Vitality in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice refers to the Health of Sekiro, and how much damage he can take before dying. Players can increase their maximum Vitality by collecting Prayer Beads throughout the game, and every 4 will boost this number by a certain amount.

Players can restore their Vitality with their Healing Gourd, as well as other Quick Items like: Divine Grass, Pellet, and others. Resting at any Sculptor's Idol will also restore your Vitality to full, but will respawn enemies.


Vitality Information

How To Increase Max Vitality

  • Prayer Beads (every 4 will boost the vitality. There are 40 beads in total, see the individual page for more info and where to get them) 



Things That Heal Vitality



Other Notes About Vitality

  • The player starts with a base Vitality of 10. Each point of Vitality increases maximum health by 80 points and posture by 30.
  • The player's base health is 320 and base posture is 120.
  • With all 10 Prayer Necklaces, the player's health caps at 1120 and posture caps at 420.


vitality sekiro shadows die twice

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    • Anonymous

      Folks are mad because they have to learn the game. The extra stats help against basic attacks, and let you more safely explore. Bosses are supposed to be insanely hard. Its why you feel amazing when you overcome them. I remember when I first beat Genichiro Ashina; I died dozens of times, but when I was done, I could actually deflect attacks. The challenge is in perseverance, and always getting back up. No boss is unbeatable. The test is first of will, then skill.

      • Anonymous

        The worst part of the vitality in reality is the fact you can’t get prayer beads you got in previous playthroughs and have to find you ones you didn’t get before specifically. It’s so annoying

        • Anonymous

          The games stats are fundamentally bad. What is the point of ever fighting when you have nothing to gain other than currency for items you will likely not use and for a skill that you rarely use. Every other fromsoft game gave you multiple options for leveling up your character to best suit your play style but sekiro decided “no you must play this style”. You cant just farm enemies and level hp you just have to “get gud” with bosses since you have no means to actually level up on demand. DS at least gave you the option of “this fight is too hard, therefore go farm lvls and come back”. Sekiro goes “this fight is too hard for you therefore get ****ed” This game is narratively great but in terms of leveling it is completely dumb.

          • Anonymous

            This thing is a f**king joke right? doesn't matter if its level 10 or 20 enemies deal damage as percentage. I will prove it here and now: first lets starts with a fresh ng. The first samurai boss at ashina outskirts will easily kill you in 2-3 hits. We face him when our vitality was 10. Lets just ignore all the enemies in between and finally after second invasion we have the same samurai as a regular enemy near ashina reservoir bonfire. This same enemy still kills us in 2-3 hits but this time we were at 20 vitality. You might guess: so what their damage must be increased because they are now a end game enemy. Right? Now before you lable me stupid here is second part. You start ng+ with 20 vitality now and guess what? That general boss at ashina outskirts stills kills you in 2-3 hits! Then again as a regular enemy after second invasion 2-3 hits. Mind = blown. What do i even say anymore.

            • Anonymous

              The only reason to increase vitality is so that you are able to take more than one hit in the first place. It's honestly a stupid system. Why increase health in the first place if it doesn't matter. "B-but muh posture". Yeah, that still gets broken in 2 hits by a good amount of enemies. O'rin f.e. often just breaks through even though i deflect most of her multi-hit combo and had several prayer beads. Another attack of hers just straight up takes 3/4 of it in one hit.

              • Anonymous

                I don't like how the game doesn't show you the percentages like all other dark souls games. I not only want to see damage dealt to me but, the amount of health points I posses along with increments. FFS until know I thought Vitality and posture are the same thing and it has to do with how you parry and block. Nothing to do with actual amount of healthpoints.

                • Anonymous

                  I lost 2 attack power and 2 vitality after I after I enhanced attack power with skill points, that means I lost 20 skill points wtf man?

                  • Anonymous

                    Health and attack is useless.. i made someone kill my selfi... he hit 5 times and i died when i Just have 10 vitality.. after i upgrade to 20, its still same.. Just 5 hit and die.. attack is same.. i tried kill someone and give 3 hit , and he die.. anter upgrade attack to 99, its still 3 hits.. so, i think this game use %.. 1 hit decrease 30, 45, org 80 % of our health... same to enemy.. so, if you try to collect all prayer beads, ist pointless and useless in this game.. Just try if you dont sure

                    • Anonymous

                      Okay is there something with the Samurai that makes them ALWAYS take half your hp with that thrust attack? They did it early game, and they do it now that I have max vit. What gives?

                      • Anonymous

                        Health upgrades are so pointless. Oh, the enemy two shots you? Well, now he 2 shots you a bit softer. Kinda makes me wish there were forms of damage reductionother than that worthless candy that expires after 15 seconds or so.

                        • Anonymous

                          It feels so bad to have a*****ton of vitality and have a mile-long healthbar only for enemies to kill you in two shots just as easily as when you had a tiny healthbar

                          • Anonymous

                            Max Vitality seems to be 20. This is apparently assuming the player manages to accrue 10 Prayer Bead bracelets.

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