DLC for Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice refers to additional downloadable content that is not available with the regular version of the game. DLC can be pre-order bonuses, Collector's Edition bonuses, free additional packs, paid packs and expansions. All information regarding DLC will be listed here when known.
DLC for Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Pre-Order Bonuses
- Steam: Digital Artbook and Digital Mini Soundtrack
- Playstation 4: Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Hirata Estate Dynamic Theme
- Xbox one: Sekiro Prosthetic Arm Avatar Item, Sekiro Grappling Hook Avatar Item
- Physical/online shipping: Limited Edition Katana Replica Letter Opener
- Collector's Edition Bonuses:
- Full game, limited edition steelbook, 7" shinobi statue, map, 3 sengoku era game coins, digital soundtrack, collectible artbook
Free DLC: Out now
Free DLC was released to all platforms on October 29 2020
See Sekiro Free Update for details on all additions including challenges, outfits and messaging system.
Please see Patch Notes for details on free game patches.
Paid DLC: Unknown
No DLC has been announced yet.
The Sekiro Free Update for Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is a free patch update that adds some new features to the game. On October 29, 2020, FromSoftware released this DLC update for all players and introduced new mechanics such as being able to rematch bosses, partake in gauntlets, and view various recordings created by other players, plus a new customizable feature that changes the Wolf’s appearance. This page covers information regarding the Free DLC update for Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Free Update
Wolf's Outfits
A new feature that will be added to the upcoming update is the addition of Outfits and the ability to be able to change Sekiro's physical appearance. Changing Sekiro's outfit can be done by using the Sculptor's Idol. There are three outfits that will be added which include the "Tengu" outfit, the "Old Ashina Shinobi" outfit, and the "Shura" outfit.
The two known outfits can be unlocked from completing Gauntlets of Strength while the other outfit can be obtained just by beating the game once - all three outfits are only used as a cosmetic feature and it does not add any buffs or changes to Sekiro's stats.
Reflections & Gauntlets
The second brand new feature for the upcoming update is the addition of Reflections and Gauntlets of Strength. These can be accessed by using a Sculptor's Idol. Reflections of Strength is a game mode that allows players to challenge any boss for a re-match that has been previously defeated by the player. The Wolf can reflect on these memories and re-run the battle of the selected boss, this allows the player to better understand the boss, to learn its movements, and to come up with various ways to achieve victory - think of it as your training ground to prepare for the challenges that await in the Gauntlets of Strength.
On the other hand, Gauntlets of Strength are single-life challenges where players are thrown into a series of battles against various enemies. This is a challenge where players must start a gauntlet and complete it in order to obtain unique rewards such as the new outfits. However, partaking in a gauntlet won't be easy, if by any chance, the player dies at any point in the level of the gauntlet, they will have to start from the beginning. So make sure you practice on executing those perfect parries and sharpen your combat skills in order to achieve victory.
Another new feature that will be added to the upcoming update is the addition of Remnants. So what are Remnants? Remnants allow the player to register a 30-second recording of their gameplay and a message which can be accessed by other players. This can be a recording of a technique on how to take down an enemy or boss, as well as a movement demonstration that involves platforming or how to reach certain difficult areas in the game. We all know how tricky and difficult this game can be, and the addition of this new feature will gradually increase the community and allows both new and experienced players of the game to help one another in overcoming the various obstacles.
So what's the catch? Leaving a Remnant can be used after completing the game's tutorial. Players can record up to 30-seconds of their gameplay and leave a message for other players to read. Once another player activates a remnant and rates it, the owner will be able to recover their HP freely without the use of any consumable items or using the Sculptor's Idol.
- Anonymous
If dark souls 2:scholar of the first sin and dark souls:prepare to die and bloodborne:the old hunters already come with their dlc,then perhaps sekiro:shadows die twice also already had the dlc!
What if the hirata estate was the dlc we were looking for all this time?
- Anonymous
I sold sekiro after playing through it a couple times. I should have known not to do that.. I get an itch every year or so where I want to play every Fromsoft game. Best developers and it's not close
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Wish we got dlc where see play as Genichiro after his defeat at the castle since he disappears after that fight and isn't seen until the final act of the story.
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i wish the dlc would have something related to tomoe and maybe lord sakuza from o rin
- Anonymous
I may be in the minority but if they don't release any DLC (let's say to concentrate on a sequel or on other projects) they'll have all my respect; too many game companies relies on paid post launch contents to milk the cow and producing games designed to be complete from the start is a big sign of respect towards the gamers. Just my opinion anyway.
- Anonymous
While I also crave some Tomoe&Takeru DLC, Sekiro was perfect and it would be strange, if they made an addition after Elden Ring
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I think the bell mechanic from the Hirata Estate is going to be used in the DLC. You get bells from certain characters that take you to other memories. I foresee something like Old Hunters/Artorias of the Abyss where you go back in time and face the old heroes mentioned only in the text. Meet Takeru, fight Tomoe, find out more about Genichiro (what was he doing between the fight atop the castle and the ending). Isshin's rebellion might also crop up. Fight against the guy you see in the opening cutscene. Perhaps meet a younger owl.
- Anonymous
A few DLCs I'm thinking of, that From might be able to pull off: A DLC in which you play as Isshin in his battles (more like one critical fight, rather than Isshin's full story) A DLC in which you play the part of the story of Tomoe However, I expect Sekiro 2 to be about Sekiro's story as they move on to return Dragon's heritage to its origin.
- Anonymous
the gameplay is so fun, extremely excited to play a DLC or Sekiro 2 or any game that has a similar way of gameplay great work with this game but just so you know..I cracked it xD and will probably crack the other ones too! but still ... good job with the game 5/5 :D
- Anonymous
please fix the glitch or error that the game constantly freezes after even 5 minutes of gameplay I have the correct specifications for pc but the game always crashes or freezes
- Anonymous
I dont speak english.I say speak turkish Neden oyuna türkçe altyazı desteği vermiyorsunuz. Seslendirme çok mühim değil. Nezaket gereği en azından türk oyuncular için altyazıyı türkçe koyabilirsiniz. Dlc olarak ise öneride bulunmak isterim; 1.senpou tapınağındaki canlandırıcı suların çocuğu ejder mirası için beşik olmuştu. ejder mirasını batıya götürdüğü bir hikaye olabilir. 2.shura ile biten hikâyenin devamı 3.içisleri bakanlığı,dojen,dogen,orangutan,taro birliği,mibu köyü,yeraltı kapıları,kırk ayaklar,yeni işgalci klanlar,tomeo,siyah ölümcül kılıç,lord takeru vs vs bütün bunları birbiri ile bağlantı hâle getirerek enterasan bir hikaye çıkarılabilir Multi player desteğinin gelmeside iyi olurdu.Oyuna olan talebi arttırır bence.
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The heading west teaser, Genichiro getting the mortal blade, even early life like a fight with lady tome pleaseeee or drop more elder ring news I need something.
- Anonymous
DLC about the black mortal blade. There is a secret item in the game currently that says it is linked to the underworld. Or I want some Tomoe backstory.
- Anonymous
DLC should be playing as genichiro as he obtains the black mortal blade.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
it's quite frustrating, that there won't be any DLC for this game. from has had the best DLC and probably the only ones i ever bough, because they never felt like an cashgrab. if you google "sekiro DLC" you'll see that the latest interview states, that they want to focus on elden ring, they probably won't even produce a sequel. and surprisingly I'm totally okay with this, the story is quite complete for fromsoft standarts. the game was good and it was great playing through for 3 or 4 times, but the replayability just isn't present if you aren't speedrunning, the possibilities to play the game different are just not there, it'll always be the same rythm based fights but by far easier than the first time playing through. I know the demon bell is present, aswell as Kuro's charm, but does this really matter? playing once with those restrictions totally was enough for me.
- Anonymous
I want a DLC where we get a gun prosthetic, like the one isshin has.
- Anonymous
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I literally just want a multiplayer system, I would love this for a game where it’s not just doge hit repeat. With the new combat system a well balanced multiplayer system would be great
- Anonymous
I think one of the DLCs could play with limited pvp. Some how tie it to a worse dragon rot and a demon bell that lets you enter into a memory or go into a shadow form in another world to hunt yourself down to cure the rot. You spawn in another players game as a shinobi made of shadow, while we see ourselves as us and the other sekiro as shadow, or something like that. You can't leave the area they are in and they can't use the idols while you've invaded. You can even have it where none of your tools are available except the grapple and then there us a shadow demon art that you build for your invading phantom. This ads more replayability too.
Would be interesting if the DLCs did kinda what (as horrible as it sounds) Assassin’s Creed’s DLCs did and put us in the shoes of other characters. Perhaps a prequel in Isshin’s shoes and a sequel to the Shura Ending where we play as Genichiro
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- Anonymous
There is so much the DLC could explore. The origin of the infestation, the centipedes, etc. Exploring a faction of shinobi created by Dogen. I'm so bummed that NO enemies or NPCs have prosthetics, despite the fact that other characters are familiar with the concept, that could have been such an interesting feature. Tomoe and the second mortal blade exploration would be huge as well. The fact that a SECOND mortal blade shows up is HUGE and it's just kinda glossed over. Having more than one means there is a way to make them and that they were SPECIFICALLY made to be used by immortals to fight each other or the infection directly. There could be even more than the pair. The internal Ministry is super interesting too, they are completely mysterious, and have large amounts of high level individuals that have a direct impact on Ashina. The different ninjas, and the red flame throwing enemies are really distinct. The snake eyes and the gun fort is this place of legend that is glossed over and could be explored more. The existence of Mibu village is super interesting, finding out more about that, what it means to have these immortal crazy townsfolk there that want to be like the yokai in fountainhead but super corrupted.
There might be a clue to DLC from one of the pre-release trailers...theres a clip of a centipede crawling around a defiled Senpou monk that appears to be cut scene quality, not in game footage... So either the cut scene was cut from final game or its part of future content, which is plausible. The centipede infestation could benefit from some origin story telling...where do they come from? Am i forgetting a detail that the head monk mentioned or something from an item description?
- Anonymous
DLC better includes: 1. More information about Tomoe, even a boss fight of her, or her giving Wolf a new skill tree with Lightning moves. 2. Moonlight Odachi.
- Anonymous
I’ve never played a FromSoftware game, so I don’t really know how their DLCs tend to work. But I think that Sekiro should handle DLCs by placing more bell charms in game, letting you access other “memories” similar to Hirata Estate. Since Sekiro uses his prosthetic in Hirata despite not obtaining it until 3 years later, it wouldn’t be gamebreaking for him to have it in other memories. His training with Owl and Lady Butterfly for example. It would also be cool to see the Sculptor’s memories as Sekijo, and those could also use the same prosthetic.
- Anonymous
My guess on DLC topics, in order of likelihood: 1) Kingfisher's story, possibly played as Orangutan, which would inherently include Dogen as a key character. 2) A secret alternative to Immortal Severance that Tomoe discovered in the past. 3) Expounding on Owl's deal with the Interior Ministry. 4) Isshin's coup... I seriously doubt a post-ending DLC is incoming, as that's never happened in a From game, excluding the time travel shenanigans of Ringed City that's FAR in the future.
- Anonymous
THERE WON'T BE PAID DLC, AND HERE'S WHY: (DS3 was the end of an era) 1.) Activision is the game's publisher. Previous Soulsborne games were published by Bandai and Sony, where add-on DLC is much more common practice. Activision's business model for DLC focus on games-as-a-service, with tons of microtransactions and/or season passes to keep players paying over long periods of time. Yes, Sekiro sold well for a single player game, but that's nothing compared to the revenue Activision pulls in from other big titles. Also, Activision likes to sell it's DLC in advance. Don't you think they'd be shoving a season pass for DLC down out throats by now? The game has already been out for a month! 2.) Miyazaki is Fromsoft's president now now that Miyazaki is leading the company he can choose projects he wants to do, and what he doesn't want to do is be chained to an IP for multiple sequels and DLCs. Ask any creative person, and they'll tell you they're rather be moving on to new works rather then dwelling on old ones. He also doesn't want a B-team working on content like we had with Dark Souls II. 3.) Sekiro is a single player game only. Continually supporting a game to balance weapons and abilities for PVP eats up a lot of studio development time, and that's time they could be working on new games. It's one thing if there's new levels and other assets being added as well, but those go hand-in-hand, and without one the other isn't likely. I know this isn't what a lot of you want to hear, but please think about it logicly before you reactively hit that thumbs down button like an emotional child. I'll happily be wrong, but knowing what I know about the video game industry this is what seems most likely.
- Anonymous
Personally I don’t see a dlc coming as this is a game with a pretty straightforward story and ending and I don’t see how a dlc would work unless it was like something with Hirata Estate though I think it’s unlikely what I can see is a sequel where we can customize our Shinobi like in previous soulsborn games where we can change weapons, tools, clothes, and we still have the poster bar, deflecting, and jumping though this may be more wishful thinking than anything else so it’s probably just worth a pintch if salt
- Anonymous
pls we want a DLC with the history of Dogen,Ishinn and the sculptor
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I don't expect any DLC. Activision wouldn't skip on a season pass or a deluxe edition knowing that additional content is coming and nothing has been announced. While more gameplay is always welcome, I think the game could have a sequel or a prequel.
- Anonymous
So I haven't seen anyone mentioning this so here is my take: Make no mistake, this game is no Dark Souls and Bloodborne in terms of replayability. I firmly believe 91 metacritic was deserved however we must accept that replayability is not there unlike the above series. So how does this issue into the DLC? If I were Miyazaki, I would attack the DLC from the replayability angle. Give us DLC content in the likes of Old Hunters. Nothing big, 5 hours, 4 big bosses, 10-20 minibosses (doesnt matter). AND THEN, make it so the game is replayable from the stratch. How do we do that? Allow us to play a different character than Wolf (different skills, weapon, trees, etc.). I don't know if this would be possible due to lore reasons, but this would solve the replayability issue big time.
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There will 100% be multiple dlc. Wether it be a mechanical maze from Dogen or memories of the past.
- Anonymous
As long as they keep the Sekiro series alive, whether it be through DLC or sequels, I'll be happy. Don't get me wrong - I always loved the Souls games, but let's not kid ourselves... After the third one, we got the gist of it. The games didn't REALLY change much over the years, and the formula was getting a bit tired. Sekiro is refreshing in the best ways possible. The combat is genuinely fundamentally different, and they did an amazing job with the verticality in the levels. I would LOVE to call "The Sekiro Series" my new perma-game.
- Anonymous
I think it would be cool if the DLC either took place in the past through using a bell (Tomoe encounter?), took place after the Return ending as we look for the birthplace of the divine dragon (although my guess is that the Return ending was probably created so that if they ever wanted, they could make a sequal and it would work in terms of plot). If it took place after the Return Ending, maybe we could be either heading out west or exploring some new areas within Ashina to try and find hints at the exact location or area we have to look to find the divine dragons home and further set up a sequal.
- Anonymous
I can already sense it, you will find the bell of the ancient divine heir, (can't remember it's name though) and you will enter it's memory, discovering his story and some new bosses of course, TOMOE FOR SURE, a dancing fight with lightnings all over the damn place. Maybe we will see Emma's master too, or the ancient shura? (As Emma witnessed it before?)
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- Anonymous
If we do get dlc it might be just one big one like old Hunter dlc for bloodborne. That's what I hope at least
- Anonymous
I kind of wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't any DLC. Dark Souls and Bloodborne DLCs were there because of Bandai mandates. While Activision is known for their extra monetization, don't you think they would have been trying to shove some kind of season pass down our throats by now? I give this game a 50/50 chance we get one DLC, like Bloodborne. 0% chance of multiple DLCs, like DS3.
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I hope we get some dlcs bc theres so many ways they can go with this game
- Anonymous
I can’t wait for the dlc and game to come out, I played bloodborne, all three dark souls including dlc. I just want to see the road from soft is taking with this game.
This game had amazing potentials. So sad, no DLC story.