Reflections of Strength for Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is a new feature that will be added to the Sekiro Free Update on October 29, 2020. Reflections of Strength is a game mode that allows players to challenge any boss for a re-match that has been previously defeated. The Wolf can reflect on these memories and re-run the battle of the selected boss, this allows the player to better understand the boss, to learn its movements, to come up with various ways to achieve victory, and to prepare for the Gauntlets of Strength. This page covers information regarding this game mode.



How to access Reflections

Reflections of Strength are added to the Free Update, Patch 1.05. This feature allows the player to select and relive battles from a compendium of extraordinary foes (Bosses). To access this, interact with a Sculptor's Idol, and select "Reflections of Strength".

This feature does not grant players any rewards, but instead, it is mainly used for training and preparation for the Gauntlets of Strength. You can, however, view or leave Remnants for other players to watch. There are also notable changes to bosses made in Reflections; for example, the Divine Dragon's first phase has been removed from its Reflection, and the battles with Emma, the Gentle Blade and Isshin Ashina (Boss) have been seperated into their own Reflections.


Reflections of Strength


Featured Bosses

Gyoubu Masataka Oniwa

gyoubu oniwa boss sekiro wiki guide 300px

A fearsome opponent riding a sturdy mount and brandishing a long-reaching polearm.

Lady Butterfly

lady butterflyr boss sekiro wiki guide 300px

An old acquaintance and agile opponent, unmatched in speed and cunning.

Genichiro Ashina

genichiro ashina boss sekiro wiki guide 300px

A determined samurai who seeks to gain immortality through the Dragon Heritage.


Folding Screen Monkeys

folding screen monkeys boss sekiro wiki guide 300px

Illusionary monkeys that can be defeated by taking advantage of their senses.

Guardian Ape

guardian ape boss sekiro wiki guide 300px

This colossal ape sits in its watering hole, tending to the Flower in order to attract a mate.

Headless Ape

headless ape boss sekiro wiki guide 300px

The immortal Headless Ape and its mate must be defeated to reach the depths of Ashina.


Corrupted Monk

 corrupted monk

The nebulous monk watches over the cave entrance, deep in Mibu Village.

True Corrupted Monk

corrupted monk boss sekiro wiki guide 300px

Eternal watcher of the Fountainhead Palace.

Great Shinobi Owl

great shinobi owl boss sekiro wiki guide 300px

One of the greatest of the Shinobis, and Sekiro's father.


Owl (Father)

owl father boss sekiro wiki guide 300px

The Owl in his prime will showcase his true powers.

Divine Dragon

divine dragon boss sekiro wiki guide 300px

The Divine Dragon lies in wait in another realm.

Isshin Ashina

ashina isshin boss sekiro wiki guide 300px

A master of the blade who is ready to cut down those who fall to Shura.


Isshin, the Sword Saint

isshin sword saint boss sekiro wiki guide 300px

A master of both blade and spear. It will take all of Sekiro's skills to defeat him.

Demon of Hatred

demon of hatred boss sekirow wiki guide 300px

He once asked Wolf to kill him when it came to this. Now is the time.


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    • Anonymous

      Is there a mod that makes Reflection bosses scale with current NG? I have 10 AP at NG+6 and story bosses is like 5x tougher than Reflection. This is also w/o the charmless+demon bell debuff.

      • Anonymous

        I really wish things were explained a bit better in-game. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think it was mentioned that I wouldn't gain attack power by defeating memories.

        • Anonymous

          I went back to re-match genichiro and I feel like he does way more damage now than I remmeber him dealing when we fought the first time. His great bow one shots me while I have vitality 14 and power 4 but when I first fought him, the great bow doesn’t deal that much one shot damage.

          My question is: do rememberance bosses scale up or do you scale down when you re-match them so that way they stay a challenge? Or is there a new lootable item for beating them twice?

          • Anonymous

            What happens if I DO beat one of the bosses in this mode? It said something about progress when, let's say you defeat Genichiro

            • Anonymous

              I would be curious to know how many players completed those gauntlets charmless and demon bell. That's very difficult. The inner versions of the boss are so much more difficult than the actual NG+7 game.

              • Anonymous

                The bosses appear to be harder then when they were first fought. Gyoubu is literally one shitting me with almost every move. Can anyone confirm?

                • Anonymous

                  Does dying in the Reflections of Strength contribute to dragonrot? I can't find the answer to this anywhere.

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