Chained Ogre |
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Location | Ashina Outskirts Ashina Castle Feeding Grounds |
Deathblow Markers | 2 |
Weakness | Flame Vent |
Reward | Prayer Bead Shinobi Medicine Rank 1 |
Chained Ogre (赤鬼, Red Demon) is a Mini-Boss in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. This Complete Chained Ogre Mini-Boss Guide gives you strategies on how to beat Chained Ogre easily, as well as tips, tricks and lore notes. Mini-Bosses are special Enemies that are uniquely named, and have 2 or more health bars. This means they require at least 2 Deathblows in order to kill, they are generally much more difficult than normal enemies, and they drop some of the best loot in the game.
Chained Ogre Location
Where to find Chained Ogre in Sekiro?
- Ashina Outskirts: Found just after the the Outskirts Wall - Stairway Sculptor's Idol.
- The first encounter with this boss is not optional.
- There is a second optional meeting in Ashina Castle after killing the Corrupted Monk and Guardian Ape. To get there start from Upper Tower- Antechamber Idol. Go up the stairs, jump over the railing and grapple to the beam directly above him. Hang from the beam and you can start the fight with a Stealth Deathblow.
- The NPC found at the Feeding Grounds Idol in Fountainhead Palace is a variant of the Chained Ogre. Attacking him three times will engage the player in combat.
- The Chained Ogre returns as a regular, respawning enemy in the Outskirts - set ablaze phase, patrolling just before the gate where you first found General Kawarada. This version only needs one deathblow and can be stealthed, but beware of the ministry swordsmen mob around him.
Chained Ogre Rewards
What do you get from defeating Chained Ogre in Sekiro?
- Ashina Outskirts:
- Prayer Bead
- Shinobi Medicine Rank 1
- 8505 XP without Kuro's Charm (NG+7)
- Ashina Castle:
- Prayer Bead
- Heavy Coin Purse (NG+)
- 14688 XP without Kuro's Charm (NG+7)
- 5x Treasure Carp Scales - Fountainhead Palace
- Ashina Outskirts (revisited):
- 11507 XP without Kuro's Charm (NG+7) -
Chained Ogre Notes & Tips
- You can get a free Deathblow on him, after you kill the nearby enemies, by running away and waiting for him to reset. Sneak up to him afterwards and get in a Backstab Deathblow. It makes this fight much easier.
- The Chained Ogre is very weak to fire, so using the Flame Vent is recommended. Throwing Oil on him, you can use one Flame Vent usage to set him on fire. This will allow you about 3-4 attacks before he recovers. Try to save further charges of the Flame Vent for when he is no longer burning.
- You can use the Loaded Umbrella to Block the grab attacks of the Ogre, but you will not be able to use it on the first one since you will not have it by then. Works well for the Ashina Castle version, and NG+ playthroughs though.
Chained Ogre Lore
- Those with Red Eyes are dangerous, and filled a with rage that is difficult to control through the power of man alone. They do, however, fear the flame above all else. This loathing of flames is shared by the undead inhabitants of Mibu Village.
- The Red Eyes of the Chained Ogres signify they may have been experimented on by Doujun.
Chained Ogre Mini-Boss Guide Strategies
Sekiro Chained Ogre Video Strategies
Sekiro Chained Ogre Strategy Writeup
This Mini-Boss is hard to deflect or block, so it is advised that you Dodge mostly. Try not to stay directly in front of him, because his 3 grab animations are deadly. Try to keep circling him as much as possible.
He is weak to fire, but you will most likely not have any when you first get to him. After you get the Flame Vent from the Hirata Estate, this fight is markedly easier. Just use Oil first and then set him on fire, this will temporarily stun him and allow you to deal damage.
If you're in trouble you can use Fistful of Ash occasionally to help you get in some free shots. Only attack once or twice after each move he does, and try not to attack until after he has.
You can also aggro him and then run away and hide and then sneak up on him to Stealth Deathblow off one of his Deathblow Markers.
I found the best option to beat this boss was to do a 2 hit and run style. Took about 5 minutes total to burn him down. Due to his long wind ups and fast reactions on recovery, 2 hits is the safe way to go about him. If you did some exploring before now, you should have found the merchant with the Shinobi Firecracker, this tool causes him to stagger immensely and give you the chance to land at least 4 more hits. Rinse and repeat this till he is down.
Chained Ogre's moveset is limited to forward attacks. Moving close to bait him into attack, and then dodging forward makes this battle pretty easy. All grabs can be avoided by dodging forward, as well as all his MMA-like moves. Evade and then - as mentioned above - stab him twice. Repeat.
Additionally, after dodging a grab a green arrow will appear above his head allowing you to grapple and stun the ogre allowing for 2-3 free shots.
A really reliable strategy would be to get the stealth deathblow and then use the Flame Vent to get 5-6 free shots. You can also use oil with the Flame vent to guarantee lighting him on fire while without it, it only has a chance of lighting the ogre on fire.
Alternative Fast Strategy for First Chained Ogre
One of the fastest ways to finish the first Chained Ogre is to kill the two human enemies at the bottom of the hill, then immediately run uphill past the ogre and kill the last human enemy. Next, jump off and run back through the gate to crouch in the grass. When you enter Stealth Mode, run back up the hill. The ogre should be below you. Jump attack for an initial deathblow. Then keep him locked while you run full speed up and down the stairs. As you pass him on the stairs, he'll lunge, and you'll attack him 1-2x before beginning to run full speed again. It is far easier to run around him full speed than to face him head on and dodge/sidestep his attacks.
Chained Ogre Image Gallery
- Anonymous
This guy was a terrible choice for the first real boss fight, he teaches nothing but bad habits and serves only to frustrate new players.
Nothing he teaches is practically applicable to most fights, all he does it make you feel like you're playing wrong for fighting the way you have to for 99% of enemies.
If it were a lategame boss like the demon he'd be alright, but early on he makes the game seem so much harder than it actually is.
- Anonymous
They used that poison pool ds3 enemy and made him into a mini boss in Sekiro.
- Anonymous
the only time ive had fun fighting these dudes is using the umbrella to "deflect" the grabs
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I was told by a Japanese guy that this is actually a European because they were very tall back then and since Japanese were short so he depicted as ogre or oni. Whoch happens quite often since Grendal from Beowulf was probably just a very large man seen as a troll. Paintings of American wresting with Japanese sumo were depicted as man vs oni.
- Anonymous
died like 10 times before realizing constantly going behind him makes the grabs almost always miss
- Anonymous
I liked this guy the first time I fought him. When he shows up in the castle the claustrophobic and cluttered arena makes the fight annoying due to his grab hitboxes. Good enemy but shitty placement, imo
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Thank god this dude becomes a regular enemy latter in the game, i enjoyed fighting him
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
He's not that hard to beat once you figure out that it's easier to dodge constantly, but by the time you reach him deflecting or blocking nearly everything has probably become a habit that you have to fight.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
who the **** is the genius that put 2 random fodder enemies right before him
- Anonymous
I knew pretty much nothing of the game before going in except how difficult this guy is, so I was very surprised when I killed him in three attempts. First try I killed him once and then he pounded me into the ground; second attempt he threw me off the cliff and I didn't know I could grapple back; and the third time was the charm. I'm guessing it's the subsequent encounters that are the nasty ones. Oh boy, can't wait.
- Anonymous
A little bit of lore on this guy: he was chained for the crime of completely wack grab hitboxes
- Anonymous
**** this guy. putting a instant grab attack that almost makes you instinctively press dodge when the warning comes up and at the same time putting a lunge that requires you to wait to dodge is the most bs **** ever. Also wouldn't be as bad if they didn't one shot you 90% of the time or flat out kill you when he throws you off the damn cliff.
- Anonymous
Beat this boss without even realizing you can deathblow him. Didn't even know you can deflect some of his attacks either lol. God it took me like ten tries and by the end I didn't even have to resurrect. I knew about the fire prosthetic then got too lazy to go equip it so just went straight in. Not a bad boss though. Lunge attack is a pain.
- Anonymous
recently started playing this again after dropping it, and this boss in particular made me again appreciate how bad/half-baked/boring some of the combat is. So there's no actual technique here? I just wack him twice and run away, stun him, wack him run away. It's such a boring fight. FROM whacked themselves off so hard about blocking/parrying being THE most important combat mechanic in this game, yet they serve up mini bosses like this where the whole point of sekiro combat is basically moot. They should have gotten more creative, the grapple should be an actual technique to do major damage instead of just a stun. Like I'm grappling him, and I'm like "that's all that does???", then here I am on a wiki. feel like this is the only FROM game I can't get through, it's just dreadfully boring in areas.
- Anonymous
well now that i'm cooled down and no longer but hurt.. I guess another way to look at this fight is that a tru shinobi or whatevs is going to have a lot of different kinda foes irl, like swordsmen AND ogres and whatnot. Someone below said you can block everything except the grabs so idk??
- Anonymous
if not for the instant grab, this would be one of the funniest enemies fromsoft ever made. with the unreactable insta-kill grab its just annoying.
Bro thinks he Andre from dark souls. Drop kicks but fails to be like Andre
- Anonymous
I use Elden Ring's tactic in this fight and it works beautifully. bait the grab and spam weapon art.
- Anonymous
oh no, look what drugs and alcohol do to Horah Loux after his wife left him
- Anonymous
Let's put a miniboss who you mainly have to avoid in a game with almost no i-frames where almost every combat encounter is based around deflecting really early on in the game.
This boss in Ashina Outskirts alone is responsible for people playing the game wrong all the way up to Genichiro. It takes everything the player might have learned - or not yet learned or failing to grasp - and then reinforces that dodging is the way to go when it isn't far too early on in the game.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
The cucks downvoting that other comment calling this a feminist are hilarious
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Damn annoying boss. The way I killed him was first stealth attack his first deathblow and then used oil and the fire prostetic. I figured out that literally RUNNING circles really close around him worked like magic! Keep pressing the dodge button to start running, he will do an attack that doesn't hit you because you are behind or next to him, then attack, rinse and repeat!
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
Love the jumping two-footed kicks from this guy haha
Great first mini boss, taught me to learn the timing to avoid the grabs, get hits in, etc.
- Anonymous
That one quick short range grab sent me back to the idol more times than I care to admit. I kept trying to fight him up close. I feel like this guy was the games way of telling me "stop being stubborn".
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
The difficulty of this mini-boss is the patience required to not get drop kicked in the face and suplexed into the ground.
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
Phoenix's Lilac / Suzaku's Lotus Umbrella makes this fight really trivial. Block everything, punish with Projected Force.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Hard main bosses: Magic lightning attacks, teleports around, 3 healthbars etc.
Hard minibosses: 10 foot tall unit who dropkicks you in the face
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
fextralife and fandom in a very competitive quest to see who can have the shittiest wikis possible
- Anonymous
If you don’t feel like battling the one you first meet in Ashina at the start:
1. Kill the two soldiers
2. Run up the stairs and to the left (the ogre will see you and break chains to follow but don’t worry)
3. Kill the spearman
4. Run behind the cloth barrier and bait the ogre to the corner of the landing.
5. Wail away on him but be careful he can still attack and grab. If you move to far back and he path finds away from the corner just aggro him back.
If he does enough grabs and attacks, the they will move him past his “path finding wall” and break his AI (you’ll know this has happened once he just stands there dumbly happens if he arrives approx. past the flag nearest the corner)
- Anonymous
Loaded Umbrella is definitely the most reliable imo, ESPECIALLY the Phoenix Umbrella, but of course you probably won't get that until very late in the game, if at all before hitting NG+.
That said, the trick is to give him the first move. Whatever he does—kick, grab, body slam—open the umbrella. If you're using Phoenix, it'll scare him into submission for 4-5 hits. Stop attacking, let him make his move, block with umbrella. He won't always be scared by the fire, as he has a bit of a cooldown, like a sort of adrenaline rush, so don't get too cocky. Use the follow-through after each block, and only continue attacking if he visibly recoils in fear.
It shouldn't take more than 10 uses, so long as you don't screw it up. There's not even much reason to use the spin-deflect, unless you want to be extra sure he doesn't grab you.
I know this'll get ratioed to hell and back because it's not immediately accessible, but it still feels worth mentioning in case anyone for *some* reason wants to replay the game with less frustration.
- Anonymous
His jump kick can change direction on air, so run around might take the kick.
- Anonymous
I fought him without the flame vent (missed it in Hirata Estate for a while) and it wasn’t too hard. Sprint past him to kill the spear guy, drop down the cliff and run away, sneak back for a stealth hit, and then just sidestep to the right over and over when he attacks
- Anonymous
Doesn't the Chained Ogre sound like the Goons from Dying Light?
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
Someone should add there is a third Ogre wandering around in the outskirts with all the Ministry Soldiers after Ahina Castle is lit on fire.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Really was expecting more due to all the outcry about this guy, but hes not too bad, the grab boxes are pretty generous.
- Anonymous
I struggled with this guy initially as his grabs kept getting me. But there's an easy fix - any time he goes for his perilous, simply RUN backwards. Don't use circle to dodge as he has a pretty big reach. Running works every time.
- Anonymous
All i can think of when i see them are the lycanthropes from DS3, they even scream similarly
- Anonymous
I don't know about the Robert thing, as I never got the impression that he was a grown man, but I think that due to the very human look of the ogres that they might just be white European men of the same sort of extra-large size shared by a bunch of people/animals in the game but which were experimented on by Doujun.
- Anonymous
Easy kill: A . make a 1st death blow from behind. B. Attract him to stair near the 2 warriors you killed first. C . Jump to the next level where he cannot go . D. The left corner has a spot just above the curtains from where u can kill him with no harm E. If he flees, just aggro him again to the corner U welcome
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
if he grabs you and throws you of the cliff you can actually grapple onto him
- Anonymous
I have killed the Monk and guardian ape, but the second chained ogre does not spawn in hirate castle. Did I missed something?
- Anonymous
For some reason the 2nd one wont spawn for me - any idea why?
"It is theorized that one of the Chained Ogres could possibly be Robert, since they have a western appearance." Nah Robert is the armored warriors kid, not this heaping mass of flesh. Robert is presumably dead due to the theory that he is one of the kids used to try and form a divine child at senpou temple. Though the idea that is a westerner is a valid point as it probably is.
- Anonymous
"It is theorized that one of the Chained Ogres could possibly be Robert, since they have a western appearance." ...... what??? That just sounds like a stretch.
- Anonymous
This mini-boss visually appears to be a hulking Western man. His blond hair supports this. I think this may be a reference to the historical timeframe the game takes place in, which is within the closing years of premodern Japan. During this time, Japan had just been introduced to sustained interaction with the West, and Japan’s deeply rooted isolationist culture along with the shock of initial interactions likely resulted in many of the Japanese seeing the Westerners as brutish giants. May be a stretch but seeing how many cool history references this game has it’s only a slight stretch.
- Anonymous
He doesn't really look like a traditional Japanese ogre. Maybe he's just some kooky Scandinavian guy that got chained up by Isshin.
- Anonymous
The later Ashina castle interior chained Ogre also gives you a bead and Shinobi Medicine, though it's... Shinobi Medicine 3 at that point, iirc. Someone might want to add that to this page, since we don't seem to have separate pages for different versions of the minibosses.
- Anonymous
[Spoilers ahead] Been thinking about all the monkeys in Sekiro, and something the Screen Monkeys battle memory says about how monkeys are incarnations of souls who owed some sort of karmic debt. In that sense, monkeys are perceived less like animals in Sekiro and more like demi-humans. Chained Ogres are also somewhat like monkeys in their movements and their mindless groaning, and the color of their hair and their skin is reminiscent of Japan’s snow monkeys. I guess what I’m getting at is maybe some people are reincarnated as beasts for their sins, while others slowly devolve into beasts the closer they come to being consumed by Shura? Hence why the Sculptor transformed into the Demon of Hatred, or why the Guardian Ape just… exists.
- Anonymous
Lure him towards the Sculptors Idol, and hide behind it. Wait until the boss music ends and go back for a stealth deathblow. You can cheese him by standing on the wall left of the gate before the two soldiers you eavesdrop. He will walk through the hole in the wall, where you can hit him in the head, and he can't damage you.
- Anonymous
His lunging grab attack is somewhat a sweep/grab attack so jumping is actually the best action and the game treats it like a sweeping attack so go break that defense
- Anonymous
I think it's neat how most if not all his attacks and grabs are wrestling moves.
- Anonymous
For some reason, I remember a 20+ year old trick with the butcher boss in Diablo 1 where you get him stuck in the stairs while he's chasing you and spam him with arrows till he's dead. With the ogre, I pretty much did the same thing. First, kill off the 3 soldiers (2 bottom, 1 on top left) and run away from the ogre so it resets so you can get one free death kill while he's resting. Now the key is, get the ogre to follow you to the cliff with the wooden fence on the top left. You can't attack him through the wooden fence and he can still attack you. Get him to follow you to the corner of the cliff (don't fall) behind the wooden fence but there's a point at the corner edge where he can't follow you anymore and instead turns around trying to go around the fence. Anyway, at the moment when he turns around, attack his back once and at most twice, run/slide back (to avoid getting hit), he'll try to follow you but can't so he'll turn away from you, run forward and then attack his back again, run/slide back, repeat. Spam him using this method for 2-3 minutes and he'll be dead in no time.
- Anonymous
There is also a regular enemy variant with one life in Ashina Outskirts near the end of the game, just before the idol that teleports you to Demon of Hatred.
- Anonymous
Chained Ogre in Ashina Castle is not Red-Eyed therefore not weak to Fire-based attacks like the other one.
- Anonymous
giant okami fishperson that feeds the great carp has the same moveset if provoked
- Anonymous
An easy way to defeat him is to kill the spear guy while he's trying to break free, then run from the scene. He will wait for you on the stairs and you can pretty easily sneak around him and get a deathblow in, then you only have to fight him for 1 health bar.
- Anonymous
You can also grapple onto him when he does a grapple move that stuns him for a second and allows for one or two free hits.
Ive added a strategy verse: Chained Ogre's moveset is limited to forward attacks. Moving close to bait him into attack, and then dodging forward makes this battle pretty easy. All grabs can be avoided by dodging forward, as well as all his MMA-like moves.
- Anonymous
Why is there no mention that you can fight him a second time in Ashina Castle after it had been invaded?
- Anonymous
He is very easy but to be honest figuring out his fight took me a while. First you alert him run away come back and remove 1 life from stealth. Second get to high ground throw oil at him jump down set him on fire. You'll have a window for 4-5 hits. Jump back up to a tree or a gate and repeat. 4 times should be enough to kill him. No DMG. 2 minutes.
- Anonymous
This boss is really frustrating thanks to his stupid melee grab attack which is basically unavoidable. There is a cheap strategy however, though boring as hell. Just go, attack twice, jump back dodging whatever attack he tossed at you, if you can hook on to him, do it, get free hits, jump back again. It's boring, but it gets the job done fairly easy.
I got grabbed at a 180 degree angle by this man. Respect, truly the greatest turn-on in gaming history. This guy made me say...yup, this is definitely a From Software game and it's about to be a masterpiece. By the time I fought and defeated Lady Butterfly, I was convinced Sekiro is among the Top 5 games in history.
- Anonymous
There's a second one of these guys on the ground floor of Ashina Castle after you defeat the Monk.
- Anonymous
Instead of dodging, jump away from his attacks. Except for the direct grab which will get you (here you need to dodge), he can‘t get you even with the insane lunging grab. Careful with his flying kick, but keep your distance, jump, and hit twice.
- Anonymous
Trigger him then let it reset to get the initial life bar down. After that use the branches and roof tops as a safe place to hit him with oil before dropping down and shooting him with the flame cannon. This will set him alight and allow you to wail on him for a bit before you need to repeat the tactic again. Keep doing this until you kill him.
You can cheese him by: Follow the first rule of hiding out then taking his first deathblow bar. Lure him to the stairs to the left of where the first two enemies in the area are, circle right to the ledge above the stairs, then go ham. When he climbs up the stairs, drop down, get a couple of swipes in; Jump to the the right ( back onto the ledge) when he starts coming back down. Rinse, repeat.
- Anonymous
There’s a ledge behind him to the left of the door, you can get his punk a$$ stuck up on the ledge and jump slice him till he’s no more!
- Anonymous
Almost first attempted this guy, had to resurrect halfway through his second bar, knock him down for a death blow, spearman shows up and piledrives me into a wall and kills me instantly. W h y
- Anonymous
Basically the first skill check of the game, dodge and place between 1 and 4 hits (4 hits only when you are behind him) here and there, don't get too greedy or you'll regret it soon enough. He will most likely kill you the first time you meet him, most of his attacks are easy to dodge but mistakes are punished. My advice is don't hug him but don't stay too far, his worst attack is that lunging grab that has a fairly broken hitbox and insane tracking and he won't be able to do it unless you are far enough. Not a dps race, just stay alive and he'll go down in time.
- Anonymous
Adding onto what Anonymous(22 Mar 2019 11:07) said, do exactly that. But before the encounter you can do this. Kill the first 2 people you can eavesdrop on. Throw a Shuriken at him. Climb ontop of the gateway arches behind you and sneak. Let him walk out a little bit and then hook to the branch and stand. Wait until his bar turns yellow and then stealth again. When he gets close, jump and do a critical hit as you're falling to take away 1 bar of life immediately. Afterwards, do the strategy that anonymous states to the T.
- Anonymous
Was initially difficult but figured out an easy way to beat him. First make a beeline past him and take care of the spear guy, you dont wanna deal with both of them together. The trick to beating the ogre is to continually circle him and whittle down his health. DO NOT back up or create distance, he has fair amount of tracking with his lunging grab and suplex combo and that is his most dangerous move. As long as you stay very close and circle him, he will miss pretty much most of his attacks including the grabs.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
My gripe with this boss isn't his moveset (drunk hitboxes on grabs i know) nor his damage. It's his location. This guy claimed the virginity of so many new players making them quit the game that it's not even funny. Imo he should be just after Genichiro. Way too difficult a fight for a new player