape. My trick to beat him ended up being the axe. Poise through his hyper armor kicks and quickly fill up his posture.

                            • Anonymous

                              Think my copy of the game has a bug that affects this fight. Can't do any kind of deathblow on him until I aggro him. It doesn't really throw me off or anything, if anything it makes the fight kinda funny cuz he calls me a bastard when I put some dirt in his eye, but I figured it might be worth noting.

                              • Anonymous

                                When first time I learned I can mikiri his leg thrust I beated his a** to ground the next try. Still he has the hardest thrust to parry(I don't even know if you even could) for parry only runs.

                                • Anonymous

                                  Beat this guy first time cause I found out you can mikiri counter his kick. It's really easy to see coming, combine that with the stealth drop and he's not that hard. For first time players I can see it being tough without stealth deathblowing him for half his health, but in the end of the day the job of a shinobi is to win.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    This guy cracks me up. He went all the way over to the starting area because he heard Sekiro was being a big wimp, and he wanted to see for himself.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      My dumbass thought of talking to him the second time thinking he may not be hostile despite having an HP bar and two circles

                                      • Anonymous

                                        He is not physically even bothered by the axe or the spear, he deflects the spear automatically and just walks through my axe attack, is there anything that ACTUALLY phases this guy or what?

                                        • Anonymous

                                          This guy basically fights like the Interior ministry ninja, the one guarding the Mist Raven tool at the Hirata Estate. Only difference I noticed is that his killer heel drop move chains into a combo, compared to the estate ninja that only does it once. Even if you don't have the Firecrackers at this point, shuriken can be used to pin him down or interrupt his attacks and force him to block. His perilous sweep always comes from the right, so dodge to the left, his heel drop can be avoided by dashing under him and then keeping distance. Keep the pressure on him to build up his posture bar and use Mikiri counter as well, and he's as good as dead.

                                          • Firecrackers are much more of a weakness for him than literally any of the tools listed. Just go Firecracker Stun, Mortal Draw, dodge the kick, Mortal Draw, repeat till dead

                                            • Anonymous

                                              The ones guarding mist raven and the one outside mibu village are just regular mooks you see later in the game. You don't call all of them lone shadow longswordsman.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                If you’re struggling on this guy or any of the enemies/bosses like him I have one very useful tip I learned by accident. Their final kick in that long combo of kicks they do is actually a thrust and therefore can in fact be Mikiri Countered. It’s incredibly easy to do so as well.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  where is this boss in mibu village? i'm pretty confused can't find any references to this anywhere else either.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    Actually beat him the first time, even without a stealth deathblow (I not only screwed up the stealth deathblow, but him him and missed his dialogue) After beating my head on Genichiro for so long that I gave up, this guy was simple to parry. I wound up fighting the camera more than him--stay out of the corners or you'll be blind and he'll just keep beating on you.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      Beat him my first try (somehow) I found like 90% jumping around instead of deflecting/dodging really helped, firecrackers, and the sugar that boosts attack. If he’s gonna jump I’m gonna jump too.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        I dropped down and took one life from him, then immediately slammed him with the axe, and 2 sword strikes. That added 1/4 to his posture bar right off the bat. Then it was just a matter of attacking until it looked like he was almost out of range (from him backing up to try to kick) and then blocking 2-3 of his sword strikes then double jumping off him to cancel his perilous attack and I had him done in like 6 tries and he was almost full health still when I got the deathblow

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          The one in the reservoir is optional, you can bypass him by beating the Shichimen Warrior in the Abandoned Dungeon, or by following the path after acquiring the Dried Serpent Viscera.

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            He fights just like Sasuke. Uses only one arm with a sword and kicks a lot like a *****. Wears dark clothes too.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              Fire helped me tame his vitality a little bit. You can use the ledge in either the pagoda or the well to anticipate his next movement is a jump to get on the ledge with you. During his jump you can charge up the flame vent or just be ready with the standard one when he lands. This doesn't make the fight any easier but it does help maintain any posture momentum you may have. Cheers

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                Those purple robes light up real good. Drop from above for jolly plunge attack and then hit him with two bursts of the flame vent. Just relight the fires everytime they go out, should only take two more.

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  Pretty cool mini-boss. It's likely that this is the same person that guards a certain prostethic tool in Hirata Estate. His tiny arena makes the fight much harder, you need a solid grasp of dodging, deflecting, and timing if you want to beat this boss without cheesing.

                                                                  • This guy has the (at least partially) same moveset as the shinobi by the Ashina Dojo Idol in Ashina Castle after the spoiler thing happens. I may be way farther into this game than most others as I only just got around to killing the Shichimen Warrior but practicing deflect timings is suuuuuper helpful.

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      If you sneak behind this guy, he says something about being sent to find a cowardly, immortal wolf. Talk to him a second time and he'll turn around, say something along the lines of "Oh, so you're that wolf, huh? You don't look all that cowardly! They say you're immortal, let's put that to the test." Startled the crap out of me when I wanted to read the dialogue again to post it here and the dude just turned on me. I love this game!

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        this has to be one of the most horrendous mini-boss fights in the game, holy*****. what makes this so bad is the fact that the devs thought that a swift and jumping character would fit well into a small area. I swear to god that I could have beat him 5 times already if it wasn't for this joke of a camera

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          You can stealth deathblow him from above. Parry his attacks and dodge his kicks. The axe prosthetic also helped me out quite a lot to build up posture.

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            You can attack him every time he jumps up and jumps down the small ledge and repeat, making this fight quite cheese-able.

                                                                            • Mates, saying a fight is easy and then giving the reason for it being easy as "You can just dodge his attacks" is the most see-through troll I've ever seen. This fight isn't the hardest in the game, but it's a very difficult fight to due to the camera + fast attack mixed with kicks which quickly stagger you. It's one of the first fights that includes dodging, strafing, deflecting, and jumping in addition to attacking...saying "its ez lul kids" does not make you alpha, it's actually sad. Btw, there's a few that said it's easy, but actually gave the strategy they used and I respect that, you clapped this guy, kudos.

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                This guy is easy, probably one of the easier mini-boss in the game. My strategy: spam your axe till he die. Seriously, axe is surprisingly op. Many mini-bosses are weak to it

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  This guy sucks. However good the guy is, my camera deselects him every 10 seconds and I'm left auto-resetting my camera in every direction whilst he 1 hit kos me. This guy would be easy if they had bothered taking their god awful camera into consideration. Why is there no option to automatically select the nearest enemy and not reset camera?

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    If Pontiff sulyvahn and Champion Gundyr just combined into one thing and decided to live in Capra Demon's arena, this guy is that.

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      Sneak deathblow the guy for an easy first health bar and run back to the elevated floor area where he has to jump up. As he begins to jump up you should jump down. He’ll start swinging but he won’t really be able to reach you if you stay a bit back. Chip his health once he’s done swinging and if he jumps back down you should jump back up. Repeat til his health is gone

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        Tip: Deathblow from above then you use oil and flame vent to damage while avoiding him. Decided I would try to find a way to trivialize him and did. (Anon post but PSN: wightvoid)

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          How in the everliving ***** are you supposed to beat this garbage npc? Do you reach him when you're underleveled or what, you barely do damage to him and he can ***** your posture in a second.

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