Upgrade Materials in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice are special components found in the world, used to create and upgrade Prosthetic Tools. Upgrade Materials are thus primarily important for their role in Upgrades that will make Sekiro's prosthetic weapons more powerful and customize the performance of the Shinobi Arsenal.



Sekiro Upgrade Materials

Click the table head to view in alphabetical order.



adamantite scrap upgrade material sekiro wiki guide 48px
Adamantite Scrap

Base material commonly used in advanced Prosthetic Tool upgrades

black gunpowder upgrade material sekiro wiki guide 48px
Black Gunpowder

Material used to upgrade explosive and occultic Prosthetic Tools

flame barrel upgrade material sekiro wiki guide 48px
Flame Barrel

Unlocks the Flame Vent Prosthetic Tool

fulminated mercury upgrade material sekiro wiki guide 48px
Fulminated Mercury

Base material commonly used in Prosthetic Tool Upgrades

gyoubus broken horn upgrade material sekiro wiki guide 48px
Gyoubu's Broken Horn

Unlocks the Loaded Spear Prosthetic Tool

iron fortress upgrade material sekiro wiki guide 48px
Iron Fortress

Unlocks the Loaded Umbrella Prosthetic Tool

lapis lazuli upgrade material sekiro wiki guide 48px
Lapis Lazuli

Used for the highest level of Prosthetic Tool upgrades

large fan upgrade material sekiro wiki guide 48px
Large Fan

Unlocks the Divine Abduction Prosthetic Tool

lump of fat wax upgrade material sekiro wiki guide 48px
Lump of Fat Wax

Material used to upgrade intermediate and higher occultic Prosthetic Tools

lump of grave wax upgrade material sekiro wiki guide 48px
Lump of Grave Wax

Material used to upgrade advanced occultic Prosthetic Tools

malcontent ring upgrade material sekiro wiki guide 48px
Malcontent's Ring

Used for a specific upgrade to the Finger Whistle Prosthetic Tool

mechanical barrel upgrade material sekiro wiki guide 48px
Mechanical Barrel

Unlocks the Prosthetic Tool Upgrades Tree

mist ravens feathers upgrade material sekiro wiki guide 48px
Mist Raven's Feathers

Unlocks the Mist Raven Prosthetic Tool

phantom kunai upgrade material sekiro wiki guide 48px
Phantom Kunai

Used for the Phantom Kunai  upgrade to the Loaded Shuriken Prosthetic Tool

pine resin ember upgrade material sekiro wiki guide 48px
Pine Resin Ember

Used for the Okinaga's Flame Vent upgrade to the Flame Vent Prosthetic Tool

roberts firecrackers upgrade material sekiro wiki guide 48px
Robert's Firecrackers

Unlocks the Shinobi Firecracker Prosthetic Tool

sabimaru upgrade material sekiro wiki guide 48px

Unlocks the Sabimaru Prosthetic Tool

scrap iron upgrade material sekiro wiki guide 48px
Scrap Iron

Base material commonly used in Prosthetic Tool upgrades

scrap magnetite upgrade material sekiro wiki guide 48px
Scrap Magnetite

Base material commonly used in intermediate and higher Prosthetic Tool upgrades

shinobi axe of the monkey upgrade material sekiro wiki guide 48px
Shinobi Axe of the Monkey

Unlocks the Loaded Axe Prosthetic Tool

shuriken wheel upgrade material sekiro wiki guide 48px
Shuriken Wheel

Unlocks the Loaded Shuriken Prosthetic Tool

slender finger upgrade material sekiro wiki guide 48px
Slender Finger

Unlocks the Finger Whistle Prosthetic Tool

yellow gunpowder upgrade material sekiro wiki guide 48px
Yellow Gunpowder

Material used to upgrade intermediate and higher explosive Prosthetic Tools


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