White Pinwheel

white pinwheel

 A small pinwheel made of white paper. Found below a cliff at Mount Kongo.

Perhaps it was carried there by the wind.

It is simply a single, pure white pinwheel. Only the child is right here.

White Pinwheel is a Key Item in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. It is used to send Kotaro to the Hall of Illusions.



 White Pinwheel Usage

  • Can be given to Kotaro instead of the Red and White Pinwheel for a different path in their questline.
  • Using this item is the only way to eventually get the Taro Persimmon. While not strictly required for the Dragon's Homecoming Ending (a regular Persimmon can be used to further the questline), giving it to the Divine Child will give a unique dialogue.



How to Find White Pinwheel

  • Obtained from a cliff below the barred room which leads to the Demon Bell on Mount Kongo. This location can be reached via a side route along the cliffside, which involves a small ledge-hang sequence after a long jump.



White Pinwheel Notes & Tips

  • This item is NOT required for an alternate ending. The Divine Child can be given a regular Persimmon to progress her questline. 
  • You can still give this item to Kotaro after first offering him the Red and White Pinwheel. This unlocks the option to spirit him away in the Hall of Illusions.



Key Items
Anti-air Deathblow Text  ♦  Aromatic Branch  ♦  Aromatic Flower  ♦  Ashina Esoteric Text  ♦  Ashina Sake  ♦  Black Mortal Blade  ♦  Black Scroll  ♦  Dancing dragon mask  ♦  Divine Dragon's Tears  ♦  Dosaku's Note  ♦  Dragon's Tally Board  ♦  Dragonrot Blood Sample  ♦  Dragonspring Sake  ♦  Dried Serpent Viscera  ♦  Eighth Prayer Necklace  ♦  Father's Bell Charm  ♦  Fifth Prayer Necklace  ♦  Final Prayer Necklace  ♦  First Prayer Necklace  ♦  Flame Barrel Memo  ♦  Floating Passage Text  ♦  Fourth Prayer Necklace  ♦  Fragrant Flower Note  ♦  Fresh Serpent Viscera  ♦  Frozen Tears  ♦  Gatehouse Key  ♦  Gun Fort Shrine Key  ♦  Herb Catalogue Scrap  ♦  Hidden Temple Key  ♦  Holy Chapter: Dragon's Return  ♦  Holy Chapter: Infested  ♦  Immortal Severance Scrap  ♦  Immortal Severance Text  ♦  Isshin's Letter  ♦  Kuro's Charm  ♦  Kusabimaru  ♦  Lotus of the Palace  ♦  Mask Fragment: Dragon  ♦  Mask Fragment: Left  ♦  Mask Fragment: Right  ♦  Memory: Corrupted Monk  ♦  Memory: Divine Dragon  ♦  Memory: Foster Father  ♦  Memory: Genichiro  ♦  Memory: Great Shinobi  ♦  Memory: Guardian Ape  ♦  Memory: Gyoubu Oniwa  ♦  Memory: Hatred Demon  ♦  Memory: Headless Ape  ♦  Memory: Inner Father  ♦  Memory: Inner Genichiro  ♦  Memory: Inner Isshin  ♦  Memory: Isshin Ashina  ♦  Memory: Lady Butterfly  ♦  Memory: Saint Isshin  ♦  Memory: Screen Monkeys  ♦  Memory: True Monk  ♦  Monkey Booze  ♦  Mortal Blade  ♦  Mushin Esoteric Text  ♦  Nightjar Beacon Memo  ♦  Ninth Prayer Necklace  ♦  Okami's Ancient Text  ♦  Ornamental Letter  ♦  Page's Diary  ♦  Precious Bait  ♦  Promissory Note  ♦  Prosthetic Esoteric Text  ♦  Rat Description  ♦  Recovery Charm  ♦  Red and White Pinwheel  ♦  Red Carp Eyes  ♦  Remnant: Corrupt Monk  ♦  Remnant: Corrupted Monk  ♦  Remnant: Divine Dragon  ♦  Remnant: Foster Father  ♦  Remnant: Genichiro  ♦  Remnant: Great Shinobi  ♦  Remnant: Guardian Ape  ♦  Remnant: Gyoubu  ♦  Remnant: Hatred Demon  ♦  Remnant: Headless Ape  ♦  Remnant: Inner Father  ♦  Remnant: Inner Genichiro  ♦  Remnant: Inner Isshin  ♦  Remnant: Isshin Ashina  ♦  Remnant: Lady Butterfly  ♦  Remnant: Saint Isshin  ♦  Remnant: Screen Monkeys  ♦  Remnant: True Monk  ♦  Rice for Kuro  ♦  Rot Essence: Black Hat  ♦  Rot Essence: Charmed One  ♦  Rot Essence: Crow Mob  ♦  Rot Essence: Drunk Mob  ♦  Rot Essence: Faithful One  ♦  Rot Essence: Fine Son  ♦  Rot Essence: Info Broker  ♦  Rot Essence: Jail Mob  ♦  Rot Essence: Lost Child  ♦  Rot Essence: Newcomer  ♦  Rot Essence: Pious Mob  ♦  Rot Essence: Sculptor  ♦  Rot Essence: Surgeons  ♦  Rot Essence: Timid Maid  ♦  Rot Essence: Toxic Mob  ♦  Rot Essence: Wartorn Mob  ♦  Rotting Prisoner's Note  ♦  Sabimaru Memo  ♦  Sakura Droplet  ♦  Second Prayer Necklace  ♦  Secret Passage Key  ♦  Senpou Esoteric Text  ♦  Seventh Prayer Necklace  ♦  Shelter Stone  ♦  Shinobi Esoteric Text  ♦  Shinobi Prosthetic  ♦  Sixth Prayer Necklace  ♦  Surgeon's Bloody Letter  ♦  Surgeon's Stained Letter  ♦  Third Prayer Necklace  ♦  Three-story Pagoda Memo  ♦  Treasure Carp Scale  ♦  Truly Precious Bait  ♦  Unrefined Sake  ♦  Valley Apparitions Memo  ♦  Water of the Palace  ♦  Young Lord's Bell Charm



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    • Anonymous


      • Anonymous

        Okay I read that totally wrong the first time. I thought it meant you can't give him both in general. I was about to be pissed, as I could have gotten the white pinwheel if I didn't give up on the path. As every time I was in the air my game would freeze up for a second and not accept my input to grab the ledge... Happy I looked up whether it was over there or not, almost missed out on a few things over that weird freeze issue. (I just brute forced it, spamming the button while it's frozen. Jumping from red pinwheels location. Just stating in case anyone else has this issue.)

        • Anonymous

          This page fails to explain what the white pinwhee actually does. Oh wait this is FEXTRA, the laughing stock of the internet

          • Anonymous

            Here's some hopefully better directions. 1. Go to the entrance to the armored knight miniboss fight. You can fast travel here with the temple grounds shrine. Go to the edge of the cliff covered in red and white pinwheels. 2. Once you're at the edge of the cliff, proceed to the right. You'll have to be looking directly over the edge. 3. you should see a ledge way down that you can grab on to. You're going to have to jump and grab it. 4.Once you grab on, climb up and follow the path until you reach the jumpy walls. You should encounter some poison geckos. Jump up these walls and you should get to the pure white pinwheels. It is on the cliff facing the same direction as the first one you came from. P.S. - If you haven't encountered the demon bell yet, follow the path on the path on the opposite side to the pinwheel. Also, there will be a shinobi door which will lead to a headless miniboss.

            • Anonymous

              hello, i find Red and White Pinwheel but i cant find white pinwheel. and i cant give it to kotaro Red and White Pinwheel how i get white pinwheel why shoud i do?

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