Great White Whisker

great white whisker key item sekiro wiki guide

A priceless white whisker taken from the Great Colored Carp.

While the Great Carp is naturally immortal, if killed, its whiskers can be plucked.

The sound of the whisker being removed is surely music to the ears of certain people. Some would feel relief at the sound of their mission being completed, others, the joy of having their heart's desire granted.

Great White Whisker is a Key Item in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Give to the Feeding Grounds attendant at Fountainhead Palace to obtain Divine Grass and to free him of his duties, completing his sidequest.



 Great White Whisker Usage

  • Fountainhead Palace:
  • Give to the Feeding Grounds attendant to receive Divine Grass and set the attendant free. This completes the sidequest set by his daughter to free him.
  • If you give him the whisker and rest, the daughter will show up to his dead body and you'll miss his carp scales.
  • Resting again and holding the loot button will still collect the carp scales.



How to Find Great White Whisker



Great White Whisker Notes & Tips

  • ??
  • Other notes...



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    • Anonymous

      I just randomly, without knowing, got the "Great Colored Carp" achievement after buying the Valley Apparitions Memo from the merchant in the Dilapidated Temple, which told of there being some apparitions at the Guardian Ape's den. I went there wanting to fight some ghosts, not expecting to find the Great White Whiskers lmao.

      • Anonymous

        After I gave the Feeding Grounds attendant the Great White Whiskey he gave me a Divine Grass. Then I aggroed him, killing him giving me 4 scales. RIP.

        • Anonymous

          So random that they would put the Carp corpse at the Guardian Ape location. Was there any clue given that would make you think to look there?

          • Anonymous

            If you feed only True precious bite to carp you can take one scale from the feeder and another three on his dead body after completion of sidequest

            • Concerning the item dexcription: Pretty certain the "mission" refers to the Carp Feeder's mission of keeping the carp fed, while the "desire" mentioned actually references the wishes of the 2 Pot Nobles to become the next Great Colored Carp. In killing the Great Colored Carp, you have ended the Carp Feeder's immortal mission and fulfilled one of the Pot Noble's deepest desires. Hope that clears things up for people.

              • Anonymous

                And my dumbass thought the daughter meant freeing the father of his duties by killing him. Well, that will teach you not to be so cryptic next time lady! But why does the dead carp show up in the sunken valley?

                • Anonymous

                  Pity they all die. 1st daughter will be with father and will pass once you talk to her. The other daughter will be by the Palace Grounds idol inside the room with the red robed nobles knifing them until you talk to her so she may pass as well.

                  • Anonymous

                    Once you get the whisker, the Pot Noble merchant in the Fountainhead palace will die (?). By going to the Hirata Estate where the other Pot Noble is, there will be a Talking Colored carp, where he will sell the items of both Pot Noble merchants. Loot the pot from the Hirata Estate one and you'll find a Lapis Lazuli. The other Pot Noble from the Fountainhead Palace contains nothing.

                    • Anonymous

                      giving it to the guy who feeds the fish will give you a divine grass, but reloading the area sends his daughter by his side, and he will be dead. if you hold x or square to loot, you get 4 fish scales, so be sure not to miss them

                      • Anonymous

                        After you give the father the great white whisker the daughter will move to him after resetting the area (there are two daughters one near the Mibu Manor and the other is the one from the middle of the lake)

                        • Anonymous

                          You cant give the whiskers to the Carp Feeder's daughter. She will just repeat her dialogue of warning you and asking to free the Carp Feeder until you use the whiskers to do so.

                          • Anonymous

                            anybody tried to give the whiskers to the daughter of the dude that wants you to feed the carp? Cause the description says it give somebody joy knowing their mission is completed (mission to kill the carp from the daughter) and then it says the desire granted (the old dudes desire). I wanted to try it but the daughter died after i opened the door to the sanctuary

                            • Anonymous

                              If you return to the idol where poisoned the whisker you can give the item to the npc of this area and he will give a divine grass.

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