Game Progress Route for Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice presents a recommended progression path through the game. Since the game is relatively open-world, players can choose to proceed through Locations in different ways, and avoid optional Bosses and Enemies. The progression map below is meant to give an overview of the best approach based on the community's suggestions.


A flowchart of the game made by /u/Ekurepu

sekiro flowchart progress by ekurepu sekiro wiki guide 600px


Sekiro Game Progress Route

Note that it is recommended that you progress the Purification Ending on your first playthrough, even if that is not the Ending you are going for, in order to gain all Prayer Beads and it is the easiest way to gain 100% with the least effort.

If you are after the platinum and don't want to redo all steps, you will still have to play the game into New Game Plus, but you can do the 3 "good" endings by "Save Scumming". This is not recommended but if you are short on time it is the most efficient way to unlock 3 trophies before going to NG+ for the Shura ending.


Ashina Reservoir

  1. Get to the Moon-view Tower
  2. Acquire Kusabimaru and Healing Gourd
  3. Face Leader Shigenori Yamauchi
  4. Face Genichiro Ashina


This is the game's prologue and it acts as a tutorial for players to learn the basic game controls. At the start, you’ll have low health, but there's no immediate threat of combat. You can proceed forward, pick up the Ornamental Letter, and follow the on-screen instructions. You'll soon find yourself on a snowy path. Turn around to locate a broken section of the floor where the letter was dropped. Afterward, return to the tunnel exit, continue forward, and you'll be instructed to press Square to hug the wall. Walls that can be hugged have white scratch marks on them. Once you're hugging a wall, use the directional L button to move along the edge. Press L towards the wall's edge to trigger a "Peek" view, allowing you to see ahead without exposing yourself.

When ready, press Square to release the wall, initiating the Stealth tutorial. You must bypass these guards unnoticed since you don't have a sword. Listen in on their conversation about Sekiro’s lost will to live, as it's your first chance to Eavesdrop. Press the Left Thumbstick to crouch and move stealthily through the grass, following it to the underfloor of a nearby structure. Here, you can trigger another Eavesdrop by looking up at the broken floor and pressing down on the D-pad. The "Eavesdrop" icon will have a red tick mark after you’ve listened. Move to the other end of the underfloor and exit through more tall grass. Another Eavesdrop position will reveal soldiers discussing a broken portion of the tower. The gate is locked, but the broken wall might be an entry point. You'll then get a tutorial on Ledge Hanging. Like Wall Hugging, press Square to hang from a ledge, then use the directional L thumbstick to move along it. Press Square again to climb back up. Look for white paint on the edges, indicating climbable walls.

Move to the end of the ledge, jump across a broken stone bridge, and grab onto the surface. Shimmy along the edge and climb up using the same controls. Next, jump to higher ground, then jump and grab onto the tower ledge. A nearby hole on the left will allow you to enter. After a cutscene, Kuro will express his gratitude and give you your Katana, Kusabimaru, asking you to pledge your service. Kuro will mention that you are wounded and provide you with a Healing Gourd, which functions like the Estus Flask from the Souls series, allowing limited healing until you rest at a Sculptor's Idol. When asked about previous injuries, Sekiro will reveal he doesn’t remember the events of "that night," to which Kuro responds that they can discuss it later. He then tasks you with helping him escape Ashina Castle.

Kuro mentions a secret passage beneath the moat’s bridge, a detail he learned from Lord Isshin. Your task is to find this passage and use a "reed whistle" to signal him. A Quick Items tutorial will now appear on the screen. Before leaving through the main door, go upstairs to collect a Pellet, which slowly restores Vitality over time, similar to the gems from Dark Souls 2. Heal yourself and exit through the door. You can either try to avoid combat by sneaking or engage with the enemies ahead. A Posture and Deathblow tutorial will appear, along with instructions for locking onto targets with the R3 button, similar to the Souls games. You'll also receive a Deflection tutorial. Note that deflecting differs from blocking or parrying in the Souls series, so it requires a unique approach.

Ahead, a gate with four guards can be bypassed by climbing onto the rooftops and taking one out by jumping down and pressing R1 when the lock-on indicator turns red. Next, you’ll encounter Mini-Boss Leader Shigenori Yamauchi. A Counter-Slash tutorial will guide you to deflect with L1 just as an attack lands, followed by pressing R1 to execute a counter. While not mandatory for victory, filling up his posture gauge will allow you to deliver a Deathblow. You'll also learn that Mini-Bosses require multiple Deathblows to defeat, indicated by red circular icons at the top left of the screen near their name. Defeat him by blocking and countering his attacks. Unlike the Souls series, always hold Block, as it speeds up Posture recovery. After defeating him, you'll receive 1x Pellet and can move forward.

The gate ahead cannot be opened from this side, so head right, where you’ll find a Fistful of Ash on the ground, useful for temporarily blinding enemies. A branch ahead allows you to jump and grab onto a ledge to continue. Alternatively, you can hug the wall on the left and shimmy across slowly. A "Wall Jump Ledge Hang" tutorial will inform you that pressing Square after a wall jump will allow you to hold onto a ledge. Look for scratched surfaces indicating climbable areas. Climb the wall, and you'll have another chance to eavesdrop on guards discussing the passage beneath the moat and the security measures in place.

Continue along the ledge, climb up, and approach the nearby enemy. This is your first encounter with a Straw-Hat enemy, who has a powerful grab attack. After defeating him, hang from the ledge, shimmy, and drop down to collect 1x Pellet before moving forward. This door is the location for your "Reed Whistle" to Kuro. Choose "Yes" to trigger a cutscene where Kuro thanks you for finding the gate and expresses regret that all he can do is run from the Fated Bloodline. You can converse with Kuro, who reflects on what to do after you escape.

Proceed through the passage and up the stairs, where a cutscene introduces you to Lord Genichiro Ashina, the first boss. He will attack with powerful "Perilous Attacks" that you're not equipped to handle, leading to your defeat. He then cuts off Sekiro's arm and captures Kuro. A cutscene follows, showing the Sculptor carving Buddha statues, and you awaken to find your severed arm replaced with a strange prosthetic, the Shinobi Prosthetic. You'll then find yourself in the Dilapidated Temple.


Dilapidated Temple

  1. Talk to the Sculptor
  2. Talk to Emma
  3. Rest at the Sculptor's Idol
  4. Talk to Hanbei the Undying


The Shinobi Prosthetic is introduced in this area, and you can meet the Sculptor and Emma. There are a few items to pick up in the area, but an important thing is to make note of Hanbei the Undying, as he will be your "Training Dummy" for the game. Speak with the Sculptor, who will refer to you as Wolf. He’ll suggest you do as you please since he must continue carving Buddha statues. You can ask him how you ended up here and inquire about your new left arm. If you ask, "Why am I here?" he explains that he dragged you back so you wouldn’t be eaten by dogs. He also mentions that while a lot of time has passed since you were taken, your master (Kuro) is alive but imprisoned in Ashina Castle, where his bloodline is being exploited.

Asking about "This left arm, what did you do to me?" prompts an explanation of the Shinobi Prosthetic, which is more than just a replacement for your arm. It's specially designed to use Shinobi Tools. The Sculptor will fit these tools into the prosthetic for you. It seems the prosthetic originally belonged to the Sculptor, who is giving it to you because he no longer needs it, focusing solely on carving statues.

If you inquire about "What did you mean when you said they'll make use of the bloodline of the Divine Heir," the Sculptor will explain "The Dragon Heritage," a special bloodline that makes your master a target. Sekiro's body is behaving strangely, likely due to this heritage.

He also mentions that other peculiar individuals are arriving at the temple and suggests you find one to the left of the gate. When you approach the bronze Buddha nearby, the Sculptor credits its creation to a "true" sculptor and explains that its purpose is to help face inner problems, memories, and more.

When you talk to Emma, she reveals that she is a doctor working for an unnamed master. She won’t disclose the master’s identity for safety reasons but mentions that she was assigned to assist you. Show her your Healing Gourd, which she says she created for Kuro, the Divine Heir. She explains that the water inside replenishes itself and that you can bring her Gourd Seeds to increase the amount of medicinal water. If you continue talking to her, she’ll request to see your face and ask about the white mark on it. She theorizes that it might be related to your connection with the Dragon Heritage or a symptom of it.

Next, go right from the Sculptor’s Idol, up a snowy path to a clearing, and speak to the NPC sitting by a small shrine with an offering box. The Offering Box is a system for recovering lost items during gameplay, when it's illuminated, an item has appeared inside. You can retrieve items by inspecting the box and offering money. Talk to Hanbei the Undying, who will engage you in combat. After you defeat him, he will revive and commend your sword skills. He explains that he is "undying" due to an infection, so he can’t die. He offers to be your training partner to help you hone your skills for your mission. Accepting his offer opens up "Training" and "Talk" options. Choosing "Talk" leads to a conversation about how the temple is a refuge for those with nowhere else to go, and he will point out the Offering Box. (Hanbei can be killed with the Mortal Blade, dropping the Hidden Tooth).

The Dilapidated Temple serves as a safe haven and hub, similar to the Firelink Shrine or Hunter’s Dream in other FromSoftware games. It’s a place where Sekiro can interact with NPCs. Initially, you’ll only find the Sculptor, Hanbei the Undying, and Emma, but as the game progresses, other characters and merchants will visit the temple. Afterward, exit the gate, and you’ll get a tutorial for the Grappling Hook. Use L2 to grapple onto a branch and move forward, which will lead you to Ashina Outskirts. Behind the main temple, you can find 1x Light Coin Purse. There’s also a cave-like path that leads to a Shinobi Door, which is locked until opened from the other side.

As with other games, the Hub of Sekiro's world provides several services that players can count on for their character advancement.

The Dilapidated Temple connects to Ashina Outskirts, and after defeating Genichiro Ashina, it also links to Kuro’s room in Ashina Castle via a Shinobi shortcut. This shortcut will close again during Ashina Castle’s first and second invasions.


Ashina Outskirts

  1. Unlock "Sculptor's Idol Travel"
  2. Find Loaded Shuriken materials
  3. Defeat General Naomori Kawarada
  4. Get Prayer Bead and Gourd Seed
  5. Obtain Bundled Jizo Statue
  6. Obtain Young Lord's Bell Charm
  7. Find Crow's Bed Memorial Mob
  8. Find your first Recollection(phantom conversation) 
  9. Find Anayama the Peddler


This is the first chance that you'll get to try out your Shinobi Prosthetic and Grappling Hook. As such, it incorporates many grapple points and players should be on the lookout for advantages of going high up.

Grapple to the ledge ahead and interact with the Sculptor's Idol to unlock "Sculptor's Idol Travel." This feature allows you to travel to other idols you’ve discovered. A new "Travel" option will appear in the Idol's menu, displaying Sekiro's icon and current location. Remember, Idol locations are listed by name in the travel menu, but a game's area is marked by large text on the screen when you enter it. From the idol, climb up and around a short wall, crouching to avoid detection. You’ll find 1x Ungo's Sugar, which reduces Vitality damage by about 30%. Drop back down to the idol, then further down towards the gate to stealth kill the patrolling soldier. This triggers a tutorial for "Acquiring Enemy Loot".

After defeating the guard, you’ll receive about 5 Sen. Move forward to pick up 1x Pellet and 1x Ceramic Shard. Ceramic Shards can be thrown at enemies to lure them away from larger groups, similar to Stones in previous games. Defeating the Ashina Soldier (Hassou Stance) and the Ashina Soldier (Matchlock Rifle) ahead rewards you with about 21 XP and 11 Sen per enemy (26 XP and 14 Sen without Kuro's Charm in New Game Plus).

Since you’re just starting out, be sure to collect all loot by holding down Square. Head up and grapple onto the roof of the locked gate, then go right to deal with the warrior guarding the Ungo's Sugar. From there, you’ll see another item shining by a wall on the right side of the larger building. Grapple to the top, jump, and use R1 to kill this guard and collect 1x Ceramic Shard. Below this shard, there’s a ledge you can drop onto. Drop down and enter the cave to obtain 1x Ako's Sugar, which boosts your Attack Power when used.

Return outside, grapple onto a ledge, and go back to the Ceramic Shard location. From there, grapple onto a tree branch to approach the enemies ahead from higher ground. The two enemies have guns, which you can deflect if needed.

After killing the two enemies by the open gate and the one patrolling the grass, return to the locked gate to pick up 1x Ungo's Sugar. Near the open gate where the Ashina Soldier (Matchlock Rifle) stood, you’ll find 1x Pellet and 1x Fistful of Ash. Ahead of the open gate, you’ll encounter an item and a Sculptor's Idol guarded by three Dogs. The dogs attack quickly but can be deflected, and you can use Kusabimaru to deal AOE damage.

Commune with the Outskirts Wall - Gate Path Sculptor's Idol to unlock it. Resting is optional as it resets enemies. The item near the idol is 1x Ceramic Shard. Up and to the right from the idol, there’s a Gamefowl. It can fall to its death if you move around, earning you an easy +13XP. Now grapple to the roof near the Sculptor's Idol and collect your first Prosthetic Tool Upgrade Material: Shuriken Wheel.

Return to the Dilapidated Temple and talk to the Sculptor. Select "Present Shinobi Prosthetic" and "Fit New Prosthetic Tool." He will equip the Loaded Shuriken on your arm. You can equip prosthetic tools via the Equipment Menu, otherwise, you won’t be able to use the Shuriken. All tools, except the grapple, consume Spirit Emblems. Press R2 to use the tools and press triangle to cycle through them, which can be done in combat to chain different effects. You may now return to the Ashina Outskirts Wall - Gate Path Idol to continue the level. Enemies have respawned, but you can ignore them and grapple to the rooftop above where you grabbed the Shuriken Wheel. Head left to find a 1x Pellet on a snowy ledge. From this platform, you'll spot a mini-boss, General Naomori Kawarada. Make sure to REMEMBER THIS SPOT. Crouch and slowly make your way forward, dropping to other ledges, then grapple onto the rooftop to set up a stealth deathblow for an easier fight.

During the fight, a tutorial on "Perilous Attacks" will appear. These unguardable attacks are signaled by a "danger" kanji. Watch carefully and respond accordingly, as each type requires a specific response. Press L1 as a thrust lands to deflect, X before a sweep lands to jump, or Circle before a grab lands to step dodge. This boss has slow but far-reaching attacks. Counter after his swings and jump with X to avoid sweeping attacks. He buffs himself during the fight, but you can attack him during this time to break his posture. Defeating him rewards you with 134XP, 33 Sen, and 1x Prayer Beads. Offer 4 Prayer Beads to the Sculptor's Idol to increase your maximum vitality and posture. You will also obtain 1x Gourd Seed, which you can give to Emma to increase your Healing Gourd uses.

Now return to the spot you were instructed to remember, and look down. A deep fall leads to a cave with a Bundled Jizo Statue, a valuable item that refills your resurrection gauge.

If you didn’t take the drop, inspect the woodpiles near where you fought the general to find 2x Fistful of Ash, then grapple onto the roof of the nearby gate to continue. Grapple to the top of the nearby Watchtower for a good view of the enemies ahead. There’s an eavesdropping opportunity, so wait until the two guards are together, then grapple onto the branch above them. They comment on Lord Isshin being sick, Lord Genichiro being a powerful Bow Master, and the advantage of having "Gyoubu the Demon" on their side. If you attack from the branch, several warriors will be alerted, including an Ashina Soldier (Matchlock Rifle) across the area. It’s best to move back and thin out the enemies through stealth. If spotted, grapple away and hide to defuse combat. Enemies are not alerted by bodies left in plain sight.

The toughest enemy in this group is the Ashina Soldier (Matchlock Rifle), so wait for the guards to reset, then stealthily approach his vantage point to execute him. Behind him, you’ll find 1x Ceramic Shard. A group of three enemies will patrol the area. Hide inside the room of the Ashina Soldier (Matchlock Rifle) and let them pass, then grapple to a ledge behind the structure and drop down onto another Ashina Soldier (Matchlock Rifle). On the ground floor of the Ashina Soldier (Matchlock Rifle) structure, you’ll find 1x Mibu Balloon of Wealth.

Returning to the "Eavesdrop" position, you’ll see a Taro Troop (Wooden Mallet). Engage this enemy only after thinning out the others. If spotted, you can run back to where you fought the General to reset combat. You can kill the Taro Troop (Wooden Mallet) with one stealth attack for 31XP. Once all enemies are gone, climb to the very rooftop where the Ashina Soldier (Matchlock Rifle) was. There’s a nest containing 1x Light Coin Purse, which provides Sen that cannot be lost upon death.

Grapple to the broken house ahead and speak to the NPC, Inosuke Nogami's Mother, who mistakes you for her son. She gives you a Young Lord's Bell Charm and asks you to offer it to the Buddha. This item unlocks the Hirata Estate location at the Dilapidated Temple. After talking to her, drop down and defeat 2x Gamefowl. Use your sword to break some crates, revealing an entrance. The first floor contains 3x Light Coin Purse. Near the house, speak to a dying soldier who recognizes your voice. He’s Inosuke Nogami, a vassal of the Hirata family. He asks you to check on his mother, which you’ve already done. You can tell him you received the bells, putting him at ease. He thanks you for humoring his mother.

Approaching the gate and bridge down the path from Inosuke will aggro a Cannon Enemy. Look left and up to spot a grapple point. Go up and follow the path to the top, where you'll find the merchant Crow's Bed Memorial Mob. Purchase Robert's Firecrackers to convert them into the Prosthetic Tool: Shinobi Firecracker.

To avoid detection by the cannon enemy, return to the first house where the initial Ashina Soldier (Matchlock Rifle) was and the spot where you killed the second one. There’s a narrow path with dropdowns. Follow it to the tall grass below, where you’ll find 1x Gachiin's Sugar, an item that temporarily enhances stealth. Jump across the cliff and grapple to a branch, bringing you closer to the cannon enemy. Grapple to the nearby roofs and approach him from behind to execute a stealth deathblow. He drops 39XP, 27 Sen, and 1x Black Gunpowder.

From this position, you can drop down to eliminate the Ashina Soldier (Matchlock Rifle) and then grapple back up to avoid detection by the other enemies. Repeat this process to clear the area. Move past the gate they were guarding and head down to the gate on the opposite side to collect 2x Pellet. Before moving forward, look to the left and down from where the Cannon Warrior was stationed. There's a grapple path you can take. Jump and grapple to reach the Giant Serpent's skin. Don't grapple just yet, but instead, drop down one level to the right to collect the Spirit Emblem and 2x Mibu Possession Balloon. After that, use the grapple to access the loot ahead, where you'll find 1x Scrap Iron, a valuable material for upgrading your Prosthetic Tools. Continue around the corner and upward to return to the main path.

Climb to the rooftop of the next large gate, passing a burning pile of corpses. You’ll spot the next Sculptor's Idol ahead, guarded by a Gamefowl. Use a stealth attack to eliminate the Gamefowl, then jump and grab to reach the Idol. If you fall, you can grapple onto a nearby roof and then jump and grapple from a higher platform. You are now at the Outskirts Wall - Stairway Idol. Since this is your first idol after obtaining Prayer Beads, a tutorial on Physical Enhancement will appear. You can spend Prayer Beads to create a Prayer Necklace, which permanently increases your maximum Vitality and Posture.

This is a good time to return to the Dilapidated Temple and give the Gourd Seed you obtained to Emma. You should also speak with the Sculptor, as you have upgrade materials for him. He will give you a Shinobi Esoteric Text, allowing you to learn Shinobi Arts (Skills). This will trigger a tutorial on Skill Points and Experience. He will also notice the bell you found and advise you to offer it to the "Kind-Faced Buddha" that the true Sculptor made. Using the bell will take you to Hirata Estate, so let’s hold off on that for now. Avoid purchasing any skills unless you have 2 points saved up. Your first skill should be Mikiri Counter, which will make many fights easier.

Return to the Outskirts Wall - Stairway Idol, defeat the Gamefowl again, then drop down to ground level and approach the area with a reddish hue and 1x Spirit Emblem. Here, you’ll see ghostly figures. Interact with this "Recollection" to reveal a conversation between Kuro and Emma about the unfortunate fate of the Hirata clan, who tried to protect the Dragon's Heritage.

After interacting with the Remnants, turn around and face the closed gate. Approaching it, you’ll encounter a former thief who has become a merchant. He claims to know you from "that night," which you can't remember. He offers to share information if you do business with him. This is Anayama the Peddler, who will sell you information for 50 Sen, with additional details available for higher amounts.


Hirata Estate

  1. Talk to NPC to learn about story
  2. Find your first Treasure Carp
  3. Meet Pot Noble Harunaga
  4. Obtain Flame Vent materials
  5. Obtain Loaded Axe materials
  6. Unlock Shortcut
  7. Meet Anayama the Peddler
  8. Find Bundled Jizo Statue
  9. Defeat Shinobi Hunter Enshin of Misen
  10. Acquire Prayer Bead
  11. Obtain Mist Raven material


Hirata Estate is a special location unlocked after exploring Ashina Outskirts and meeting Inosuke Nogami's Mother. She will give you a Young Lord's Bell Charm. Return to the Dilapidated Temple and talk to the Sculptor, who will say you can offer the item at the nearby Kind-Faced Buddha. Approach the Buddha and select "Pray" to be transported to Hirata Estate.

We are visiting this area to get the Flame Vent, as it will help with a mini-boss fight against the Chained Ogre back in Ashina Outskirts. When you first spawn, look behind you to find and loot 1x Pellet. Then, interact with the Dragonspring - Hirata Estate Sculptor's Idol to unlock fast travel. Afterward, drop down and grapple onto the branches below to reach the ground. Here, you'll find 2x Fistful of Ash next to an NPC. The NPC will call you "Son of the Owl" and give you the option to ask what happened or what year it is. He will mention that thieves attacked, and if you ask about the year, you'll learn it's the year of the Dragonspring Pilgrimage, which took place three years ago, indicating you're experiencing a memory. The NPC then dies, and you can continue onward.

As you descend, look to the right on the bridge to spot a swimming fish, a Treasure Carp. Defeating it will give you a valuable Treasure Carp Scale and 12XP. Drop down to the water level, lock onto the fish, and dash forward as it notices you. Then, head to the opposite side of the bridge and around a rock to find another 1x Treasure Carp Scale.

Return to the bridge and explore its end to discover 2x Dousing Powder, a medicine used to remove the Burn Status Abnormality. Ahead, you'll encounter Bandit (Katana and Torch) and Bandit (Fire Bow and Katana), so consider adding this to your quick items for easy access. Wait for the patrol to pass and stealth-kill them, mobs here give 32XP and 23 Sen. Next, drop to the right of the river where the Carp was and proceed right, facing a Dog and a Bandit (Katana and Torch). After defeating them, loot 1x Mibu Possession Balloon and spot another Treasure Carp in the water. Defeat it to obtain another 1x Treasure Carp Scale.

Nearby, you'll find a pot with an NPC inside named Pot Noble Harunaga. He trades items for your Treasure Carp Scales. You can purchase Divine Grass (1 scale), Withered Red Gourd (2 scales), and two key items: Mask Fragment: Right (7 scales) and Floating Passage Text (5 scales). To the left of his pot, there's also 1x Light Coin Purse on a ledge. There are four Treasure Carps to slay in these waters.

After clearing the Pot Noble area, return to where you fought the thief and dog, then head up toward the closed gate. You can avoid the enemies at the entrance (3 dogs and a guard) and jump inside to collect 1x Ceramic Shard and commune with the Estate Path Sculptor's Idol. From the idol, grapple up twice to the highest structure, where you can drop down into a side section containing 1x Spirit Emblem. Proceed further toward the bamboo area to obtain 3x Ungo's Sugar. Double jump on the wall and grab onto the ledge to climb up, avoiding the guards patrolling the main corridor. Drop onto the hidden archer around the corner to defeat him, then grab 3x Fistful of Ash near a broken wall, as the door nearby doesn't open from this side. Double jump onto the wall next to the opening and drop to the other side to continue stealthily. Follow the narrow corridor behind the building, go around it, and enter to grab 1x Pellet. Be prepared for a fight as enemies reset and come your way. You can obtain Dousing Powder from these enemies, who may also throw Oil on you, making you flammable. If you're affected by Oil, you'll be covered in black goo, but it will pass with time. A marker on the bottom left of the screen will indicate this effect.

Once the enemies are defeated, explore behind a nearby hut to find 1x Ako's Sugar, then jump onto the walls and atop the gate to survey the area ahead. To the right, you can see a Spirit Emblem and a patrolling dog. To the left, there are items. Go left and wait for the torch-bearing patrol to approach, then assassinate him and deal with the dog. More enemies will come your way, you can grapple away to regroup or take them head-on. To the far right of this section, you'll find 3x Ceramic Shard and an enemy that "gets up"—defeat it before it does.

If you sneak around the right path, you can overhear two enemies discussing something burning. Dispatch the archer on the roof first, then take out the troublesome axe-wielding enemy. Once they're down, pick up the 1x Fistful of Ash seen earlier to the left. There will be several enemies and a dog. You might want to kill one, then retreat to the starting point by the broken wall and reset them. In the fire, you'll find the Flame Barrel, an upgrade material for the Prosthetic Tools that unlocks the Flame Vent Prosthetic Tool, which deals Burn damage, useful against Red-Eyed enemies. Now pick up 1x Dousing Powder, 1x Mibu Balloon of Wealth, 2x Pellet, and a Spirit Emblem in the area.

There are enemies ahead, but they won't easily pursue you into this area. The thieves ahead fight dirty, using tactics like kicking dirt into your eyes and performing Perilous attacks. They may drop Oil and 23 Sen. Up ahead, you'll meet a dying NPC who advises you to take the Shinobi Axe from the temple. Double jump on the left wall to access an inner courtyard, where one enemy awaits, defeat him cautiously. There's 1x Light Coin Purse inside one of the houses. There are two more enemies in this courtyard, and you can stealthily approach them to eavesdrop and learn about Lord Juzuo's plans. Apparently, the thieves won't loot the temple, as they refuse to take from the Buddha. These two enemies give 37XP and may drop 1x Pellet. After dispatching them, approach the nearby building and interact with it to open it and obtain the Shinobi Axe of the Monkey, an upgrade material for the Loaded Axe Prosthetic Tool.

The corridor outside this inner courtyard leads to a shortcut to the gate that couldn't be opened earlier. Near this gate, you'll find 1x Gokan's Sugar, which reduces posture damage. Unlock and open the gate to create quick access to the Sculptor's Idol. The inner courtyard opposite the eavesdropping spot contains several Gamefowls. Defeat them and loot 1x Pellet and 3x Ungo's Sugar. Climb to the roof of this structure to find 1x Light Coin Purse in a bird's nest. The adjacent courtyard has an NPC who will tell you about a three-story pagoda that supposedly contains valuable treasure. This NPC is Anayama the Peddler, who you'll also meet in the "present" at Ashina Outskirts. From Anayama's location, grapple to the top of a locked gate and go through a short bamboo patch to find 1x Bundled Jizo Statue.

As you exit Anayama's courtyard, there's another eavesdropping opportunity. Two enemies are demanding that the people inside surrender. You can approach and kill them to proceed. Inside, you can hear a conversation from the houses where someone mentions that the thieves have brought along a Shinobi Hunter. You can also talk to a female NPC who will recognize you as the master's servant and ask you to save the Young Lord, giving you 2x Antidote Powder for the upcoming fight. A male voice ahead will also accuse you of being a traitor, suspecting your involvement due to the coincidental timing of the attack and your absence. There are three enemies ahead: one with a torch and two with shields. Defeat the torch enemy and run past the shielded ones, as you currently lack the Prosthetic Tool to break their guard. Once they reset, you can double back and stealth-kill them. They may drop 1x Pellet. If you've returned to the Dilapidated Temple and fitted your Loaded Axe, you can use it to break their shields.

Ahead is a mini-boss you can challenge if you wish. First, thin out his allies, including a troublesome archer. After defeating the enemies, pick up 1x Pellet from a nearby hut. Approach Shinobi Hunter: Enshin of Misen in stealth to land a deathblow, then use the Mikiri Counter skill to step on his thrusting attacks and deal posture damage. He should fall after about five Mikiri Counters. You'll earn 168XP, 1x Prayer Beads, and 100 Sen. Defeating the Shinobi Hunter dissipates the fog by the gate, allowing you to pick up 1x Mibu Possession Balloon and continue to the next Sculptor's Idol.

Beyond the Shinobi Hunter, commune with the Bamboo Thicket Slope Sculptor's Idol. Grapple forward, then drop into the water and swim upstream past a bridge to find a Treasure Carp that drops 1x Treasure Carp Scale. Grapple onto a nearby branch and to find 1x Contact Medicine. To the right of this item, some bamboo conceals a special path. Destroy it and proceed to find 3x Spirit Emblem.

At the spot with the emblems, use consecutive wall jumps to reach the top. You'll arrive at a clearing with a stairway leading to a temple, guarded by an Interior Ministry Ninja. Inside is the Mist Raven's Feathers, which unlocks the Mist Raven Prosthetic Tool. You can lure the ninja away, sneak past him to grab the item, or defeat him for 1x Scrap Iron, 316XP, and 38 Sen.


Ashina Outskirts

  1. Defeat Mini-boss: Chained Ogre
  2. Obtain Prayer Bead and Shinobi Medicine Rank 1
  3. Pick up Nightjar Monocular and Gourd Seed
  4. Defeat Mini-boss: General Tenzen Yamauchi
  5. Obtain Prayer Bead
  6. Optional: Headless & shortcut to Demon Bell
  7. Harm the Great Serpent
  8. Find second Recollection
  9. Fight Boss: Gyoubu Oniwa
  10. Get the Mechanical Barrel upgrade material.
  11. Consume boss memory
  12. Find Battlefield Memorial Mob merchant
  13. Find Tengu of Ashina & accept the quest
  14. Pick up Prayer Bead & Unlock Shortcut


Coming back from Hirata Estate, you now have a Flame Vent equipped that can greatly assist against the Chained Ogre mini-boss. From where Anayama the Peddler is positioned, go through the broken planks in the back and up to gather 1x Spirit Emblem. Dropping down from that ledge will allow you to pick up 1x Pellet, and then jump onto the nearby fence to get an Eavesdropping opportunity. The guards discuss their unease at the Chained Ogre nearby and mention how enemies with Red Eyes are susceptible to Burn damage. Defeat the two enemies and prepare to fight against the Chained Ogre.

There’s a third enemy near the Ogre, so lure it away and defeat it in a safer location first. Although the Ogre regenerates health if you move too far away, this allows you to land a Stealth Deathblow and reduce its health to one bar. The Ogre has several attacks, including a dangerous grab and a jumping two-feet kick slam. The grabs are indicated by a "perilous attack" warning and can be dodged by pressing Circle. The Ogre also has an AoE body slam. Since you've already acquired the Flame Vent, you can wait for the grab attack, dodge it, and then use the Flame Vent twice to set the Ogre on fire. Follow up with sword attacks, dodge the next grab, and repeat this process until you defeat him. Defeating the Chained Ogre rewards you with 100+ XP, 1x Prayer Beads, and the Shinobi Medicine Rank 1 Latent Skill, which improves your healing items.

With the fog wall now gone, loot the 1x Balloon near the spear enemy's original position, then grapple to the rooftop above the Ogre's chains. Just after the opening, pick up 1x Nightjar Monocular, which functions similarly to Binoculars in Souls games. The path to the right is locked, so head left first to collect 1x Gourd Seed and 1x Ceramic Shard. The right path can be unlocked by heading towards the Headless.

Exit to the grass for a stealth kill on the Ashina Soldier (Matchlock Rifle), then retreat to the rooftops to plot more stealth kills. Ensure the area is cleared before engaging the mini-boss. Once the enemies are defeated, approach stealthily to remove one of General Tenzen Yamauchi's health bars. He attacks with vertical and horizontal slashes. The Flame Vent isn’t very effective against him, but the Mikiri Counter skill can be helpful. Defeating the General rewards you with 155 XP, 1x Prayer Beads, and 1x Fistful of Ash. Be sure to loot the area behind him to obtain 1x Scrap Iron.

After defeating General Tenzen Yamauchi, proceeding through the main gate will lead you to a special Mini-Boss: Headless. This is a challenging fight that requires Divine Confetti to deal damage while contending with a Terror aura that slows you down and fills a gauge. It's recommended to avoid this area for now. To unlock the door you found earlier, head towards the cave, grapple onto the branch, and leap down to the ledge. Shimmy across, climb up, and drop down towards the cave. As you enter, the light will gradually fade. Continue further, hugging the right wall until you reach a fork. Keep to the right to find an opening with several emblems. Exit the chasm, grapple up the cliffs to reach a dilapidated wall, and defeat the two Geckos. Collect 1x Gachiin's Sugar, then grapple through the broken wall to find 1x Divine Grass and 1x Antidote Powder. Open the door to create a shortcut.

Return to the area where you cleared the Ashina Soldier (Matchlock Rifle) near the broken bridge. Drop down and use a Shuriken to kill the poisonous Gecko before picking up 2x Pellet. Commune with the Underbridge Valley Idol to unlock it, and rest if needed. Drop down to the lower ledges and continue past 1x Spirit Emblem. Follow the drop-downs and grapple mid-air to cross the valley. As you descend, you'll feel tremors caused by the Great Serpent passing by. Watch its movements, then jump across twice and quickly enter a cave. Inside, collect 1x Spirit Emblem. Move forward, and the snake will appear again. Use the walls to hide from it, then jump and grab the grass ahead. Wait for the snake to pull back before shimmying across the narrow ledge to reach the Palanquin. Hide inside by pressing square and wait for the Serpent's eye to get close, then press R1 to attack. The Serpent will thrash around, giving you a chance to grab 5x Snap Seed near its head. Be careful, as you can take damage from the thrashing. You can choose to return later for the Snap Seeds after reaching the next Idol, as the snake won’t be there anymore. Continue past the snake and up to the left until you reach the safety of a cave, then grapple back to the main castle grounds. On stable ground, look to the left to find 1x Ako's Sugar.

After reaching stable ground from the Serpent area, head right and commune with the Ashina Castle Gate Fortress Idol. Defeat the Assassin enemy to obtain the Herb Catalogue Scrap, and collect 1x Gachiin's Sugar next to it. Jump onto the wall for a view of the area, and eavesdrop on a conversation after eliminating the large enemy. He can be stealth-killed and may drop 1x Mibu Possession Balloon. The eavesdropping reveals information about smoke coming from the castle and Gyoubu the Demon repelling attackers. Behind the platform where the Ashina Soldier (Matchlock Rifle) was, you'll find 1x Ungo's Sugar. Beneath it, there are 1x Ceramic Shard, 2x Mibu Balloon of Wealth, and 1x Heavy Coin Purse.

Grapple to a nearby ledge to observe Kuro and Genichiro talking. The Divine Heir warns Genichiro that using his blood will turn him into a monster, but Genichiro believes it’s necessary to protect his people. Continue up and eliminate the Ashina Soldier (Matchlock Rifle), then eavesdrop on a man kneeling by his horse. He laments the loss of his beloved mount. Nearby, you can collect 2x Fistful of Ash, then go up the stairs to find 1x Pellet. The gate here is locked, so return to the broken wall area and proceed from there. Drop into the arena and pick up 2x Fistful of Ash. As soon as you do, the boss, Gyoubu Oniwa, will break through a nearby door and attack. Defeating him rewards you with 1,000 XP, 1x Memory: Gyoubu Oniwa, and 1x Mechanical Barrel, which allows you to upgrade Prosthetic Tools at the Sculptor.

After the boss fight, go to the nearby gate and commune with Ashina Castle Gate Sculptor's Idol. A tutorial on Enhancing Attack Power will appear, which is done by consuming Battle Memories from bosses. Consuming the memory turns it into Remnant: Gyoubu. Instead of proceeding through the gate, backtrack and climb the large stairs near a red and yellow banner. At the top, turn right and go around the wall to find 1x Ceramic Shard. Then, climb the stairs to find a merchant, the Battlefield Memorial Mob. You can sell Coin Purses to him for gold and purchase useful upgrade materials like Robert's Firecrackers and a Gourd Seed.

Now, backtrack and enter the temple, where you'll meet an NPC wearing a Tengu mask, known as the Tengu of Ashina. He will ask you to "hunt rats" with him. Accept, and you'll receive the Rat Description key item, which details that the rats are short assassins from Senpou Temple, seen around Ashina Castle Gate. Defeating them and returning will earn you the Ashina Esoteric Text. To the right of the Tengu, you'll find 1x Pellet and an "Old Hag" with an oil lamp. She comments on the never-ending war. Near her, there's a gate you can unlock, which takes you back to the area where you saw the Remnant of Kuro and Genichiro. Go upstairs to collect 1x Light Coin Purse on the first floor, then grapple up twice and navigate around the beams. Jump and grab the broken pillar to reach the top of the structure, where you'll find a treasure chest containing 1x Prayer Beads.


Hirata Estate

  1. Meet The Owl & get the Hidden Temple Key
  2. Mini-boss: Juzou the Drunkard
  3. Acquire Prayer Bead and Unrefined Sake
  4. Fight Lady Butterfly
  5. Consume the Boss Memory


Once you've returned to Hirata Estate, fast travel to the Bamboo Thicket Slope idol and go up the slope obtain 1x Spirit Emblem and face 2 Bandit (Fire Bow and Katana) and 1 Bandit (Katana and Torch). Defeat them and press on past many enemies. Be mindful of 3x Archers on high ground. Past the enemies, you'll find 1x Oil and a bridge with more foes. Look back to spot a grapple point, which will take you to higher ground. From there, jump and grapple across the fire to reach a distant platform where you can collect 1x Dousing Powder.

Now, focus on the bridge. Let a patrol pass by to stealth-kill it, then use a Ceramic Shard to lure the shielded enemies over. Once they're separated, you can defeat them easily, either through stealth or by engaging them one by one. Defeating the Taro Troop (Club) grants 74 XP.

After crossing the bridge, pick up 1x Fistful of Ash and move towards the main buildings, which are engulfed in flames. Through the gate, you'll find The Owl, your adoptive father, in a dire condition. He gives you the Hidden Temple Key and reminds you to follow the "Iron Code" and protect your master at all costs. With the area you entered now consumed by fire, you'll need to grapple to a branch and then to the top of a nearby Pagoda. From this vantage point, you can see a path leading downstream and away from the flames. Grapple across the roofs of small shrines and make your way across the river until you reach a clearing. You can bypass the area with the Shinobi Hunter by dropping into the river when you first reach the bridge and swimming upstream. Grapple to some low branches and climb to a specific spot on the top left. However, it's important not to skip this, as you need the Hidden Temple Key to face the level's boss. In this area, you'll find 1x Mibu Possession Balloon hidden behind thick bamboo along a path leading to a ledge that overlooks the bridge you just crossed. Head back down the green bamboo-lined path to defeat 1x White Spear Monk and 1x Blue Spear Monk. These enemies might drop Gokan's Sugar and Scrap Iron, and you'll be rewarded with a Bulging Coin Purse. At the dead-end where the Blue Spear Monk was, you can collect 1x Pellet and 1x Mibu Balloon of Soul.

Return to the cave and be cautious of a hidden Bandit (Katana and Torch) on a right-hand turn. He can drop Dousing Powder. Continue forward, and you'll receive a tutorial for "Consecutive Wall Jump," allowing you to ascend the wall towards a Sculptor's Idol. When you emerge, pick up 1x Oil.

You'll come out of the well and can commune with the Hirata Estate - Main Hall Idol. Navigate around the burning buildings, defeat a flaming archer, then grapple onto the rooftops to gain a better view. The archers here have a wide visibility range, so plan your movements carefully. You might notice some items on the rock islands in the pond, but it's best to wait before retrieving them. Walk along the entire rooftop, drop down at the end, and use the underfloors to double back and enter the main area. Inside, you'll find 2x Spirit Emblem and 1x Divine Confetti. Be cautious of an Axe-wielding enemy lurking behind the confetti. Pick up 1x Dousing Powder near some samurai armor, then return outside to finish off the remaining enemies. The item in the pond is 1x Ceramic Shard. Head left from there and use it to lure one of the guards from the building ahead. Defeat him and collect 1x Light Coin Purse, then deal with the nearby enemies as best you can.

Ahead is a difficult mini-boss fight. It's best to thin out the enemies with stealth as much as possible before engaging Juzou the Drunkard. Once you've dealt with them, approach Juzou from behind for a stealth deathblow, making the fight easier. Juzou attacks with Poison, which can be removed with Antidote Powder. He doesn't deflect, and Shurikens can deal significant damage to him. Watch out for his powerful grab, which should be dodged to the side, as dodging backwards is insufficient. Defeating him rewards you with 1x Unrefined Sake, 1x Prayer Beads, and 212 XP. After Juzou is defeated, Nogami Gensai will jump in to assist. If you spoke to him earlier, he might join the fight but could die in the process.

With Juzou defeated, the fog gate is lifted, and you can enter the main door ahead. To the left, you'll find 1x Dousing Powder and 2x Pellet. Defeat two enemies and go left to pick up 1x Oil. Hug the wall here to reveal a Shinobi Door, behind which you'll find 1x Mibu Balloon of Wealth and 1x Light Coin Purse. Further down, there are 2x Divine Confetti and a Treasure Chest containing 1x Prayer Beads.

Retrace your steps and break some dividers to reveal an idol ahead. Commune with the Hirata Audience Chamber Idol and speak to Inosuke Nogami's Mother. She is terrified and asks you to rescue the Young Lord and assist Inosuke. In the same room, there's 1x Mibu Balloon of Soul. You'll find Inosuke Nogami in poor condition; he gives you 1x Snap Seed in preparation for the upcoming boss fight.

Move past the tatami mats near Inosuke and descend the stairs. Use the Hidden Temple Key to unlock a large burning Buddha hall. A cutscene will play, showing Kuro searching for his mother and father. Sekiro snaps him out of it, and Lady Butterfly appears. She is a challenging boss fight. When you deplete her first health bar, she will disappear and respawn. Defeating her grants you 1,500 XP, Memory: Lady Butterfly, and Sakura Droplet. A cutscene will then reveal the possible source of your Dragon Heritage powers, and you'll be teleported to the Dilapidated Temple.


Ashina Castle

  1. Before reaching 1st Ashina Castle Idol: Finish Tengu of Ashina quest, unlock Ashina Arts
  2. Defeat Blazing Bull
  3. Obtain Prayer Bead and Shinobi Medicine Rank 2
  4. Get Gatehouse Key
  5. Find the Dungeon Memorial Mob merchant


This area is an impressive complex guarded by tall walls, fearless Fencers, and the agile Nightjar Ninjas. They protect the nobles within the palace, as well as guard against the escape of the hostage: Kuro The Divine Heir.

After grappling onto the roof of the first locked gate, look behind you to spot two Assassins. They will discuss the uncertain future of Ashina due to Lord Isshin's illness and mention a separate mission in the Serpent Valley. These enemies have ranged attacks, a perilous grab, and can inflict Poison status. They can also grapple onto ledges and follow you. To engage them, head to the left side and stealthily take out the one hiding behind a tree. The Loaded Axe is particularly effective against these enemies. Wait for them to charge at you, then use it to make them vulnerable for a Deathblow. These enemies may drop Black Gunpowder. Be sure to pick up 1x Pellet.

If you go back to talk to Tengu of Ashina he'll reward you with Ashina Esoteric Text, which unlocks the Ashina Arts tree. He mentions that they have no specific rules but winning and that it will assist you in further "rat hunting". Now go to the Sculptor's Idol and unlock the first passive skills in Ashina Line if you have the skill points, as they are very useful.

Head back to the castle gates and go to the spot where you fought the Assassins. Descend a small staircase where you'll encounter three dogs and a warrior. Defeat them and continue onward, where two more enemies and 1x Ceramic Shard await. If you prefer, you can take a branch to the left of the Ceramic Shard to bypass the enemies and stealthily take them out. Another warrior will emerge from the gate, defeat him then look slightly left from where you came and jump to grab onto the yellowish ledge. Follow this path and grapple onto the building's roof. Behind you, you'll find 1x Spirit Emblem. Jump and grapple to a branch to collect 2x Gachiin's Sugar and 1x Scrap Iron. Watch out, as Geckos are lurking above these items. Use shurikens to safely take them out, and each one gives you 19 XP.

Return to the main building before the Spirit Emblem and pick up 1x Light Coin Purse. This building offers a great view of the area below, where you'll see two Taro Troops (Wooden Mallet). Jump down to eliminate one as you land, then move to separate the others and take them out one by one, leaving the Taro Troop (Wooden Mallet) for last. Its hammer attacks are slow but have an AoE barrage, so be cautious. Jumping away from its attacks works well. Each one grants +38 XP. Before leaving the area, climb onto the wall near the entrance tunnel and look down to find 1x Ako's Sugar. Turn around, grapple onto the protruding rooftop, and climb back up. Next, head to the far side of the empty area, where a short staircase leads to a cliff. Here, you'll find 1x Scrap Iron and 2x Fistful of Ash.

Proceed toward the exit gate and grapple up, triggering an eavesdrop opportunity. The guards mention something being used in battle that doesn't discriminate between friend or foe. Equip the Shinobi Firecracker before moving forward. As you continue, you'll be greeted by the "Ashina Castle" title. Three enemies await, but as you reach the halfway point, a mini-boss appears. You'll now face the Blazing Bull mini-boss. The key to defeating it is to stay behind it and use the Shinobi Firecracker occasionally to briefly stun it. Dodge its charges and pursue it, and you should defeat it in a few tries. This mini-boss rewards you with 1x Prayer Beads, the passive skill Shinobi Medicine Rank 2, and 215 XP.

After the fight, pass through the gate to meet an old woman NPC. You can't do much here now, but talk to her. Ahead, commune with the Ashina Castle Sculptor's Idol. If you've been following the guide and have four Prayer Beads, use them to obtain the Second Prayer Necklace, enhancing your attributes. This idol marks a significant divergence point, with paths leading up Ashina Castle, to the left toward Ashina Reservoir, or to the Abandoned Dungeon. Return to where the praying woman is, then jump and grapple to cross the moat. If you fall, you'll find 1x Spirit Emblem and can grapple back up from the other side. Once across, head left into a building to collect 1x Light Coin Purse.

At the gate, take a moment to eavesdrop on the enemies discussing putting armor on someone from "Taro's Troup." They mention it's an unwieldy thing that might come off surprisingly easily. Defeat the enemies here to obtain 1x Gatehouse Key. Across the bridge, you'll face a powerful Taro Troop (Bell) and three dogs, earning Scrap Magnetite and 186XP for defeating them. Behind the Taro Troop, pick up 1x Black Gunpowder. Ahead, you'll find 1x Heavy Coin Purse, and to the left, the Abandoned Dungeon Entrance Sculptor's Idol. The Dungeon Memorial Mob is also here with various items. This path leads to the Abandoned Dungeon.



Ashina Reservoir is revisited later in the game after players have access to the Ashina Castle area. There are two ways to access this section, but it is recommended that you first obtain the Gatehouse Key. Starting from the Ashina Castle Idol, take a few steps back towards the praying woman, then jump and grapple across the moat. If you fall, you can collect 1x Spirit Emblem and grapple back up from the opposite side. Once across, head left into a building to pick up 1x Light Coin Purse. Near the gate, eavesdrop on the enemies discussing how armor was put on someone from "Taro's Troup" and how it may come off easily. Defeat these enemies to obtain 1x Gatehouse Key, then return to the Ashina Castle Idol.

Just a short distance from the Ashina Castle Idol, interact with a remnant to see a memory of Kuro and Emma. From there, jump over a wall, land in water, grapple out, and find 1x Scrap Iron and 1x Mibu Possession Balloon. Open a nearby door to enter a structure and unlock another door to return to the courtyard from before. Here, drop down to pick up 1x Pellet and unlock the nearby door, which is the closed gate from the tutorial, next to the Ashina Reservoir Idol. After the idol, eavesdrop on a pair of enemies ahead discussing a shinobi sighting. Defeat them and the guarding dogs, remember that using shurikens works well against the dogs.

Now grapple onto the rooftops and you'll spot 2x Taro Troop (Wooden Mallet)s ahead, and 1x Ashina Soldier (Matchlock Rifle) to your left. First, deal with the rifle-wielder by grappling onto the ledge near him, but be cautious as this triggers an alarm. The crowd is unlikely to come your way, so defeat the enemy sounding the alarm and hide until the alert subsides.

Now look towards Moon-View Tower, where you first learned about underfloor sneaking. With the Gatehouse Key you obtained earlier, unlock the door and enter. Inside, collect 1x Heavy Coin Purse and find a chest containing Gyoubu's Broken Horn, which is an Upgrade Material used to create the Loaded Spear Prosthetic Tool. Move under the house floor (past 2x Ceramic Shard) and emerge on the other side to defeat 1x Ashina Soldier (Matchlock Rifle). Stealth away if needed to lure other enemies for additional stealth kills. Large enemies yield 90XP and may drop a Mibu Possession Balloon, while standard enemies give 43XP. Collect 1x Fistful of Ash and 1x Pellet before heading to the Moon-View Tower.

Here, you'll face the mini-boss Seven Ashina Spears - Shikibu Toshikatsu Yamauchi. You can approach stealthily to remove one health bar before the fight. He has two perilous attacks, one is a thrust that can be countered with Mikiri Counter, and one is a slash that you can jump over. His other attacks are strong, so focus on deflecting, and consider using Ungo's Sugar to reduce damage taken. Defeating him grants 465XP and 1x Prayer Beads.

Inside the tower, interact with a Remnant of Kuro to hear him reflect on his powers. From outside, grapple onto the roof and circle around the tower to find 1x Bundled Jizo Statue. There’s also 1x Scrap Iron by a tree near the tower.

Return to the area where you defeated the alarm enemy and look around the corner to find the spot where you first learned to wall hug and shimmy. Heading towards your initial spawn point, you'll encounter an NPC named Jinzaemon Kumano, searching for a specific tune. He will leave if you engage with the swordsman nearby.

In the cave where you first spawned, you'll meet Lone Shadow Longswordsman. Talking to him leads to a confrontation. If you retreat and approach again from above (where the woman NPC dropped the letter), you can remove one of his health bars. Use Ungo's Sugar to boost defense, focus on deflecting, and try to circle behind him. Be wary of his Perilous Attacks in the narrow space, but they can be deflected. Defeating him rewards you with 215XP, 2x Scrap Magnetite, 1x Prayer Beads, and 96 Sen.

Continue past the defeated swordsman and grapple to collect 1x Scrap Iron from the ledge you saw at the start of the game. Moving into the Abandoned Dungeon, you'll encounter 2x Gecko. After defeating them, jump to a ledge on the right to obtain 1x Bulging Coin Purse, and proceed to commune with the Bottomless Hole Sculptor's Idol. You’ve now reached the Abandoned Dungeon (Bottomless Hole Idol).


Ashina Castle

  1. Defeat General Kuranosuke Matsumoto
  2. Obtain Prayer Bead
  3. Rescue Fujioka the Info Broker and speak to him to obtain the Nightjar Beacon Memo (he then moves to Dilapidated Temple and becomes a vendor, you can buy a Gourd Seed for 2000 Coins from him there)
  4. Open the treasure chest and collect a Gourd Seed.
  5. Obtain the Sabimaru.
  6. Find a hidden passage and acquire a Prayer Bead inside a treasure chest.
  7. Interact with a Emma and Kuro's remnant
  8. Defeat Ashina Elite - Jinsuke Saze
  9. Obtain Prayer Bead
  10. Defeat Genichiro Ashina
  11. Obtain and consume the Boss Memory
  12. Acquire the first Ninjutsu Technique: Bloodsmoke Ninjutsu
  13. Talk to Kuro, the Divine Heir who will tell you to go outside his window to find Isshin Ashina.
  14. Talk to Kuro once again and loot the Gun Fort Shrine Key.
  15. Obtain Loaded Umbrella materials from Blackhat Badger


Fast travel to the Ashina Castle Idol and head to the right. The rooftops in this area are patrolled by special flying mobs. Up the stairs, you'll encounter General Kuranosuke Matsumoto. Before engaging him, grapple onto the rooftops and drop down to take out the Ashina Soldiers (Matchlock Rifle) in the area. It's crucial to eliminate these enemies first, as they'll keep shooting at you during the fight if left alive. Defeating General Kuranosuke Matsumoto rewards you with 1x Prayer Beads, 280 XP, and 89 Sen. There's also a chest behind him containing 1x Divine Grass.

Around the corner, you'll find 1x Mibu Balloon of Wealth. Now drop down and you'll find an NPC named Fujioka the Info Broker. Speak to him and agree to help, and he will ask you to defeat the Samurai of Ashina in exchange for valuable information. Head down to the courtyard and defeat the group of enemies there, which will allow you to loot 1x Ceramic Shard. The area below is filled with various enemies, including Assassins, rifle-wielding warriors, and a new Nightjar Ninja enemy that attacks with projectiles and moves at high speed, yielding 76 XP each. You'll also find 1x Scrap Iron by a tree overlooking the moat and bridge near the Ashina Castle Idol, as well as 3x Fistful of Ash in a courtyard next to the tunnel leading to the Remnant of Kuro and Emma. After clearing the area, return to Fujioka the Info Broker, who will reward you with 1x Nightjar Beacon Memo. He will then relocate to the Dilapidated Temple and become a merchant there.

You'll notice Incense Smoke rising from some rooftops. Jump onto the first one you see near the previous items, and then leap to the second roof beyond it. Here, you'll find 2x Ceramic Shard. Head toward the larger building with the purple banner, defeat the Nightjar Ninja there, and look across to spot two more on the opposite side, that’s where you need to go. Step back from this tower and grapple onto its roof to find 1x Pellet in a nest. Next, grapple onto the opposite building and take on the two enemies there. If you're having trouble, you can try dashing past and hiding, but be aware that more enemies are ahead, requiring plenty of grappling. Alternatively, use items to boost your performance. There's 1x Ungo's Sugar on one of the rooftops, and you can stealthily move around to defeat several more enemies. After thinning out the enemies, you'll notice a remaining item, which is 1x Ceramic Shard.

Instead of going around the corner, carefully creep forward to spot a grapple point. An enemy is waiting to ambush you, so move slowly to be able to grapple without triggering the trap. Inside the room, you'll find 1x Fistful of Ash and a Treasure Chest containing 1x Gourd Seed. Travel back to the Dilapidated Temple to upgrade your Gourd and return here to continue. (You can also buy 1x Gourd Seed from Fujioka the Info Broker at the temple now).

From this point, you'll encounter challenging enemies. Go up the stairs and to the right to circle around the dividers and ambush the Fencer. Open the nearby door to see several enemies patrolling, along with an old woman who will call for help if she spots you. Wait for their patterns to align, then move in to kill her first. Once she's dealt with, retreat and wait to handle the samurai, who give 78 XP and may drop a Pellet. Dropping down the hole in this area allows you to open the main gate of the castle (leading to Ashina Castle Idol), and pick up the prosthetic tool Sabimaru, as well as 2x Eel Liver, 1x Gokan's Sugar, and access the path to the Old Grave Idol.

Follow the wall to the right of your entry point, and you'll find 1x Pellet along with a Fencer you can stealth-kill. From this position, you'll notice three Fencers in the adjacent room. Grapple onto the ceiling and enter the crawlspace to pick up 2x Gachiin's Sugar, giving you a good vantage point to observe their movements. You can also use these grapple points to retreat to safety if needed. In the room below, you'll find 1x Scrap Iron and 1x Ako's Sugar. Right where you collected Ako's Sugar, hug the wall and use the hidden passage. Inside, you'll discover 1x Light Coin Purse, 1x Heavy Coin Purse (hidden behind a breakable screen), and a treasure chest containing 1x Prayer Beads.

Head to the ceiling crawlspace and make your way to the next room, where you'll find three enemies: one woman and two Fencers. Stealthily eliminate one of the Fencers, then open the door, during which you'll be immune to damage. Lure the remaining enemies outside and use your Loaded Spear to deal damage from a safe distance, or take them down as you prefer. Once they're defeated, move forward and collect 1x Mibu Balloon of Wealth from the staircase and 1x Gokan's Sugar from the top landing. Ahead, you'll find a remnant where Kuro and Emma discuss Ashina's plan to use Rejuvenating Waters, which originate from the Dragon's Blood and grant immortality to those who consume them.

Commune with the Upper Tower - Ashina Dojo Idol nearby, and if possible, enhance your physical attributes with 1x Third Prayer Necklace. Go back downstairs and stealthily defeat the 2 Fencers to pick up 1x Ceramic Shard. Break the screen behind them to uncover a hidden path. Beyond this path, you'll encounter three feathered enemies that can be quite challenging. Lure them back to the crawlspace to separate them and defeat them more easily. Each of these enemies grants 84 XP. The room ahead contains 2x Eel Liver and 2x Pellet. Continue upstairs from this room to find 1x Isshin's Letter. A nearby tower also holds 1x Gachiin's Sugar.

Return to the Ashina Dojo Idol and open the door to enter a room where you'll face Ashina Elite - Jinsuke Saze. The key to defeating this skilled swordsman is to deflect his attacks, his posture will break quickly, allowing you to defeat him swiftly. Alternatively, you can use Gachiin's Sugar and crouch walk along the right side of the room to deliver a stealth deathblow. Defeating him rewards you with 1x Prayer Beads and 314 XP. In this room, you can also collect 1x Pellet, 1x Scrap Magnetite, and 3x Eel Liver, and interact with a nearby scroll for additional lore.

Next, you'll face a rematch with Genichiro Ashina. Defeating him will grant you 2000 XP, the Memory: Genichiro, and unlock your first Ninjutsu: Bloodsmoke Ninjutsu. Commune with the nearby idol to unlock the Castle Tower Lookout travel destination, then speak with Emma. She will reveal that she works for Isshin Ashina, who does not intend to use the Divine Heir's blood and has tasked her with helping Kuro escape.

Next, head down and commune with the Upper Tower - Kuro's Room idol. In this room, you'll find 1x Scrap Magnetite. Behind some dividers, there's an Eavesdropping Opportunity where you can hear Kuro wondering when Genichiro lost his way. You can also discover a Hidden Wall that leads to the Dilapidated Temple, possibly explaining how Emma comes and goes.

Afterward, approach Kuro. He reveals his wish to sever the stagnation caused by the Dragon Heritage. At this point, the game presents a choice: Help Kuro or Obey the Iron Code, protect Kuro. If you choose to Help Kuro, the only option you’ll have is to Obey the Iron Code, protect Kuro. Kuro will then ask you to join him in his quest to Sever Immortal Ties, and you will receive the Immortal Severance Text. He also directs you to the nearby incense burner, which belonged to a previous Divine Heir, Lord Takeru. The scent of the Fountainhead is the key to reaching the divine realm, where Kuro aims to obtain the Dragon Tear.

Lord Isshin Ashina can be found in the tower where you previously discovered Isshin's Letter. When you speak with him, he gives you 1x Unrefined Sake. If you ask him about the Immortal Severance, he will mention that you need Fushigiri, the Mortal Blade. When you inquire about its location, he tells you that it's in Senpou Temple, but it cannot be drawn.

Go back to Kuro's Room and you'll find a letter from Kuro telling you to meet him in the library. You can talk to Emma and she will say that Genichiro took a Rejuvenating Sediment, which was originally researched by her master. You can now give her Gourd Seeds, and even give her a drink. Pick up 1x Gun Fort Shrine Key from the Library and then talk to Kuro:

  • Show the Sakura Droplet: It's something left behind by Lord Takeru. You can keep the droplet or give it to Kuro.
  • Ask about the flower gets you 1x Fragrant Flower Note. It seems this takes you to the Sunken Valley. This is accessed via the Serpent Valley, that is just beyond Ashina Castle. You have to fall down.
  • Ask about the stone refers to a hidden village. The access is near Moon-View tower in Ashina Reservoir - that would have been the Bottomless Hole idol in Abandoned Dungeon.

Return to the Upper Tower - Antechamber Idol, where you'll find a room patrolled by an old woman and a Fencer. Drop down through the hole in this area to unlock the main gate of the castle, which leads back to the Ashina Castle Idol. Here, you can collect the Sabimaru prosthetic tool, along with 2x Eel Liver, 1x Gokan's Sugar, and access the path to the Old Grave Idol. Unlock the nearby door that leads to a pond. If you drop into the water, you'll encounter some aggressive fish that can be easily killed. Afterward, grapple to the shore where you'll find a locked gate. Use the grapple to reach a branch and jump onto the ledge. Approach the monk enemies ahead cautiously to receive 1x Heavy Coin Purse.

Ahead of the two Ashina Soldiers (Matchlock Rifle), commune with the Old Grave Idol. Nearby, you'll spot 1x Gachiin's Sugar in a nest perched on a wall. To your left, the buildings contain many treasures, but first, you’ll need to deal with a Sunken Valley Clan (Cannon) positioned on a building at the end of the staircase. As you approach the bottom, you'll overhear enemies discussing a nearby miscreant. Grapple onto the rooftop ahead of them and position yourself to grapple to the Sunken Valley Clan (Cannon) for a stealth deathblow. Afterward, drop down onto the other two enemies, and prepare to face a third spear-wielding enemy who will soon arrive.

As you prepare to descend the stairs, you'll notice another cannon enemy and an Assassin inside the building with the broken roof. Drop down behind the tower with the cannon enemy and stealth kill an Ashina Soldier (Matchlock Rifle). Afterward, defeat another enemy near the watchtower, then head up to eliminate the cannon-bearer. Once you've taken care of the cannon enemy, you'll spot the ambush that was lying in wait near the staircase. Deal with the warrior there, then grapple up to the building with the broken roof and drop inside to meet an NPC.

Drop down through the hole in the broken rooftop to find the NPC Blackhat Badger. He mistakenly thinks you're one of the Nightjar Cronies and complains about his bad day. He’s short on cash and offers to sell you items, including the Iron Fortress Upgrade Material, which enhances the Loaded Umbrella Prosthetic Tool. Outside this room, collect 1x Ungo's Sugar and then drop down to defeat the alarm enemy. Afterward, you can finally gather the treasures in the courtyard, which include 1x Ceramic Shard, 1x Fistful of Ash, 1x Light Coin Purse, and 1x Gachiin's Sugar.

Head towards the wall and jump up to spot the Ashina Outskirts, Underbridge Valley Idol across the broken bridge. On the broken bridge itself, you can find 1x Black Gunpowder. With this area cleared, return to the Old Grave Idol. To the left of the idol, you’ll find a grave where you can pick up 1x Dragon's Blood Droplet. Return to where you defeated the spear monk and eavesdrop on the enemies on the bridge. They discuss the scarcity of salt due to its use in cooking and ritual purification, and the shortage for burials. You can relay this information to Anayama the Peddler at your convenience.

Next, defeat the enemies on the bridge and the nearby rifle user, then collect 1x Mibu Possession Balloon. There’s also another 1x Mibu Possession Balloon under the bridge. Proceed through the gate, which leads to some Monkey enemies. First, jump and grab onto the side of the gate, walk across it, and drop down into the pond to find 2x Scrap Iron. The Monkeys are quick but can be taken down with Shuriken. Each Monkey yields 19XP. You can replenish Spirit Emblems in the area where there are 2x Spirit Emblem. Continue forward, enter the temple, and you’ll find 1x Mibu Balloon of Spirit. Commune with the Great Serpent Shrine Idol. Tengu of Ashina is now here and will ask if you’ve mastered any techniques. Jump across the cliff, grapple, and then grapple up again to collect 3x Eel Liver.



As you enter the Abandoned Dungeon, you'll notice a small entrance to your right. Inside, you can collect 2x Pacifying Agent. Be cautious of the Test Subject that may awaken behind you. You can choose to engage it or ignore it. To fully defeat a Test Subject, you need to attack it twice or use the Flame Vent to incinerate it completely, which prevents it from resurrecting. Defeating a Test Subject yields 47XP and might drop additional Pacifying Agents and Bite Down. Continue forward and crouch to enter a hole on your left, where you'll find 1x Rotting Prisoner's Note. Expect to be attacked by several Crickets, which you can dispatch with your sword. After dealing with them, exit and grapple onto the beams above. Drop to your right to collect 1x Pacifying Agent and 1x Spirit Emblem. Be prepared for more Test Subjects to awaken and be ready to defeat them.

Nearby, you'll encounter Doujun, who inquires if you're a Shinobi. Respond affirmatively, and he will give you a letter from his master, Dosaku, which you'll receive as 1x Surgeon's Bloody Letter. The letter specifies the need for a strong, unharmed man to be delivered, such as a robust samurai or a large soldier from the Taro Troop. You can travel to the Abandoned Dungeon - Bottomless Hole to lure Jinzaemon Kumano to Doujun or go to Senpou Temple, Mt. Kongo to bring Kotaro. Successfully delivering an NPC nets you 3x Lump of Fat and causes Doujun to leave. His spot will be replaced by an Eavesdropping opportunity after you rest. Continue on to find 1x Red Lump, then proceed down the slope to unlock the Underground Waterway Sculptor's Idol. Be cautious of the two Test Subjects in the vicinity.

Turn around and retrace your steps, but this time remain on the lower floor. You'll encounter several Crickets along the way. After dealing with them, collect 1x Oil, then proceed through the nearby passage to find 1x Bite Down. Defeat the adjacent Test Subject and take note of the Crumbling Offering Tower, which bears the inscription: "Here lie the vassals of the Ashina Clan executed after the great rebellion. May their spirits rest." Continue forward to reach a room where you'll face an apparition mini-boss. On a nearby plank, you'll find 1x Mibu Balloon of Soul. Afterward, backtrack slightly and drop down a ledge to collect 1x Pacifying Agent.

If you've unlocked the Abandoned Dungeon - Bottomless Hole Idol, teleport there to approach the boss more conveniently, as it has ranged attacks. The Shichimen Warrior inflicts the Terror status abnormality, so make sure to review the Shichimen Warrior page before engaging. Defeating this boss will reward you with the Ceremonial Tanto and 786 XP. In this room, you'll also find 1x Scrap Magnetite, 1x Black Gunpowder, and 1x Mibu Balloon of Soul. Optional Path to Ashina Depths: From the Bottomless Hole Idol, follow the path to a Torii gate, jump down, and then grapple across to a ledge. Here, you can collect 2x Mibu Balloon of Wealth. Continue along the path, drop down to fight two zombies, and obtain 1x Fistful of Ash. Dropping through the hole will lead you to the Ashina Depths: Ashina Depths Idol.

Return to the Underground Waterway Idol and head towards the water. You’ll find 1x Scrap Iron near the shore. Swim across the water until you reach a boat and some items. Defeat the two warriors first, then sneak around to find an Ashina Soldier (Matchlock Rifle) hiding near a pillar. After handling them, collect 2x Ako's Sugar, 2x Pacifying Agent, 1x Black Gunpowder, and 1x Light Coin Purse. Swim to the other side of the water where you’ll encounter 1x Samurai Spirit and 1x Ashina Soldier (Matchlock Rifle). In the next room, pull a handle to bring down a lift and operate the mechanism inside to make it rise. This will take you to a storage room covered in spiderwebs. A voice will call out to you. Commune with the nearby Idol to reach Senpou Temple, Mt. Kongo.


Senpou Temple, Mt. Kongo

  1. Speak to Kotaro
  2. Loot the Gourd Seed
  3. Speak to the Old Hag
  4. Defeat Armored Warrior
  5. Get Prayer Bead and Breath of Nature: Shadow Skill
  6. Loot the Red and White Pinwheel
  7. Loot the White Pinwheel
  8. Defeat Long Arm Centipede Sen-Un
  9. Get Prayer Bead
  10. Loot Senpou Esoteric Text
  11. Ring the bell in the large temple to face the Folding Screen Monkeys
  12. Acquire the Memory: Screen Monkeys & Puppeteer Ninjutsu Technique
  13. Acquire the Mortal Blade from the Divine Child of Rejuvenation in the Inner Sanctum.
  14. Acquire Holy Chapter: Infested


Upon arriving at Senpou Temple, commune with the nearby Idol. You'll hear a voice urging you to observe the enlightened face. Interacting with it reveals that the monks have forsaken their duties in their pursuit of immortality, making the area dangerous. After leaving the Idol's shelter, turn left and go around the corner to find 1x Gachiin's Sugar. Next, head right from the exit, where you’ll spot another item, 1x Scrap Iron. Up ahead, you’ll encounter an NPC named Kotaro, who has been abandoned. Ask him why he's crying, and he’ll tell you he was left behind but doesn’t remember by whom. He mentions he must find a pure white flower, prompting you to search for the White Pinwheel item and return it to him.

Below Kotaro, you'll find a monk praying by a broken bridge. Defeat him to earn 87 XP and 35 Sen. These monk enemies also have a chance to drop Ako's Sugar. From this spot, you can see some items in the lower area, where a Senpou Assassin awaits. Defeating the assassin yields 93 XP, and you can collect the nearby 2x Spirit Emblem. Under the bridge, you'll find 1x Gachiin's Sugar and 1x Mibu Balloon of Spirit. There's a kite here that you can fly, but it's not usable yet. We'll return to this area later. Blackhat Badger will also move to Senpou Temple after your time in Ashina Castle. If he doesn't appear, make sure to buy out his inventory at Ashina and then revisit this location. His shop will be closed, and he’ll express interest in the Kite device, which you'll use later.

Grapple back up and head up the slope toward the stone lanterns. To thoroughly loot the area, you'll need to take out all the monks here. Most can be dispatched through stealth if you're patient, but be cautious, as they often travel in groups near the torii gate. Use Ceramic Shards to separate them or stealth kill one and then engage the rest. The monks with staves can perform thrust-move Perilous Attacks. On top of the Ni-Oh gate, you'll find 1x Light Coin Purse. From the gate, head right into the tall grass, where you can ambush some patrolling monks further along the path. Near the main path, you'll find 1x Ako's Sugar. Continue to the right to collect 4x Spirit Emblem. After grabbing the emblems, drop down one ledge to find 1x Light Coin Purse and 3x Antidote Powder. Look up from this spot to see a grapple point that leads to 1x Heavy Coin Purse. Return to the Ni-Oh gate and this time, head left. You'll spot 2x Mibu Possession Balloon to the left of the staircase in front of the gate. As you ascend the staircase, stick to the left side to avoid the cluster of enemies, and pick up 1x Pellet. Grapple to a higher ledge from here to find 1x Pacifying Agent. Ahead, you'll see two guards. Sneak behind them to grab 1x Fistful of Ash.

From this spot, look up to find a grapple point leading to an opening in the ceiling. Grapple up and enter the room where you'll encounter several Crickets. Defeat them and collect 1x Ako's Sugar. The next room contains four monks and more Crickets. After engaging the monks, you'll face a Hammer Monk. While Shuriken can deal some chip damage, it's better to wait for his heavier attack, then strike when he's vulnerable. Defeating him will earn you 154 XP. Additionally, you'll encounter an Infested Seeker (Non-Parasite) in the area. In front of this enemy, you'll find 1x Gourd Seed, and behind the shrine, there's 1x Lump of Fat Wax. The room also contains 1x Gokan's Sugar and 4x Ceramic Shard.

Jump out of the window and speak with the Old Hag, who mentions that the fresh fruit lies across the cliff and beyond the cave. She offers to help if you’re in need and requests that you bring her rice. You’ll find this item at the very end of the level, so we'll return here later.

Turn around to find 1x Mibu Balloon of Spirit, then head to the opposite side and approach the cliff to grapple onto a nearby branch. Look up, and you’ll spot 6x Spirit Emblem on a higher branch. Continue climbing to the top of the maple tree to collect 1x Light Coin Purse.

Drop down from the tree to stealthily kill a monk below, then return to the grassy area where a torch-wielding warrior and an archer are patrolling. After defeating these two, prepare to face two Spear Adepts wielding scythe-polearms. Be cautious, as their attacks can deal significant damage. If you're having difficulty, you can retreat and attempt a stealth kill. Defeating one will earn you 1x Heavy Coin Purse, and each grants 186 XP. They can also drop Gokan's Sugar and Scrap Iron. Before progressing, make sure to collect 1x Spirit Emblem and 1x Antidote Powder from a corner in the courtyard. Next, head to the large temple on the right and circle around it to find 1x Ungo's Sugar. There's a monk here you can eliminate if you choose to do so. Return to the stairs where the Spear Adepts were and pick up 1x Gachiin's Sugar. Look for a nearby grapple point, then drop down to ambush two enemies and collect 1x Pellet.

Grapple up to collect 2x Spirit Emblem, then proceed into the cave. Follow the path through the cave to reach the Shugendo Sculptor's Idol on the other side. From the idol, head left and descend to find 1x Ceramic Shard and the Shugendo Memorial Mob merchant. If you take a moment to look around, you'll notice that you are now above the area with the Ni-Oh gate that you previously passed through. Return to the Idol and this time, head upward. Grapple forward to land in front of a cave containing 2x Mibu Balloon of Spirit. Several Senpou Assassin enemies are ahead, so use stealth to approach and execute a deathblow on the first one, earning 93 XP and a chance to obtain Scrap Iron. Next, grapple to the nearby platform, stealthily eliminate another Senpou Assassin, and pick up 1x Gachiin's Sugar. Finally, grapple all the way up to the higher ledge and perform a deathblow on the last enemy.

Continue climbing up the ledges and you'll reach a clearing that offers a stunning view of a temple resembling the real-life Kiyomizudera in Japan. Grapple across the branches to reach solid ground, then head left to an area filled with carvings adorned with red cloth, representing Jizo Statues that protect children. Here, you'll find 1x Red and White Pinwheel.

From this area, you'll notice some drop-down ledges. Descend as far as possible until you see a distant ledge below, and it looks like the fall will be painful, but drop anyway, aiming for the nearby ramp to safely land and collect 1x Heavy Coin Purse. After healing, use the grapple point on your left, press square to catch the ledge, pull yourself up, and proceed to wall-jump up to a higher level. Watch out for 2x Gecko before making the jump. In this spot, you can collect 1x White Pinwheel. You can return this to Kotaro. Give him the White Pinwheel, and he will ask you to spirit him away, acknowledging that you are a shinobi and mentioning that he needs to go to the children.

Jump across the cliff, eliminate the lizard, and head up the ramp. Use the grapple points to reach a room where you can loot 1x Monkey Booze and 1x Heavy Coin Purse. Open the sealed door and defeat the centipede enemy inside, then collect 1x Black Gunpowder. Commune with the Bell Demon's Temple Sculptor's Idol to unlock it. There's a nearby hidden wall that leads to the Headless and Ashina Outskirts. You can now teleport back to the Shugendo Idol to continue progressing through the Senpou Temple level.

The bridge near the Red and White Pinwheel is where you'll encounter the mini-boss, the Armored Warrior. Defeating him rewards you with 465 XP, 1x Prayer Beads, and the Skill Breath of Nature: Shadow.

Across the bridge, you'll find 1x Scrap Magnetite and the Temple Grounds Sculptor's Idol to commune with. Drop down behind the idol onto a nearby rooftop to collect 1x Ceramic Shard. In the pond ahead, defeat 2x Treasure Carp enemies to obtain Treasure Carp Scales. Afterward, grapple back up and you'll encounter additional wolves and find 1x Gokan's Sugar. You can dive down towards the Kannon Buddha to collect 1x Prayer Beads.

From the Gokan's Sugar, proceed downward to encounter 2 Monkeys. They can drop Persimmons and are easily dealt with using shurikens. Collect 1x Pellet and continue down to face more Monkeys. Defeat them and stealth-kill a Hammer Monk for 154 XP. In this lower area, you can loot 3x Mibu Balloon of Spirit, 1x Persimmon, 2x Spirit Emblems, and 1x Heavy Coin Purse. You'll also see the area where you fought the Spear Adepts enemies across a broken bridge.

Return to the pond and grapple onto the branches near the large temple. Collect 3x Fistful of Ash and stealth-kill the monks here, who yield 87 XP and may drop Lump of Fat Wax. In the far corner, jump up to the stone floor and find 2x Ceramic Shards at the end of the corridor near a broken window. You can either jump through the broken window or go around to the opposite side and jump onto a rooftop where you’ll encounter the mini-boss: Long Arm Centipede Sen-Un.

In this area, you'll encounter several Assassin enemies, primarily on the rooftops. Start by eliminating the Assassin on the ground floor and collect 1x Light Coin Purse. Proceed into the nearby room to face off against some monk enemies and acquire 1x Lump of Fat Wax. Be aware that the central enemy in white has a special centipede effect. After clearing the room, exit the courtyard and head towards the Jizo Statues and Pinwheels. You’ll see a bonfire burning in the distance. Defeat the monks in the area and continue up and around a rock to stealthily take down a large hammer-wielding monk. You’ll find 1x Ungo’s Sugar near him and 5x Fistful of Ash on the bonfire.

Before you move on, consider tackling the optional mini-boss: Long Arm Centipede Sen-Un. Follow the path leading down from the bonfire, where you'll encounter several dogs and Geckos. Use shurikens to eliminate them and pick up 1x Mibu Balloon of Spirit along the way. As you reach a large temple, you'll hear scratching sounds. Make sure to defeat all the mini-centipede enemies in the area, including those on the support beams, before facing the mini-boss. The Shinobi Firecracker tool is particularly effective against Sen-Un. Defeating this mini-boss rewards you with 428 XP, 1x Prayer Beads, and 1x Yellow Gunpowder. Additionally, you can find 4x Black Gunpowder and 1x Gokan's Sugar in the room.

Return to the area with the large fire and stealthily move upwards until you locate 2 monks. Take out the shield-bearer first from stealth, then engage the firebomb monk up close for a quick defeat. There's one more enemy and 1x Gokan's Sugar on a ledge to the left of the lantern path leading up. Next, grapple onto a rooftop and you'll see two additional monks on the next staircase. There’s 1x Ungo's Sugar located beneath that staircase. Defeat the monks and proceed to find 3x Spear Adepts. These enemies can be challenging, so it's advisable to lure one out and attempt a stealth kill. You'll receive 1x Bulging Coin Purse as a reward.

After taking down the Spear Adepts, enter the temple to access the Main Hall Sculptor's Idol. In this room, you'll find 1x Ungo's Sugar and 1x Black Gunpowder near the Centipede Monk, 1x Lump of Fat Wax behind the main Buddha altar, and 1x Pellet by a Cricket Monk on the right. Grapple onto the beams above and drop onto the Buddha to collect 1x Dragon's Blood Droplet. From the Idol, grapple to the beams on the left of the Buddha, drop down, and retrieve a Bundled Jizo Statue between the statue rows.

If you haven’t spoken to Kuro at Ashina Castle: Talk to the NPC here to hear about the "Child of the Sacred Water" and the "special holy person" confined to the Inner Sanctum. He'll ask you to deliver 1x Holy Chapter: Infested to her as atonement. If you speak with him again, he'll recognize you as the shinobi of the Divine Heir and ask you not to abandon him, warning you of regret if you do. If he’s not present, you can find the infested chapter in the pond near Temple Grounds after completing Mibu Village.

After speaking to Kuro, the Divine Heir at Ashina Castle, you’ll find a small bell here that triggers a cutscene, transporting you to the Halls of Illusion. You’ll receive 1x Illusive Hall Bell, a Quick Item that resets Monkeys and Wolves to their original states.

In the Halls of Illusion, you'll encounter the Illusory Hall Monk who provides details about the monkeys in the area:

  • Purple Kimono Monkey: "Seeing Monkey" with good eyesight that will flee if it sees you.
  • Orange Kimono Monkey: "Speaking Monkey" makes noise and can cause other monkeys to run away.
  • Green Kimono Monkey: "Hearing Monkey" has sensitive hearing and is hard to approach.
  • White Kimono Monkey: "Invisible Monkey" makes noise when landing near you.

The monk explains that he feels close to Nirvana in this place and mentions that someone with a similar mission has gone quiet. He hopes you succeed in your quest. To find and defeat the Folding Screen Monkeys without being noticed, you can use the Illusive Hall Bell to reset if you make a mistake. Use the Deafening Bell to cover your tracks and leverage the water in the "Roaring Hall" for stealth. The Light Hall will darken if the wind is let in. To remain undetected, use Gachiin's Sugar to mask your presence and be aware that the monkeys cause Terror Status Abnormality. Shuriken can be used to handle them, and Pacifying Agent can help manage their effects. When dealing with the White Robe Monkey, look for its yellow footprints and attack accordingly, or use the Shinobi Firecracker. Defeating the monkeys rewards you with 3000 XP, the Folding Screen Monkeys Trophy, Memory: Screen Monkeys, and the Puppeteer Ninjutsu, and advances you to the Inner Sanctum.

In the Inner Sanctum, you’ll find 2x Pellet behind the building. Inside, approach the Divine Child of Rejuvenation and ask for the Fushigiri Mortal Blade. She warns that no one who wields this weapon survives. You can choose to try drawing the blade or give up. If you attempt to draw it, you will die but then revive, and she will tell you that you carry the curse of the Dragon Heritage. Upon speaking with her again, explain that you wish to sever the Dragon's Heritage. As the last surviving child of the Rejuvenating Waters, she decides to assist you and gives you 1x Rice. After this, you can interact with her in the following ways:

  • Request Rice: She will provide more once the harvest is complete.
  • Give Holy Chapter: Infested: She will read it but admits that she still harbors hatred towards the afflicted.
  • Present Sakura Droplet: If you agree, she will convert it into additional resurrective power for you.

Once you have the Fushigiri Mortal Blade, head back to the Main Hall to deal with the Centipede Monks. Equip the Mortal Blade and use it in combat to defeat them. Afterward, return to Ashina Castle and show Kuro the blade for additional dialogue and context.

Exit through the far door and drop down to a ledge to collect 1x Ako's Sugar. Then, enter the building with the white banner, defeat 1 monk, and proceed past a Buddha Hall into a cave. Be prepared to face and defeat Centipedes in close-range combat. Look to your left to find a small passage you can crouch through, leading to a chance to stealth-kill an ambusher. Continue forward into another narrow passage with water, where you can collect 1x Mibu Balloon of Spirit. Climb up a ledge to confront 3 Centipedes in a cave filled with dead monks. Grapple up twice to reach a Pagoda, where you should defeat 2 Geckos and collect 2x Pellet and 2x Spirit Emblem. Inside the Pagoda, you'll find the Senpou Esoteric Text, unlocking the Temple Arts Skill Tree. You can then use the nearby Grapple point to return to the main hall of the temple.

Return to Kuro in Ashina Castle to present the blade. After that, head back to the Shugendo Idol and continue with the steps for the Puppeteer Ninjutsu. Your next destination will be the Sunken Valley and Sunken Valley Passage.

*Return to the Old Hag: Give her the rice, and she expresses her gratitude before eating and falling asleep. She then tells you that you need to wind a puppet and fly a kite, which pertains to the Puppeteer Ninjutsu. Next, go to Blackhat Badger near the entrance of Senpou Temple and share your idea with him. You'll use the "rat" near the kite in combination with your Ninjutsu. Perform a backstab on the rat, then activate the ninjutsu by pressing R1 after delivering the deathblow.

*Return to the Kite Puzzle: You need to defeat the boss of this area, then speak with the Old Hag and Blackhat Badger before you can fully progress. You cannot complete this section until you finish Sunken Valley, but you can advance the Blackhat Badger quest if you wish. Equip the Puppeteer Ninjutsu, approach the Senpou Assassin stealthily, and press R1 to turn it into your puppet. This will make the enemy raise the kite for you. Afterward, talk to Blackhat Badger, then return to the large tree near the Old Hag and grapple to the kite. Crossing it will lead you to 2x Snap Seed and onto Sunken Valley Passage. Collect 1x Scrap Magnetite, speak with Blackhat Badger again, and then commune with the Sunken Valley Cavern Idol to gather 3x Mibu Balloon of Spirit. From here, teleport to Ashina Castle, Great Serpent Shrine to begin your descent into Sunken Valley.


Ashina Castle

  1. Port to the top of Ashina Castle
  2. Head out the back of Ashina Castle
  3. Use the Gun Fort Shrine Key to open the shrine
  4. Speak with Tengu of Ashina
  5. Obtain the Mushin Esoteric Text
  6. Cross into Sunken Valley
  7. Make a note to eavesdrop on Isshin's Room whenever possible.


After acquiring the Mortal Blade, your next steps involve returning to Ashina Castle. Fast travel to the top of the castle and then drop down from the roof into the moat below. From there, grapple out of the moat and make your way through the few remaining enemies. Cross the bridge to reach the exit of Ashina Castle. Use the Gun Fort Shrine Key to unlock the shrine and speak with Tengu of Ashina. If you have unlocked the final skill in any of your skill trees, Tengu will reward you with the Mushin Esoteric Text. This text will be valuable for further enhancing your abilities. Afterward, grapple over into the Sunken Valley.

From this point onward, make sure to visit Isshin's room in Ashina Castle and eavesdrop on his conversations. Specifically, listen for a discussion between him and Emma that will provide you with additional story details and possible options for your next steps.


Sunken Valley

  1. Get Gourd Seed
  2. Unlock Under-Shrine Valley Idol
  3. Get Prayer Bead from nearby said idol
  4. Unlock Sunken Valley Idol
  5. Defeat Mini-Boss: Snake Eyes Shirafuji
  6. Get Prayer Bead from the Mini-Boss
  7. Unlock Gun Fort Idol
  8. Defeat Mini-Boss: Long-arm Centipede Giraffe
  9. Get Prayer Bead from the Mini-Boss
  10. Obtain Large Fan for Divine Abduction Prosthetic Tool
  11. Get Divine Confetti & Prayer Bead
  12. Make it past the Great Serpent



When you first arrive at Under-Shrine Valley, turn around and grapple across, defeat two Gunmen, and jump and grab a ledge. You'll come to a grave site where you can find 1x Prayer Bead. The pond nearby leads to a Headless but you cannot go there until after Mibu Village is completed. Beyond the Under-Shrine Valley Idol, you'll find 2x Fistful of Ash. This area contains bayonet-wielding enemies who drop 36 Sen and 160 XP, with the first enemy located right after you grapple to a ledge across from the items. They may also drop Antidote Powder and Black Gunpowder. This area can be tricky, so start by defeating the enemy, then go through the cave behind him. Grapple twice and take out a Sunken Valley Clan (Rifle) enemy. You'll come across another cave after a ledge. Climb through this cave and defeat the enemy by the cliff. Next, grapple up and take out the second enemy. Climb a ledge to the left to collect 1x Gourd Seed and 1x Yellow Gunpowder from the shelter.

Return to the location where you saw the cave and drop down to collect 1x Ceramic Shard. Next, grapple across and proceed forward. A Gecko will drop down; defeat it to obtain 1x Antidote Powder. Then, hug the wall and shimmy along the ledge. Grapple to the other branch, where the snow will be much thicker. There are two bayonet enemies and one with a strange cannon-type artillery. Stealth is recommended to avoid frustration, as defeating them grants 297 XP. You can find 1x Scrap Magnetite and the Sunken Valley Sculptor's Idol in this area. Nearby, an NPC will mention the Senpou bells before dying.

Ahead, you'll see an impressive vista, but it's deceptive, as there are numerous guns aimed at you. Move swiftly to avoid being hit by the gunfire. Jump down and grapple, then head left and jump and grapple to engage the mini-boss, Snake Eyes Shirafuji. Defeating her rewards you with 1x Prayer Beads and 822 XP. The platform also contains 1x Scrap Magnetite and 2x Fistful of Ash. Drop down to the right of the Buddha's face, defeat the enemy there, and collect 1x Antidote Powder.

To the left of the Buddha's face, you'll find a narrow ledge where you can wall-hug and cross over. This will give you a view of the bridge. It's best to use Gachiin's Sugar to remain undetected, as this section is extremely chaotic with heavy gunfire. When you reach the middle of the bridge, you'll encounter a hole. Dash through it, jump over the hole, and then grapple to escape the gunfire. If you fall through the hole in the bridge while sprinting, you can use three grapples to quickly reach the safe zone mentioned earlier. This can help you avoid getting caught in the gunfire killzone at the end of the bridge.

Heal up and continue climbing the ledges, taking out enemies as you go. You can perform several stealth deathblows. On the top ledge to the right, you'll find 1x Scrap Magnetite. Grapple to the branches and move up another level. On this platform, be cautious of alarm firecrackers that trigger when you walk around. Defeat the enemies that come running, then grapple up to the right to loot 1x Scrap Magnetite. On the left side, you'll find 1x Black Gunpowder. To the left, there's a grapple point leading to 1x Ungo's Sugar. Ahead, a tunnel passage allows you to approach a heavier enemy from stealth. To the left of the tunnel entrance, there's a drop-down where you can collect 1x Gokan's Sugar. Defeating the furthest enemy in the cave rewards you with 3x Yellow Gunpowder.

After clearing the room with the heavy gunners, you'll reach the Gun Fort Idol. Commune with the idol and collect 2x Pellet, 1x Yellow Gunpowder, 1x Heavy Coin Purse, and 3x Snap Seed from the nearby room. To the left of the idol, you'll find 3x Spirit Emblem and a cave entrance. Proceed through the cave to face the mini-boss, Long-arm Centipede Giraffe. Defeating him rewards you with 778 XP, 122 Sen, 2x Yellow Gunpowder, and 1x Prayer Beads. In this area, you'll also find 1x Scrap Magnetite and 1x Large Fan, an upgrade material for the Divine Abduction Prosthetic Tool. Look for a hole in the floor and crouch underneath to collect 1x Yellow Gunpowder. Then, find another passage going down, stick to the left, grapple to some poles, and a ramp to gather 3x Mibu Balloon of Soul. These items are visible from where the Spirit Emblems were.

Return to the initial grapple point you used and take the alternate path. A hole on your left leads to a small camp where you can find Divine Confetti and several Geckos. Eliminate all the Geckos in this area. After clearing the camp, exit the room and grapple across. Look ahead and down to land on a ledge above several centipede enemies. Be cautious of Geckos on the sides. First, take out the Geckos, then engage the centipede enemies below. Collect 1x Prayer Beads and 1x Contact Medicine from this area.

Return to the underfloor tunnel and head back to the area where you fought the mini-boss Long-arm Centipede Giraffe. Use the Gun Fort Shrine Key, which you received from Kuro at Ashina Castle, to unlock the door behind that mini-boss and proceed. You will now be in the Sunken Valley Passage. As you advance, be cautious of the Great Serpent guarding the bridge ahead. Be prepared to dodge and grapple. If you fall into the water, you’ll need to quickly dash to avoid the snake and then run to shore to unlock the Riven Cave Idol. 


Sunken Valley Passage

  1. Talk to Old Hag
  2. Defeat Guardian Ape
  3. Loot the Lotus of the Palace in the cave nearby.
  4. Find Toxic Memorial Mob merchant
  5. Get Fulminated Mercury
  6. Use Puppeteer Ninjutsu on Monkey by Serpent
  7. Get Dried Serpent Viscera
  8. Get Divine Confetti
  9. Unlock Ashina Depths: Poison Pool Idol
  10. Teleport to the Senpou Temple, Mt. Kongo Idol
  11. Use the Puppeteer Ninjutsu on the Rat near the Kite mechanism
  12. Grapple across and get the Sunken Valley Cavern Idol
  13. Drop Down and kill Great Serpent
  14. Get Fresh Serpent Viscera
  15. Find Bundled Jizo Statue


Upon reaching the valley, you'll see a hanging bridge with the Great Serpent positioned to the left. As you try to cross the bridge, the serpent will charge at you, causing the bridge to collapse. Be prepared to grapple immediately to avoid falling. Once you reach the other side, there will be items available, but you can leave them for now and collect them later when you return. At the bottom, heal yourself and quickly swim to shore, avoiding the serpent's attacks. Enter the cave to unlock the Riven Cave Idol.

From the Riven Cave Idol, grapple up twice to obtain 1x Adamantite Scrap. Proceed onward, and you'll come across two large Buddha statues. This area contains Armored Monkeys, which give 56 XP each. Grapple across the Buddha’s hands and drop down to the left side. Grapple across again to stealth-kill a monkey and collect 3x Snap Seed. You can then grapple up and kill another monkey. Drop down next to the fallen Buddha head to find 1x Pacifying Agent.

Defeat the two remaining monkeys and then proceed across the stone bridge. Drop down to a large cluster of monkeys where you can find 1x Pacifying Agent and 3x Scrap Iron. From the Pacifying Agent, grapple across the cliff to obtain 1x Ungo's Sugar. Return to the monkey platform and grapple onto the nearby Buddha arm, then carefully jump onto the rock's rope to walk around it. Killing all the monkeys in this area will reward you with 1x Monkey Booze. This can be achieved with firecrackers and sweep attacks, but it's easiest with an (undirected) Finger Whistle, which you will obtain after defeating the upcoming boss. Grapple across to reach the Bodhisattva Valley Idol and speak to the Old Hag. Dropping down the nearby ledges will reveal 1x Mibu Balloon of Soul.

Ahead is the boss fight against the Guardian Ape. Defeating the ape will reward you with the Slender Finger and 4000 XP. After the battle, find the Lotus of the Palace by crouching behind the area where you fought the Guardian Ape, in a nearby cave.

From the Monkey gathering, grapple to the three large Buddha statues and navigate around their feet to defeat three monkeys and collect 1x Contact Medicine. Behind one of the statues, you’ll find three Nightjar Ninjas guarding 3x Contact Medicine. Near the Buddha's feet, you can find 3x Spirit Emblem on a ledge, with a drop leading to 2x Ako’s Sugar. From here, grapple onto the branches and descend to the valley floor. Be cautious as the valley's water is poisonous, and Elder Monkeys wielding dual katanas patrol the area. These white monkeys provide 300 XP and may drop Yellow Gunpowder and Pellet. Note: On the floor near the Bodhisattva Idol, you can find 1x Yellow Gunpowder and 1x Heavy Coin Purse.

On the main island with the monkeys, it's crucial to act quickly due to their poison attacks. Use Firecrackers to stun them and then defeat them. After clearing the area, you can start looting. You’ll find 1x Scrap Magnetite. Among the poison, there’s 1x Light Coin Purse and your first 1x Fulminated Mercury.There's also a nearby ledge that contains 1x Mibu Balloon of Soul.

Head towards the large dead tree trunk and collect 1x Ungo's Sugar. Nearby, you'll find the Toxic Memorial Mob merchant. Consider purchasing the Green Mossy Gourd from him, as it helps reduce poison buildup. Also grab 1x Snap Seed located near the merchant.

In the nearby toxic cave, you'll find 1x Antidote Powder, but be cautious of enemies that may ambush you. Below, there are 3 Geckos and the body of the Great Serpent. Sneak under the serpent to avoid detection, then defeat 2 lizards to collect 2x Fistful of Ash. After this, you’ll encounter a grapple point. Before using it, move left to jump across a rock wall and retrieve 1x Scrap Magnetite. Be wary of more geckos and ambush enemies if you fall from the rocks. Return to the grapple point to continue. Using the grapple will bring you to an area with more items and an ambush. Quickly dodge and pick up 1x Pellet, 1x Scrap Magnetite, and 1x Fistful of Ash. Continue to the opposite side of the snake. The serpent will notice you, so drop down to the left of the pillar, then jump and grapple to collect 4x Spirit Emblem. Perform a backstab on a monkey and use Puppeteer Ninjutsu to distract the snake. Grapple onto the serpent’s location and run into the building. Inside the temple, you’ll find 1x Dried Serpent Viscera and 1x Mibu Balloon of Soul.

With the exit locked, grapple up and follow the path to reach a ledge with 3x Divine Confetti. Continue grappling upward, and you’ll arrive in the Ashina Depths. Proceed forward to commune with the Poison Pool Sculptor's Idol.

If you completed the Kite Puzzle at Senpou Temple, Mt. Kongo, you can teleport to the Sunken Valley Cavern Idol (unlocked after the puzzle) and proceed to a beam above the Great Serpent. Drop onto the serpent to deal damage, which rewards you with 1x Fresh Serpent Viscera, unlocks the Great Serpent Trophy, and lands you on the other side of the hanging bridge that the serpent broke earlier. Ahead, you can collect 1x Mibu Balloon of Soul, 1x Dragon's Blood Droplet, and 1x Bundled Jizo Statue. Afterward, teleport to Ashina Depths to continue.

Diving Loot (optional). From the Riven Cave Idol, dive into the lake to find 1x Treasure Carp Scale, 2x Treasure Carp, 1x Yashariku's Sugar, 3x Gachiin's Sugar, 1x Bulging Coin Purse, and 1x Adamantite Scrap. From the Bodhisattva Valley Idol, dive where you fought the ape to find 1x Precious Bait.


Ashina Depths/Hidden Forest

  1. Defeat Snake Eyes Shirahagi
  2. Obtain Prayer Bead from the mini-boss
  3. Get Prayer Bead from top of a statue
  4. Defeat Guardian Ape (Headless)
  5. Obtain Prayer Bead, Memory, & Bestowal Ninjutsu Technique
  6. Defeat Shichimen Warrior (optional)
  7. Obtain Malcontent's Ring
  8. Speak to Jinzaemon Kumano
  9. Defeat Tokujiro the Glutton
  10. Acquire Prayer Bead & Unrefined Sake
  11. Defeat Mist Noble
  12. Defeat Headless (optional)
  13. Acquire Gachiin's Spiritfall


Upon reaching the Ashina Depths, you'll enter a poisonous area, so avoid staying in the water to prevent Poison affliction. Grapple up to the ledge and then higher to collect 3x Oil. Nearby on the rocks, you'll find 2x Pellet, with 2x Scrap Magnetite and 2x Black Gunpowder further ahead. Do note that if you've defeated the Guardian Ape, the environment here will be altered. The wooden tents will be destroyed, limiting cover, and cannon-wielding enemies will replace the usual snipers.

You'll encounter the mini-boss Snake Eyes Shirahagi next. Defeating her rewards you with 1000 XP and 1x Prayer Beads. It’s recommended to start with a stealth attack to ease the challenge. Alternatively, you can lure her into the poison to gradually weaken her.

In the swamp, you'll find 1x Heavy Coin Purse near the cliff edge, 1x Yellow Gunpowder to the far right, and 1x Scrap Magnetite and 1x Mibu Possession Balloon on the middle island. Be cautious of cannon-wielding enemies and eliminate them as you get close. Climb the layered cliffs where you'll encounter an enemy. Defeat them and then jump and grapple to reach the top, where you'll unlock the Ashina Depths Idol. Just beyond the Idol, you'll find 2x Pacifying Agent. This area is where you'll drop down if coming from the Bottomless Hole Idol in the Abandoned Dungeon. From the Idol, grapple to the nearby Buddha's hand to collect 1x Scrap Magnetite. You'll notice some items high up to your left, but they are currently out of reach.

From where you fought the mini-boss, enter the cave and look to the left to find a grapple point. Ascend and pass through a crouch section, then stand up and jump onto a ledge to the left. You’ll need to wall-jump to reach the top, where you can collect 1x Yellow Gunpowder. Next, grapple to the Buddha Statue’s head to obtain 1x Prayer Beads. Return to the cave and continue through the crouch section on the left. You'll encounter a Monkey guarding 1x Monkey Booze and get a view of the upcoming battle.

Return to the grapple point you used earlier and speak to the cannon-wielding NPC. He mentions a great ape and then dies. You will now face the Headless Ape, which is the same enemy you encountered in Sunken Valley Passage. This time, however, it will be accompanied by its mate. If you have already defeated the Guardian Ape, you will recall that the Lotus of the Palace was used by the Ape to attract its mate. (If you haven't defeated the Guardian Ape, it won’t appear here, though this isn't necessary to proceed to the Hidden Forest Idol). Defeating the Headless Ape grants you: Memory: Headless Ape, 2x Prayer Beads, and 5000 XP. You will also need to use the Mortal Blade to eliminate the centipede. This battle will also provide you with the final Ninjutsu required for the trophy: Bestowal Ninjutsu.

You can now commune with the Guardian Ape Burrow Idol. Nearby, a series of grapple points leads you to a valley where you'll encounter an Apparition-type Nightjar Ninja. This enemy will attack as soon as you get close. They yield 620 XP and are best dealt with using the Loaded Axe to break their posture. Be aware that after clearing Ashina Depths and dispelling the mist, a Shichimen Warrior mini-boss will appear in this area. Defeating it rewards you with 1x Malcontent's Ring and 1960 XP.

Grapple across the cliff to unlock the Hidden Forest Idol. In this area, you'll encounter Gamefowls that yield 128 XP. Collect 1x Mibu Balloon of Soul by dropping from the first branch to the first landing, then grapple to defeat the next Gamefowl and pick up 2x Ceramic Shard on a lower branch underneath. Grapple back up to solid ground. Walk ahead and speak with the Old Monk, who informs you that someone opposing the Path of the Buddha is hiding in the temple ahead. The door is locked, but there's a hole on the second floor. To find an item behind the Buddha, return to the branch with a Gamefowl and look to your left for a platform you can jump to. Follow this path up, defeat another Gamefowl, and collect 1x Light Coin Purse. Grapple to kill another Gamefowl and loot 1x Pellet from behind the Buddha statue. Proceed down and follow the glowing butterflies to continue.

Ahead, defeat 2x Gamefowl and then move stealthily to ambush a Samurai Spirit, which grants 91 XP. On this platform, you'll find 1x Bite Down near 3 spirits. Avoid engaging them directly and instead, drop down from the edge to confront a single enemy below. Continue towards the large Temple in the distance. Be cautious of spirit dogs that will attack and alert nearby enemies. You can kill them quickly.

With the structure you can't access on your right, take out an enemy ahead and collect 1x Oil. Proceed down the slope where you'll encounter several dogs and enemies, but you can bypass them by grappling up to a branch that leads to a blue-tinted wall you can hug. At the blue wall, turn right to find mini-boss Tokujiro the Glutton. Before engaging, use shuriken to deal with the nearby monkeys. Use Gachiin's Sugar to conceal your presence and land a deathblow. During the fight, focus on sprinting around and striking only when the opportunity is right. Aim for no more than 2 hits at a time. Defeating Tokujiro rewards you with 1x Prayer Beads, 1x Unrefined Sake, and 1285 XP. You'll also find a 1x Fistful of Ash nearby.

Head to the downward slope near the broken shed and wall-hug to collect 3x Pellet. From there, grapple to a branch, then continue grappling upward until you reach solid ground, where you can find 1x Lump of Fat Wax. Next, grapple onto another branch to obtain 1x Spirit Emblem, and then follow this path to the rooftop of the white building. Find the opening on the second floor and enter the building. You'll encounter a yokai playing a flute below. Drop down to deal with it; removing one health bar and then spamming attacks will quickly defeat it. Defeating this Mist Noble will reward you with 1x Lump of Grave Wax and 257 XP. The mist and spirits in the area will now be cleared. Nearby, you can collect 1x Yashariku's Sugar. Also, gather the following items: 1x Oil, 2x Ceramic Shard, 1x Heavy Coin Purse, 1x Bite Down, 1x Light Coin Purse, 2x Contact Medicine, 1x Yellow Gunpowder, and 1x Adamantite Scrap. Climb the huggable wall to find 1x Snap Seed.

Drop down from the Snap Seed platform to face the Headless. It's advisable to wait until you unlock Infinite Divine Confetti later in the game before attempting this fight. Defeating the Headless will reward you with Gachiin's Spiritfall and 1840 XP. In the area with the Headless, you can also find 1x Scrap Magnetite, 1x Pellet, 3x Mibu Balloon of Wealth, and 5x Scrap Iron.

Return to the temple where you fought the Mist Noble and head up to collect 2x Spirit Emblem. In the graveyard area ahead, you'll find 2x Pellet. Drop down and then grapple across some branches to deal with 2 Apparition Nightjar Ninja. At the bottom, you'll unlock the Mibu Village Idol, marking your entry into Mibu Village.


Mibu Village

  1. Speak to Exiled Memorial Mob
  2. Get Gourd Seed next to the big tree with white leaves.
  3. Speak to Jinzaemon Kumano (optional depending on the quest)
  4. Acquire the Pine Resin Ember upgrade material
  5. Defeat O'rin of the Water (optional)
  6. Obtain Prayer Bead & Breath of Life: Shadow Skill
  7. Speak to the Head Priest of Mibu Village inside the house
  8. Defeat Corrupted Monk
  9. Obtain a Boss Memory & Mibu Breathing Technique
  10. Loot the Shelter Stone
  11. Go back to Senpou Temple, Mt. Kongo, and get the Holy Chapter: Infested


Descend from the idol and speak to the nearby merchant, the Exiled Memorial Mob. He offers a Mottled Purple Gourd, which helps reduce Terror buildup, an item that will be highly valuable as you continue through the game. Additionally, he sells Dragonspring Sake, which can be given to specific NPCs to unlock lore and character insights.

Return to the idol, then head to the edge and jump across. Below, you'll encounter an Interior Ministry Ninja, the type that typically targets the Tengu of Ashina. Engage him, but be cautious as he may summon a nearby pack of Dogs to attack you. Defeating him will reward you with 784 XP and 1x Scrap Magnetite, with an additional chance to drop more Scrap Magnetite. The nearby item is a 1x Treasure Carp Scale.

Return to the idol and jump across once more, but this time take the path upward, where you'll encounter a pack of wolves. Continue past them and proceed uphill to collect 1x Light Coin Purse. Then, go back to the edge and drop down to a house below, where you'll find 1x Lump of Fat Wax near a woodpile.

Sneak around the next house, where you'll encounter your first villager enemy. These enemies yield 87 XP and can drop items such as Ceramic Shard, Fistful of Ash, or Lump of Fat Wax. After taking care of them, crouch in the tall grass ahead and observe as a small group of villagers passes by. Near the shore, you can pick up 1x Mibu Balloon of Soul. Grapple to the rooftop and drop down to attack three more villagers, being cautious of the lantern-wielding ones, as they can inflict Terror. Collect 1x Pacifying Agent. Beyond a tree with 1x Spirit Emblem, you'll find a boat that can be looted for 2x Mibu Balloon of Wealth.

Grapple onto a rooftop and defeat a Gamefowl to get a good vantage point of the area ahead. The upcoming area contains relatively easy enemies, but be cautious as they can overwhelm and kill you if they surround you. Some of them spawn from the ground and can grab and hold you in place. You can clear the area by repeatedly fighting and killing them, allowing you to loot 1x Black Gunpowder, 1x Mibu Balloon of Soul, and 1x Gourd Seed. Additionally, head into the tall grass to the left of the trees, past a grabbing enemy, to find 1x Pellet.

As you reach the end of the ditch-passage, jump up to your left and use a grapple point to position yourself behind the large hammer-wielding enemies. Climb up one more level to silently eliminate the watcher and the two lantern villagers, ensuring they don't spot you. Defeating the second watcher will trigger the appearance of four Apparition Nightjar Ninja enemies, each worth 620 XP. Be cautious, and if the fight proves difficult, you can stealth away to reset their positions. These enemies have a chance to drop Pacifying Agent, Gokan's Sugar, Contact Medicine, or Lump of Fat Wax. Once the area is clear, loot 2x Contact Medicine from the field and 1x Ashina Sake from the shrine.

From the shrine with the Ashina Sake, grapple up and follow the wall to collect 1x Adamantite Scrap. Next, drop down and follow the ledge to stealthily eliminate a Taro Troop (Bell) enemy. Behind him, there's a grapple point that leads to a rooftop. Traverse it to reach a set of planks holding 2x Pellet. After dropping down, you can stealth-kill a blue-robed villager, but be prepared as two more will attack. These villagers have a long slashing combo, similar to Souls hollows, which can be lethal if you're not cautious. After dealing with them, pick up 2x Mibu Balloon of Soul from the nearby shrine, then enter the house to find 1x Yellow Gunpowder and 1x Divine Confetti.

Cross the bridge and commune with the Water Mill Idol. Instead of following the path with the Spirit Emblem, take a right and jump up onto a rock where you'll find two Gamefowl. Continue past them to encounter several villagers. After defeating them, you can loot 1x Contact Medicine near a house on a slope and 3x Fistful of Ash at the dead-end at the bottom.

Attempting to climb onto the roof will trigger the appearance of several villagers and bell-wielding enemies. You can choose to run away and hide to reset them, thinning them out as you see fit. Once you've cleared them, jump onto the rooftop at the dead end to find 1x Adamantite Scrap and 1x Pine Resin Ember, an upgrade material for the Flame Vent prosthetic tool. From there, jump and grapple to a branch on your far left, then double jump to a ledge across to pick up 2x Mibu Balloon of Soul. Finally, loot 1x Pellet from a boat near the docks. Swim across the lake to reach the docks on the opposite side and return to the idol. From there, swim upstream until you reach a waterfall, where you'll find a treasure chest containing 1x Divine Grass. After collecting the item, swim back to the idol and take the path upward toward 1x Spirit Emblem.

The Shamisen-playing O'Rin of the Water will attack you after you fail to inform her of Lord Sakuza's whereabouts. If Jinzaemon Kumano was not sent to his death in the Abandoned Dungeon, she will have different dialogue, and you can speak to him afterward to obtain an item. Regardless, upon defeating her, you will receive 1530 XP, 1x Prayer Beads, and the Breath of Life: Shadow ability.

Before you go past the bridge, pick up 1x Lump of Fat Wax from a corner along the edge. You'll face a Samurai Spirit that gives you 620 XP, and go up the slope and you'll see several enemies by a large building.

After defeating the enemies, you can eavesdrop at the door. Move to the right of the door and crouch through the crawlspace beneath the floor. You'll discover a hidden rotating door (Hidden Walls) leading inside the building. Once inside, you'll find an NPC drinking and inviting others to partake in the nectar. Remember this location for later: you can bring him the Water of the Palace from Fountainhead Palace to receive Dragonspring Sake. Afterward, rest and return to defeat him for 5x Treasure Carp Scale. In the room, you can find 5x Divine Confetti near a beheaded Buddha statue and 2x Red Lump hidden in a pot by the window. Go outside and behind the building to collect 1x Adamantite Scrap. From outside, cross the rock bridge and jump onto the roof to find 1x Light Coin Purse. Then, grapple to the second floor of the building to pick up 6x Spirit Emblem and 1x Prayer Beads. Finally, jump out the hole in the roof to locate 1x Heavy Coin Purse.

Return to the building's front door and take the path to the left to face the boss: Corrupted Monk. This version is an apparition but will still be a challenging fight. This battle shouldn't be too difficult. Otherwise, using Snap Seed will help you deal significant damage. Defeating the monk rewards you with 5500 XP, the Memory: Corrupted Monk, and the Mibu Breathing Technique. This new ability lets you dive and breathe underwater, allowing you to explore previously inaccessible areas.

Proceed forward to unlock the Wedding Cave Door Idol. Afterward, you can return to the earlier water areas and use R2 to dive, L2 to surface, and Circle to dash underwater. In the cave, you will find 1x Shelter Stone, which Kuro needs. The altar inscription reads: "Shelter stones such as this are an auspicious omen, sweetly scented for a bridal offering. The palanquin awaits with open arms." For game progression, head to Ashina Castle - Abandoned Dungeon Idol and advance to the main castle. Alternatively, revisit previous areas to collect underwater items and complete NPC quests.

Diving Loot (Optional):



Ashina Castle

  1. Defeat Chained Ogre
  2. Obtain Prayer Bead and Shinobi Medicine Rank 3 Skill
  3. Defeat Lone Shadow Masanaga the Spear-bearer.
  4. Obtain Prayer Bead from the mini-boss
  5. Defeat Lone Shadow Vilehand
  6. Obtain Prayer Bead from the mini-boss
  7. Endings Choice: Defeat Great Shinobi Owl (optional) or
  8. Endings Choice: Defeat Emma, the Gentle Blade / Isshin Ashina (optional)
  9. Create Incense
  10. Port to the Ashina Depths - Wedding Cave Door Idol and head to the bridal palanquin and pray to transport to Fountainhead Palace.


After collecting all materials from Sunken Valley Passage and Mibu Village, you'll notice that all Sculptor's Idols at Ashina Castle are now greyed out. Travel to the Abandoned Dungeon Entrance to get an eavesdropping opportunity as you head back to the castle. You'll encounter the same Taro Troop (Wooden Mallet) Mob and Dogs outside, but they're mostly facing away from you. This allows you to stealthily pass them on the left and grapple up the gate without alerting them.

As you continue across the bridge, you'll face a new type of enemy: a Dual Wielding Samurai who will initially attack the regular enemy in the middle. After dealing with these enemies, the Samurai will turn its attention to you. Defeat it and proceed forward. An NPC will inform you about invaders in the area. You'll find 2x Pellet along the way. If you prefer a stealthier approach, you can jump down to the side of the bridge and grapple to navigate through the Assassins in the area, making your way towards the Ashina Reservoir idol. Enter the building behind the idol, grapple up to the next level, and then exit to the right to find another Red Hat Assassin finishing off its usual target. You can choose to stay hidden inside the exit until the Red Hat returns to its position. Once it does, stealthily maneuver behind the arrow screens and then behind the Red Hat to execute a stealth deathblow. After completing this, proceed to light the Ashina Castle idol.

The castle gate bridge is now retracted, so drop down into the moat and collect a Spirit Emblem on your way down. To get behind the first Red Hat, grapple up to the bamboo plank and then to the tree at the top of the wall. This position allows you to stealthily eliminate the Red Hat. While you're in the moat, explore underwater to find a Treasure Carp Scale and swim through the passage to the other side of the gate, where you'll also find Yashariku's Sugar and a Treasure Carp to defeat.

Next, grapple up and you'll notice a bamboo plank that can help you scale the wall. You'll encounter purple-clad ninjas here, who yield 686XP and 70+ Sen. Their attacks are powerful, so ensure you have upgraded your posture and vitality using the prayer beads you've collected. For the initial ninja directly in view, a good tactic is to engage him from a distance with the Whistle Prosthetic (ideally the delayed Mountain Echo). Then, retreat and hide around the corner of the roof until he resets, allowing you to stealth kill him as he returns. Be quick with your hiding, as he will come looking for you promptly.

On the main staircase below, you can find 2x Oil. If you head to the rooftops marked by incense to the right, you’ll find a dead Nightjar Ninja and a Pellet, along with new Red Hat Assassins that spew poison and cling to the roof. These rats will be triggered by your approach, so you can stealth kill them by navigating around the bamboo plank and targeting the highest roof first. On the ground floor, a courtyard contains 3x Black Gunpowder and 2x Oil, while the rooftop with the purple banner holds 1x Scrap Magnetite. Each Red Rat gives 392XP and 52 Sen.

If you've managed to open the main door, be prepared for a challenging encounter with three dual-wielding Samurai. To handle them, draw them out and take advantage of the rooftops to perform jumping stealth kills. In one-on-one combat, they’re manageable, simply spam L1 to block and you'll break their posture quickly. If you ascend the bamboo plank, you’ll find a Purple Swordsman to the left. Use the rooftops to separate and stealthily eliminate the Purple Swordsmen and any Nightjar Ninja that follows. Be cautious, as there are at least three more enemies visible around the corner, including a Dog. Inside the main door, you'll find 1x Adamantite Scrap and 5x Oil. Beyond the gate, there's a mini-boss, but you won't be able to access it just yet. Instead, head upwards towards the Upper Tower - Antechamber Idol for your next objective.

As you approach Isshin's Room, you can overhear a conversation between him and Emma. Isshin mentions that Genichiro possesses the other Mortal Blade and that its use is limited. In the room, you can find 1x Pellet and a Treasure Chest containing 1x Black Scroll. The scroll indicates that the blade is named "Open Gate" and may be used to open a gateway to the underworld. Once you return to the Upper Tower - Antechamber Idol, you can take advantage of the area by defeating a Blue-Robed Samurai and stealthily killing a Purple Swordsman. This spot is ideal for farming as you can earn nearly 800XP in about 30 seconds, after which you can reset at the idol. Utilize this opportunity to accumulate Skill Points if needed, then proceed with your journey.

The Chained Ogre is back, it's advisable to tackle this fight from above, as you'll get a free initial strike. Inside the room, you'll find 1x Adamantite Scrap. Defeating the Ogre rewards you with 1369XP, 1x Prayer Beads, and Shinobi Medicine Rank 3. Afterward, open the door to create a shortcut back to the Main Entrance and Ashina Castle idol at the bottom of the long stairwell. Be cautious of the dual-wielding Red Hats in the chamber below who may become aggressive if you rested at an idol. To avoid their attention, quickly dash out of sight after opening the door. Next, head through the open door to exit the castle and make your way to the Old Grave Idol. Along the route, you’ll encounter the same enemies as before, and you’ll have the chance to eavesdrop on the Shinobi Hunter. As you descend from the idol towards the house where you first met Blackhat Badger, you’ll now face Nightjar Ninjas and Red Rats on the walls and gates, along with the Cannon and regular enemies. However, there are no new items to collect in this area.

You can now explore the moat leading to the Serpent Shrine Idol. Here, you'll encounter a Headless enemy that you can fight underwater after acquiring the Mibu Breathing Technique but before collecting all the materials for Kuro. Using your prosthetic tool, you can maneuver around him and his tracking ranged attacks, striking when it's safe to collect the loot he guards while minimizing damage. It’s advisable to deal with the man-eating red-eyed carp on the moat's surface first. Cross the bridge to find 1x Mibu Possession Balloon and Yashariku's Sugar at the gate, while the Interior Ministry Ninja and other regular enemies are preoccupied and won’t notice you. The monkeys have left, but Shinobi Dogs now patrol the Serpent Shrine at the end of the path. A Lone Shadow Masanaga mini-boss guards a Dragon's Blood Droplet on a nearby corpse. You can eavesdrop on him and then execute a stealth backstab for an initial deathblow.

If you make it to the top of the castle, a cutscene will play, showing The Owl asking Kuro to come with him, for his own protection. Kuro declines and asks him to leave. Do note that this part is the trigger point for endings. It's important to review the Endings page to understand the forthcoming steps. After making your initial decision, you can still gather the materials required for different endings, but only until you access the next area. Therefore, be sure to consult the Endings page. You might also want to create a save file to explore various options without having to start a New Game Plus (NG+). However, keep in mind that doing so may prevent you from earning certain trophies. Additionally, there is a mini-boss located beneath this room, the Lone Shadow Vilehand.

Head to the rooftop where you first battled Genichiro Ashina to make your final decision regarding the game's ending. Here you'll need to decide what Ending you wish to go for:

  • If you choose to betray Kuro, you will trigger the Shura Ending. This path leads you to confront Emma and Isshin Ashina before the game concludes.
  • If you remain loyal to Kuro, you can pursue any of the other three endings. In this scenario, you will face the Great Shinobi Owl.

Speak with Kuro to create the Incense, and eavesdrop on him here a few times if you wish to go for the Purification Ending.


Hirata Estate (Revisited)

  1. Gain the Father's Bell Charm
  2. Make an offering at Buddha statue in Dilapidated Temple
  3. Defeat Lone Shadow Masanaga the Spear-bearer (again)
  4. Defeat Juzou the Drunkard (again)
  5. Defeat Owl (Father)
  6. Acquire Memory: Foster FatherAromatic Flower


This section requires getting the Father's Bell Charm from Emma. After defeating the Great Shinobi Owl for the first time, speak with Kuro, then eavesdrop on him multiple times, resting in between. Afterward, talk to Emma to learn about Purification. Follow her storyline, and she will eventually give you the Father's Bell Charm. You can use this to return to Hirata Estate in a different version of this memory.

You'll start at the bridge after the Bamboo Thicket Slope Idol. The enemies and items before this point remain unchanged. Moving forward, you'll encounter Lone Shadow Masanaga the Spear-Bearer in the burning courtyard where you previously met Owl. Defeating him will earn you a Prayer Beads and Yellow Gunpowder. After dealing with the Lone Shadow, you'll find a Fulminated Mercury on the left and face a Taro Troop (Club), a Taro Troop (Greatshield), and an archer. Pushing through these enemies will lead you to the Main Hall Sculpture Idol. You'll face another soldier and a Club soldier before reaching the open area before the pool. In the center of this area, you'll find three soldiers surrounding a Mibu Balloon of Wealth. There are also three Interior Ministry Ninjas on the rooftops to the right.

After crossing the pool, you'll encounter two torch-wielding bandits, an axe bandit, and a katana bandit on the left side, along with a Light Coin Purse and Ashina Sake. In the center, there are two poison archers, an Interior Ministry Loneshadow, and Juzou the Drunkard. You'll also find 1x Adamantite Scrap and 1x Fistful of Ash. You can eavesdrop on a conversation between the Interior Ministry Loneshadow and Juzou. It might be best to take out the bandits on the left first, then eliminate the two poison archers before drawing the Ministry Loneshadow into a fight in the left-hand buildings, out of sight, so you can de-aggro Juzou. This strategy allows you to defeat the Lone Shadow one-on-one and backstab Juzou after dealing with the others.

Inside the building, there will be two bow bandits and a hidden White Spear Monk straight ahead, with a Pellet in the far-right corner. A Blue Spear Monk patrols the left-hand passage, where you'll also find 1x Fulminated Mercury near the spot where Inosuke's mother was. The hidden Shinobi wall won't have any new loot if you picked it up during your first run. You can also revisit the Hirata Audience Chamber Sculpture's Idol.

The Owl (Father) will be located where Lady Butterfly was in the original memory. Defeating him will reward you with Memory: Foster Father, the Aromatic Flower, and 10,000 XP.


Fountainhead Palace

  1. Defeat Corrupted Monk
  2. Obtain Dragon's Tally Board & Memory: True Monk
  3. Locate the secret room containing the Water of the Palace
  4. Provide the Water of the Palace to the Head Priest of Mibu Village
  5. Defeat Sakura, Bull of the Palace (optional)
  6. Obtain Prayer Bead & A Beast's Karma Skill
  7. Defeat Shichimen Warrior and acquire Lapis Lazuli (optional)
  8. Obtain Bundled Jizo Statue
  9. Defeat Okami Leader Shizu next to Great Shakura Sculptor Idol and acquire a Prayer Bead
  10. Speak to the Daughter of the Carp Attendant  on top of the roof of a sunken building
  11. Defeat Headless and acquire Yashariku's Spiritfall (optional)
  12. Acquire Prayer Bead inside a treasure chest underwater nead the Headless
  13. Get Gourd Seed close to Palace Ground idol, in a big red chest
  14. Speak to the merchant, Pot Noble Koremori
  15. Kill the Great Colored Carp (optional)
  16. Obtain Great White Whisker & give it to the Great Carp Attendant
  17. Defeat Divine Dragon
  18. Obtain Divine Dragon's Tears & Memory: Divine Dragon
  19. Endings


Enter the Palanquin and choose to Pray. You’ll be lifted by a large rope, known as a Shimenawa in Shinto, to a new location. Once you regain control of Sekiro, walk forward on the straw and take the right arm to drop down some stairs where you'll find 2x Pellet. Proceed past the arms to reach the Fountainhead Palace Idol. Here, you will encounter the real Corrupted Monk (not an illusion) and need to defeat her to continue. This fight can be quite tough, so you may want to our video guide or visit the Corrupted Monk page for strategies. Defeating her grants you 8000 XP, 1x Dragon's Tally Board, and 1x Memory: True Monk.

Continue forward from the monk fight to enjoy a stunning view of the celestial palace. Grapple to the ledge ahead and proceed to the palace level. Near a tree, you'll find 2x Spirit Emblem, and inside a nearby structure, you can collect 1x Mibu Balloon of Soul. Watch out for an approaching flute enemy, resembling the Palace Noble (Blue Garb). These enemies drop 87 Sen, 570 XP, and may also drop Lump of Fat Wax or Pellet. In the next room, you’ll find more Spirit Emblems near another enemy, and one hidden behind a destructible screen. Step outside to explore and find 1x Lump of Grave Wax near an enemy on a broken wooden bridge by the lake. Be cautious, as lingering here will attract the attention of an Okami Warrior (Naginata). Head toward the waterfall instead. A nest near the waterfall contains 1x Light Coin Purse. The masked enemies you encounter fight similarly to monkeys, dropping 513 XP and possibly Adamantite Scrap. Defeat them and eliminate the nearby flute-player to collect 1x Mibu Balloon of Wealth. On the rooftops above, you'll face 2x Okami Warrior (Bow) and 1x regular masked enemy. Be wary of their dangerous attacks and stay aggressive to win.

Continue forward and you'll come across 3x Ceramic Shard on the wall of a large courtyard filled with beasts and items. Use Shuriken to deal with the beasts and earn 278 XP. The items in the area are 1x Ungo's Sugar and 1x Heavy Coin Purse. To the left, there’s a building with a flute player and additional beasts. Ensure you have enough Shuriken to handle them, as they can shoot lightning. Inside, you'll find 1x Adamantite Scrap. Proceed across the bridge, where 3 beasts are guarding 2x Eel Liver. Additionally, you can collect 1x Yashariku's Sugar from a nearby tree.

Approach the gate to find the Mibu Manor Idol. Enter the building, defeat the palace noble inside, and speak with the Old Woman NPC, the first of the Daughters of the Carp Attendant. She warns you about the many nobles ahead and advises you to avoid them. Talk to her again, and she will ask you to kill the Great Carp to free her father, the Great Carp Attendant, from its bewitching powers. Sneak behind the dividers to collect 2x Bite Down. Go outside, turn left, defeat a noble, and quickly grab 3x Ako's Sugar from a nearby tree. Next, you’ll need to fight the Palace Noble (Blue Garb) by the bridge. Afterward, stealth into the nearby room to take out a masked enemy and find 1x Eel Liver. This room also has a pathway leading to another flute player and 4x Yellow Gunpowder. Exit this room from the area near the Eel Liver and move toward the next visible item in the distance. You'll encounter a patrol consisting of a noble and 2 masked warriors, use the wall for a stealth takedown. At the first intersection, turn right, then left to find a chamber containing 1x Lump of Grave Wax.

The glowing item you saw in the distance is 2x Divine Confetti. From here, walk along the wall to find a hole in the ground where you can dive. After diving through the hole, you'll find yourself in a room with several treasures: 3x Treasure Carp Scale and a large chest containing 1x Water of the Palace. Take this item back to Mibu Village and give it to the NPC in the building before the Wedding Cave Door Idol to receive 1x Dragonspring Sake. Rest and then kill him to get 5x Treasure Carp Scale. If you wish to collect the other items in the courtyard, be prepared to defeat several enemies. This can be risky as they have the ability to inflict the Enfeebled status abnormality.

The house you haven't explored yet near the diving hole contains a masked guard with a polearm and a Palace Noble (Red Garb). Defeat both enemies to obtain 1x Adamantite Scrap and 1x Divine Grass from a treasure chest. Additionally, the tree in the middle of the courtyard holds 2x Pellet. At the exit, you'll encounter a Palace Noble (Blue Garb) and an Okami Warrior (Naginata). Prioritize taking out the flute player first, then use combat arts to deal with the lightning-wielder. Defeating them will earn you 1060 XP. The nearby gate leads to the Flower Viewing Stage Idol. From this idol, you can fast travel to Mibu Village to complete the quest for the thirsty NPC, and then return here to continue. To the idol's left, you'll find a pagoda with 3x Divine Confetti hidden behind it. You can also grapple up to the rooftops, where you can stealthily make your way back to the previous idol and explore the area to encounter a mini-boss.

The Blazing Bull reappears in this area. To avoid its charge, sprint past it from behind. Alternatively, you can start the fight by performing an aerial deathblow from the roofs to take off half of its health. In the fight, focus on landing two quick hits at a time and use the Shinobi Firecracker to stun it. Defeating the Blazing Bull rewards you with 1x Prayer Beads, A Beast's Karma skill, and 2290 XP. Nearby, you can find 1x Adamantite Scrap, 1x Bulging Coin Purse, 1x Yashariku's Sugar, and 2x Pellet in the side passage.

As you approach the bridge from the idol, the Great Colored Carp will destroy it. Grapple across the gap and drop down to your left to find 1x Mibu Balloon of Soul. Go around this building and grapple up to a branch. From there, jump up and stealthily eliminate an Okami Warrior (Katana). Carefully jump back onto the building’s roof to defeat another Okami Warrior. Proceed toward the nearby waterfall and grapple onto the branch in front of you. This will position you behind two enemies, defeat them and then move toward the main area to ambush two more foes. Grapple to the rooftops and return to the waterfall area to find 1x Gokan's Sugar on a nest on the roof. Next, head left and backtrack to jump across a ledge and land on a rock. Make your way down to position yourself behind two guards. Use your Bloodsmoke Ninjutsu to deal with them and the two additional guards who can see you. Finally, approach and defeat the Okami Warrior (Kemari) and the Okami Warrior (Naginata).

From the balcony overlooking the lake, drop down to ground level and proceed past the pillars. You'll encounter 2 Beasts near 1x Light Coin Purse. There’s also a 1x Heavy Coin Purse on a branch in this area. Be cautious not to fall into the water and make your way back to the shallow ground and head towards 2x Spirit Emblem.

Further ahead, you’ll find a mini-boss Shichimen Warrior. Stealthily move to the left and use the stone ledges and pillars to position yourself for a falling deathblow. This tactic will simplify the fight. Once the Shichimen Warrior’s health is nearly depleted, finish the battle using the same approach as before. Defeating the mini-boss rewards you with 1x Lapis Lazuli and 2905 XP. There's also a 1x Bundled Jizo Statue located behind it.

After defeating the mini-boss, explore the nearby waterfall area. Under the platforms you previously traversed, you'll find 2x Mibu Possession Balloon. Further along this path, you can collect 3x Ceramic Shard and, even further down, 1x Mibu Balloon of Soul. Back near the waterfall, pick up 1x Eel Liver before grappling to a higher platform to proceed with the level.

The nearby door is locked, and a challenging path with numerous enemies leads to an idol. Stealth may not be effective here, so you might want to rush through and activate the idol to create a respawn point. Before proceeding, you can choose to collect 2x Pellet from a platform to your right. Head towards 2x Spirit Emblem and continue past the two approaching guards. Keep moving forward past another Spirit Emblem, jump over the fence, and dash past the dancing masked enemies to reach the Great Sakura Idol. Rest at the idol to reset the enemies.

Grapple onto the massive Sakura tree nearby and proceed to confront the Okami Leader Shizu, who had blocked your path to the water. Defeating her rewards you with 1887 XP, 261 Sen, and 1x Prayer Beads. While her health and posture are relatively low, be cautious of her lightning attacks and use lightning reversal if needed. From this vantage point, you can see a branch below with a nest containing 1x Bulging Coin Purse.

From the branch with the nest, you'll notice an NPC on the roof of a building in the lake. Jump down into the water and swim over to her. She will inquire if you're heading to the palace and suggests using the underwater cave for entry, which is currently blocked by a Great Colored Carp. She also mentions that the palace gates have been closed for a long time and hopes you'll manage to open them for her.

Dive under the building with the NPC to collect 1x Lump of Grave Wax. Afterward, return to the palace area you haven't explored yet. While you can't access the ground floor, you can dive underwater to gather items. Swim forward to find a Treasure Carp and acquire 1x Treasure Carp Scale. You can also collect 1x Precious Bait from some underwater flowers situated between the beams supporting the palace structures.

Swim toward the moon, keeping the wall on your right to pass by a group of aggressive fish and collect 1x Light Coin Purse and 3x Scrap Magnetite. Dive a bit deeper to find 1x Red Lump, located beneath the bridge that the carp destroyed near the Flower Viewing Idol. Nearby, a half-sunken building has 1x Adamantite Scrap on its roof. Continue following the wall to find 4x Treasure Carp, and check a nearby building for 3x Treasure Carp Scale. Return to the idol where you rested and deposit your Sen, as you’ll soon face an underwater Headless. Drop back into the water and head to the center of the lake to encounter 2 Treasure Carps. Dive further down into the pit to continue your exploration.

You’ll find two underwater Headless enemies near a fish skeleton with glowing green worms. These battles are distinct from other fights because you can’t use Divine Confetti or enhance your attacks underwater. Utilize the dash button to dodge their attacks. Defeating both Headless enemies will reward you with 1x Yashariku's Spiritfall and 2840 XP.

Near the dead fish, you can collect 2x Treasure Carp Scale and find a chest containing 1x Prayer Beads. On your way back up, look for 1x Precious Bait and 1x Light Coin Purse inside a sunken building. There’s also another 1x Precious Bait across from this location.

Return to the rooftop with the NPC and dive in the opposite direction of the moon. This underwater cave leads to the Great Carp. Grab 2x Ceramic Shard along the way. In this segment, you must avoid the Great Carp, as it will instantly kill you if it sees you. The structures offer no protection if it spots you, so navigate carefully. To progress, stick to the right side of the passageways. At the final stretch, enter the more secure structure through the middle window, which is slightly elevated from your previous position.

You’ll surface at the base of a waterfall. Grapple up to the branches ahead and to your left, then use the Palace Grounds Idol to rest. Inside the adjacent building, you’ll encounter several Red Nobles. Defeat them and then open the Castle Door to create a shortcut. After resting, the Old Woman from earlier will appear in the palace (if you haven’t already defeated the Red Nobles, she will have done so). She’ll be engaged in killing them, complaining about deceiving her father, and referring to them as beasts before she dies. Proceed into the palace and open a treasure chest to obtain 1x Gourd Seed.

Open the door by the Gourd Seed and grapple onto the rooftop. Walk along the rooftop toward the lake, staying to the left side. Look for a branch you can grapple onto. From there, drop down and grapple to another rooftop. Jump along the rooftops to access the outer palace area you couldn’t reach from the water. In this area, you’ll find 2x Ako's Sugar behind the main building. Follow the waterfall down to the lowest level (just above the actual water) and proceed to the bridge. Defeat a masked enemy and collect 1x Heavy Coin Purse.

Jump to the platform and use the Feeding Grounds Idol, then go up the staircase to find 2x Ungo's Sugar. Here you'll encounter the Great Carp Attendant, the father of the woman you met earlier. He instructs you to feed the noble fish. Ring the nearby bell and use Precious Bait to feed the Great Carp twice. Additional feedings won’t be beneficial. After feeding the carp, speak to the father to receive 4x Treasure Carp Scale. Feeding the carp also makes it non-hostile, allowing you to safely loot the items in the cave or access it without having to kill the Carp.

Return to the Palace Grounds Idol and exit through the shortcut gate towards the incense pot where you’ll find 2 guards. Defeat them and look up to spot a grapple point. Grapple up and head left, then across to another rooftop and into a cave. Beware of the lizards inside as they may ambush you. After passing through the cave, jump and grapple onto a nearby rooftop, reaching the area you couldn’t access after the Flower Viewing Idol. Grapple to collect 3x Spirit Emblem and then use the Near Pot Noble Idol. Finally, speak with the NPC to proceed.

Pot Noble Koremori will advise you not to trust the other pot noble, whom he claims is a traitor and villain. If you purchase all of his items, he will mention that his scales have returned, thanks to you. He will then ask you to listen to his secret, and if you accept, he will give you Truly Precious Bait, which you should use to feed the Great Carp. Near Koremori's pot, you'll find 2x Divine Confetti. Afterward, you can travel to Hirata Estate and speak with Pot Noble Harunaga to decide which noble to support. Return to the Feeding Grounds Idol, choose one item or the other, and this decision will determine the fate of the nobles. Regardless of your choice, the Great Carp will be killed, and the chosen noble will be transformed into a carp NPC.

After resting, talk to the Great Carp Attendant. He will be very upset. You can then fast travel to collect items from the pot nobles. Next, head to the Bodhisattva Valley Idol to find the Great Carp's body and obtain 1x Great White Whisker. Return to the Feeding Grounds and give him the Great White Whisker. He will be freed from his duties and reward you with 1x Divine Grass. If you rest again, you’ll find him dead, with his daughter beside him. She will tell you that both she and her sister will be with him before she too passes away. You can now dive into the cave where the Great Carp was to collect 1x Adamantite Scrap and 1x Light Coin Purse.

Return to the Palace Grounds and head into the palace area. By the waterfall, you can collect 3x Mibu Balloon of Soul. Next, grapple to the top of the waterfall and ascend the stone stairway. You'll encounter several masked enemies; after dealing with them, continue up the stairs. Turn right to find a Dragon's Blood Droplet on a rock to the left. Further up the stairs, on the right, you will unlock the Sanctuary Sculptor’s Idol. At the top of the steps, you'll enter a sanctuary where you can interact with a shrine maiden sleeping against a rock. Selecting to pray here will start the Divine Dragon boss battle.

In the Divine Dragon fight, there are two phases detailed on the Divine Dragon page. After defeating the dragon, you will receive the Gracious Gift of Tears trophy, 1x Divine Dragon's Tears, and a Memory: Divine Dragon, along with XP.

Upon returning, you'll find Emma mourning by Isshin, who has passed away from his illness. She will give you 1x Secret Passage Key and advise you to proceed through the moat in Ashina Reservoir. At this point, you can either explore Ashina Outskirts Revisited or move on to the Endings. Refer to the New Game Plus page for additional activities before progressing.


Ashina Outskirts (optional)

  1. Defeat Ashina Elite Ujinari Mizuo (optional)
  2. Defeat Shigekichi of the Red Guard (optional)
  3. Acquire Prayer Bead from the mini-boss
  4. Defeat Demon of Hatred
  5. Acquire the Memory: Hatred Demon for you to consume.


After completing Fountainhead Palace, players will have the option to revisit Ashina Outskirts. The area is accessed from the Old Grave Idol area in Ashina Castle and has some new enemies and items. Go down the hill from the idol and cross the bridge and commune with the Underbridge Valley Idol first to re-unlock. You can find and defeat Ashina Elite Ujinari Mizuo below where Lord Isshin was staying. Defeating him will reward you with 2,905 XP and 1x Prayer Beads. Now make your way from the Old Grave Idol across the bridge to Ashina Outskirts.

Behind the enemies on the bridge, you can find 1x Ministry Dousing Powder. On the path toward the Headless, you'll discover 1x Divine Confetti and 1x Adamantite Scrap. Clear out the enemies in the area to prepare for the mini-boss, Shigekichi of the Red Guard. Defeating him rewards you with 1x Prayer Beads and 3,310 XP.

After defeating the boss, you can pick up 1x Gachiin's Sugar in the passageway that leads back to where you first fought the Chained Ogre. In the area where the Chained Ogre used to be, you'll now find 1x Fulminated Mercury. As you move toward Anayama's Shop, you'll encounter 1x Red Guard (Flamethrower), 1x Red Guard (Dual Katana) enemy, and 2x Musket enemies. It's best to deal with them one at a time. In this area, you can also collect 3x Fistful of Ash and 2x Pellet, and you'll come across Anayama's body. The watchtower nearby contains 1x Adamantite Scrap.

Backtrack from the Outskirts Wall Stairway Idol, and you'll find 1x Adamantite Scrap near the gate where you first met Inosuke Nogami. The nearby area has several tough enemies. As you proceed, you can pick up 1x Ministry Dousing Powder and 1x Lump of Grave Wax. A Chained Ogre is also roaming the area, but you can take it out with a stealth attack for 1,500 XP. Near the ogre, you'll find 1x Fulminated Mercury and 3x Pellet.

Continuing forward, you'll reach a burning area with some dying red samurai NPCs. Beyond them lies the Flames of Hatred Idol, where you can fight the Demon of Hatred. Defeating it grants you 15,000 XP, 2x Lapis Lazuli, and Memory: Hatred Demon. Afterward, you can collect 1x Lump of Grave Wax on the staircase leading to the Battlefield Memorial Mob. Inside the temple, the old woman has moved and asks if you know who the demon was, expressing pity for its fate. She mentions that ending its suffering was an act of mercy. You can also pick up 1x Dragon's Blood Droplet here.



After completing Fountainhead Palace, you'll go through Ashina Castle and Ashina Outskirts. Then teleport to the Ashina Reservoir idol to make your way to Kuro.

From the Ashina Reservoir Idol, pick up 2x Ministry Dousing Powder and 1x Fulminated Mercury. The Moon-view Tower is locked off, so make your way toward the bridge. Under the bridge, you can get 3x Pellet and then unlock the Near Secret Passage Idol by the moat.

You'll then encounter a boss named Genichiro, Way of Tomoe. You will only encounter him if you "Choose to Serve Kuro" when questioned by Owl on top of Ashina Castle. He is the door boss to the Isshin, the Sword Saint, the final boss of the game. Do note that there will be no checkpoint between him and Isshin, so if you are killed by either of them, you will have to fight Genichiro again.

After defeating Genichiro, you'll encounter the final boss fight in the game, Isshin, the Sword Saint. Once you've defeated Isshin, you will be rewarded with the Memory: Saint Isshin and the Dragon Flash Combat Arts Skill.

See the Endings page to view the different outcomes.


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    • Anonymous

      I like this guide. I’m something of a narrative snob and always want to progress properly like a cohesive storywithout randomly half completing areas and warping all over the place.

      • Anonymous

        Using this guide on my first run of the game. The guide is pretty decent, however, there are a fair amount of things missed in this guide. Missed prayer beads, some content is done out of intended order, other unclear/vague directions. But I will not trash talk this guide. It is great for what it is. Just make sure to check other guides to get more intel on boss strategies and other important loot that is not included in this guide. In my experiences with these types of games, you will never find a 100% comprehensive walk-through to every nook and cranny of the game. Gotta check multiple places for it.

        • Anonymous

          Hard to say this is a guide. Some directions are more cryptic than Fromsoft’s quest design.

          Like Ashina Castle revisited. That entire segment is a hot mess. Warp to the top of Ashina after the attack? No. Warp to the dungeon. Drop from roof into the moat and make the way out to the exit of the castle through a bridge? Nonsensical. How is anyone suppose to follow along when the directions are both vague and inaccurate?!

          • Anonymous

            Followed the guide and got the flower and stone yet I can’t make the incense, thanks for soft locking my game, **** guide

            • Anonymous

              This guide is poorly written. Not just various missing key details such as important steps in the quest-lines, but mostly not even guiding you at all and cutting-off. Missing Prayer Beads.

              • Anonymous

                Why do we go to mibu village so late? There's so much underwater stuff along the way to get that you can't because this guide has mibu village so close to the end. I don't think this is how the game was intended to be run through to be honest. For example, when you get to the poison pool for the first time it's totally wrecked and the three cannon mobs are there. You never get to see it in its original state. I think a better guide would have more coherent ordering and also have you defeat corrupted monk sooner.

                • Anonymous

                  The singular Gourd Seed in the chest at Fountainhead Palace was labeled twice, and the seed in Sunken Valley was not labeled at all.

                  • Anonymous

                    The point for unlocking the Gun Fort Shrine is a section ahead of where it should be, you don't get to it until after fighting Shirafuji, and the Gourd Seed has no explanation for Sunken Valley other than "get it" which is also out of order

                    • Anonymous

                      This guide has to be written by someone with the english comprehension of a *****ing oyster, holy*****. Learn to *****ing read/write the goddamn language before you *****ing write a walkthrough for an entire game you useless *****.

                      • This guide is horrible. It says following it will give you the purification ending but not once did it tell me to eavesdrop the conversations between emma and isshin. It also says to eavesdrop kuro but tells you to do it AFTER you light the incense. Now I've lost the opportunity to eavesdrop and will have to wait until my next playthrough. Crappy guide. Do NOT follow this.

                        • Anonymous

                          Whai if i pick up white lotus before talking to emma for dialog ? is there a way to talk to her ? or i has to defeat owl first ?

                          • Anonymous

                            You are *****ing moron, nobody fights Lady butterfly 2nd. Because of your***** route I thought this game is absurdly and unfairly brutal. Every *****ing all beads and memories runner fights her around 2/3 in.

                            • Anonymous

                              holy***** this walkthrough is very poorly made? half the***** says make your way through x area and defeat x mini boss without mentioning where or how to get there.

                              • Anonymous

                                Damn this game is so short. The time spent is merely from dying while learning to play...the replay value is barely at all if really any I don't feel the usual want to like with the other games they've done. Hell, I played each of the other ones for literally a year after release and this game is like "yup back in the stack with the other games i've played" *sigh where's BB2*

                                • Anonymous

                                  So is this progress route made with the idea of obtaining the 4th ending? If so, does it matter if I obtain the fruits before getting the Tome in the Temple Ground?

                                  • Anonymous

                                    SPOILERS:Can there be added area details for mini bosses added to ashina castle before,during the shinobi invasion and when it's set on fire? Had no idea diffrent mini bosses spawn In off the beat track locations during these seperate stages of the castle?AKA prayer beads :)

                                    • Anonymous

                                      Corrupted monk super easy, lol! If you are quick enough you can get a deathblow at the begining, so two reamaining. If hes going "black siloutte" go highest tree and he reveals himself i nthe middle. Jump on him, 2nd deathblow. For Free!! :D so you jsut have to battle him the 3rd phase...

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Thanks for the guide. Missed a few things though. Namely Blackheart Badger & the Loaded Umbrella prosthetic.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          It would be awesome if you could add in the information which areas are blocked behind bosses or even better have a image for whole Game Progress Route. Although the game is pretty new so maybe it's not time for that yet..

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Is everything else going to be updated ? Because I barely see the rest of the areas to go too. I am not sure if your are still currently working to get this progress route finished

                                            • Anonymous

                                              thanks for this great website! You helped me so much git gud in dark souls and bloodborne... Now the same please with sekiro :D Just want to say GOOD WORK!!!

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