Attack Power in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, refers to how much Vitality damage and "Posture" damage the player deals when attacking with Kusabimaru. This will improve as the player progresses the game, by offering Memories to a Sculptor's Idol. Memories are obtained by defeating Bosses.
Attack Power Information
What Attack Power Does
- Attack Power scales how much Vitality damage and "Posture" damage the player deals with all attacks, parries, arts and Shinobi Tools.
- Attack Power is used to determine the damage multiplier applied to the player, and is not itself a multiplier.
- Attack Power breakpoints are ():
- 1: 80 vitality damage from normal hit
- 2-14: increases vitality damage by 20 per point (340 damage at 14 attack power)
- 15-27: increases vitality damage by ~8 per point (443 damage at 27 attack power)
- 28-51: increases vitality damage by ~4 per point (540 damage at 51 attack power)
- 52-99: increases vitality damage by ~0.8 per point (578 damage at 99 attack power)
- Increasing attack power also increases the posture damage you do at an identical rate as vitality damage.
- In both Reflections of Strength and Gauntlets of Strength, Attack Power is always 14. Enemy Health and Posture do not scale with NG+ in reflections or gauntlets but are affected by Kuro's Charm and the Demon Bell.
Things That Increase Attack Power
- Defeating certain Bosses, and offering their Memories to a Sculptor's Idol. Memories are also received in NG+.
- Can be exchanged repeatedly for 5 Skill Points after obtaining the Dancing Dragon Mask, allowing the user to invest spare Skill Points into a permanent increase into Attack Power.
- The current attack power limit is set to 98 for the Mask. After that, if the player has no more memories, attack power can no longer be increased by any means (not even with skill points). It is possible to raise it to 99 with a memory if the user saves a memory until 98 Attack Power.
Damage Formula and Multipliers
- The Attack Power damage multiplier can be calculated with this formula:
- IF AP < 15, Damage Multiplier = (1 + (0.25 * (AP - 1)))
- IF AP < 28, Damage Multiplier = (4.25 + (0.1 * (AP - 14)))
- IF AP < 52, Damage Multiplier = (5.55 + (0.05 * (AP - 27)))
- IF AP >= 52, Damage Multiplier = (6.75 + (0.01 * (AP - 51)))
- The variables used for the basic damage calculation are:
- attackBase[Damage Type] (also known as Base Damage) (This is equal to 40 with all Combat Arts, for every damage type except for Posture)
- atk[Type]Correction (also known as "Motion Value") (This is equal to 200 for a normal hit, and each different attack in a moveset has it's own value)
- [Type]AttackRate (this is the Attack Power damage multiplier)
- The basic damage formula is as follows:
- [Weapon Base Damage] * ([Motion Value] / 100) * [attackRate]
- Damage is rounded down if the calculation results in a fraction.
- Motion Values
- Basic attacks: 200 as physical; thus, at AP 1, the user deals 80 damage per swing, i.e. (40 x (200 / 100) x 1). At AP 2, you can deal 100 damage.
- Running attack: 200 as physical
- Charged Thrusts: 300 as physical
- Jumping attacks: 50 as physical
- Buffs:
- Ako's Sugar: +12.5% for hp, +25% for posture
- Yashariku's Sugar: +25% for hp, +50% for posture
- Divine Confetti: +(20 x [attackRate]) damage as "magic" to each hit from your weapon
- Living Force +(20 x [attackRate]) damage to each hit from your weapon
- Examples:
- A player with 15 attack power strikes a foe with a charged thrust attack while a Yashariku's Sugar is active:
- Damage is 40 x (300 / 100) x 4.35 x 1.25 = 652
- A player with 5 attack power strikes a foe with airborne attacks while a Divine Confetti and Ako's Sugar is active:
- Damage is ((40 x (50 / 100)) + 20) x 2 x 1.125 = 90
- A player with 15 attack power strikes a foe with a charged thrust attack while a Yashariku's Sugar is active:
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I don’t think attack power matters. I got every memory and started an ng+ cycle just for every enemy to take similar damage to when I started the game. Then, I beat the shura ending and started an ng+ cycle with a lot of memories missed… and everything got hit the same as when I started. Enemies must be scaled to your attack power.
- Anonymous
so, does anyone know how much its goanna cost to get both parts of that attack power mask?
- Anonymous
Imagine wasting hours of your life to go from 52 to 99 just for a meager 38 increase in dmg.
I bet some idiot did it.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
This game would benefit from higher player damage in early game. Spending 3 mins on clobbering down on an enemy while they barely need 2 hits to finish you off is pathetic balance design. Thats not difficulty but artificially enlengthment to tire ppl out.
- Anonymous
Attack power is probably what´s killing the game for me. I mistakenly got Shura ending and now I´m on NG+. All the way till Genichiro difficulty seems fine and some bosses (like Lady Butterfly) are even easier with past game upgrades. However, starting on Genichiro and specially now that I´m facing Owl at Ishina´s castle, things are crazy difficult. As I haven´t been further on my first rune, I kind of feel that my posture level is not good enough as I couldn´t upgrade it by reaching final levels and bosses. Moreover, I couldn´t buy the mask, so I´m here stuck getting one shoot kills by Owl unable to parry/deflect most of his attacks. Either I go for a loooong perfect rune just waiting for one attack window (which might happen in years) or I leave the game. What a terrible way of rewarding finishing the game, not having an upgrade system and relying on useless techniques is appalling.
- Anonymous
This page seems contradictory with its first example. Correct if I'm wrong, but from what I've gathered here, you should start to suffer from the diminishing returns at AP 15, so the calculation probably looks like this: 30 x (14+3) x 5/4 + 12 x (1) x 5/4 = 657
For the general formula this means that each additional AP has to be weighed by the modifier of its breakpoint. It makes for a real ugly formula, but it shouldn't go unmentioned either in the last paragraph.
- Anonymous
by the time you hit 99 attack you'll be in the last ng cycle so everything will be so buffed it won't make a difference
- Anonymous
Well... NG+8. I figure what the hell, I've saved over thirty memories and have 8 skill points. Let's see what 99 ATP is like. Well it's like 1. I'm rather baffled. I would have been quite content staying at 70 for the rest of my NG+ play throughs but now I'm kinda f'd. I'm pretty good but not that good. Now I have to start over? That's not very rewarding for the hours I've invested. Pretty ****ty FROM.
- Anonymous
Can someone who did NOT cheat and raised their attack power to 99 tell me what difference it makes? Also, do enemies scale on each subsequent playthrough? Lastly, is it true that after ng+4 enemy attacks are so strong they obliterate your posture after just a few hits, or can you continue playing after ng+7 while deflecting like you do in ng?
I ask that last question because I like the boss fights and the cinematic feel they have to them when trading blows, like an expertly choreographed fight scene in a movie. If youre just relegated to dodging and running around, getting a few random hits in here and there, kind of defeats the purpose of forcing me to play as a swordsman who actually knows how to use a sword
- Anonymous
Anybody know how Ashina cross or double Ichimonji do damage wise here?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I am sure that enemies don't scale in NG+ with our attack power. I was doing a NG+4 charmless/demon bell at 53 attack power and as usual since NG I instant kill with a shuriken max upgraded the dogs from the senpou temple. In an other game, at 14 attack power, while I was instant killing dogs in NG+1, in NG+2 dogs are now stunned by the shuriken but they survive. Pretty cool btw to deathblow them and have some HP in return.
- Anonymous
I double checked, manipulating attack power with Cheat Engine. (no hate, i finished it twice without any). 99 seems to be alright, but as soon as you hit 100 it'll reduce practically all attack power. Also, increasing attack power affects the posture damage more than vitality damage.
- Anonymous
Is it true that upon reaching attack power 99 via memories on the PC, it's gonna bug out and we do damage as if we're back to attack power 0? If so, I'ma just keep it at 98. But please do let me know, thanks :D
- Anonymous
I raise my attack power to 99 and now i dont deal any damage, can someone please help
- Anonymous
There is a ton of conflicting info here. I am at AP 10 and considering farming to SP 14. Will this make my fight with owl easier, or will he scale up with me? Also, where can I find base damage for prosthetics? Do the sugars and confetti bluffsapply to prosthetics like the lazulite shuruiken?
Interesting... So attack power upgrades affect the amount of posture damage you do with every attack you successfully deflect as well?
- Anonymous
Quick question. Do the enemies' vitality and posture increase the more your attack power does?
- Anonymous
578 attack power is roughly 7 times your beginning attack power and the difficulty rise up to 7 times in NG+ From software employees are bunch of cheeky bastards.
- Anonymous
I don't know about your math ability, but according to your data, vitality damage at 27 attack power is 444, at 51 is 500 and at 99 is 538.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Attack Power cannot be raised beyond 87 without cheats, just confirmed it on ng+7
- Anonymous
Just did the math and if at AP1 you do 80 vitality damage, then at 14 you do 856, at 27 it's 2328, at 51 it's 5967 and at 99 you do 8747. So at AP99 you'd be almost 110 times as strong as you were in the beginning of the game. Yeah, that should make a difference.
- Anonymous
Pretty sure that +37.5% damage to all targets is wrong and that's just the bonus against apparitions. The damage increase against normal enemies is supposedly +25%, with a few undead/monster outliers being +31%.
- Anonymous
there is a bug , when you get 99 AP, damage become zero(like 0 AP, only base damage), but at 97 AP damage is very high!
- Anonymous
Does increasing attack power do more damage? If I do more damage does it do more damage to enemies?
- Anonymous
It seems like combat art damage is not so straightforward. At Attack Power 6 the terror throwing mobs in Mibu village dies from one simple attack, but they do not die from the first hit of the Whirlwind slash...
- Anonymous
Alright, I did again some testing with a modded save file on PS4 on NG. I set my Attack Power to 99. Bosses, especially the early bosses, fall extremely quickly. One shadow rush completely filled up Lady Butterfly's posture bar. IMPORTANT: Additionally it seemed to me that attack power also increases the amount of posture damage you deal upon properly deflecting enemy attacks. This should be further examined and added to the page, of true.
- Anonymous
Hey im really far in the game and have attack power of 11 and used Battle memory up until the demon where you fight the first horse boss whats going on?
- Anonymous
I did some testing. I grinded my attack power to 20 before tackling the demon of hatred and each hit did deplete his health significantly more than when my attack power was at 12.
- Anonymous
Attack power doesn't seem to make much difference on bosses. It does make regular enemies trivial and kind of ruins the game if you increase your attack power too much.
- Anonymous
You can get 99 attack only with memories, after that you still get memories but you can not use them. However you can still spend 5 skill points for damage increase but it seems to do nothing except wasting your points. Tested legit without cheats.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Wow a lot of wrong info here. Attack power DOES NOT scale with enemy vitality Here's max out attack power on the 1st Genichiro fight. He goes down in under 30 seconds
- Anonymous
This information is not true, why is somebody lying? Enemies scale with attack power so their vitality matches your level.
- Anonymous
After two finished playtroughs i decided to get my last fun out of cheat shenanigans, so i cheated myself up to 99 Strength, and you basically deal no damage at all, the Vitality of the Mobs scales with your strength level
- Anonymous
What about the numbers between 11 and 97? Where are the scaling breakpoints?
- Anonymous
How many skill points does it cost to increase attack power once you have the mask?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Do Combat Arts even receive the damage buff from Attack Power? In NG+ even the highest tier Arts hit like wet noodles unlike the basic R1.
- Anonymous
Is it just me sucking or mini bosses and main bosses scale with you? In this wiki, it mentioned you can cheese O'rin with Sebimaru, I tried it, but not very effective lol. I just beat her the old fashioned way of learning her moves...
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
after 14 attack power you will barely notice any increase, i tested demon of hatred at 21 attack power, it took the exact same amount of hits to kill him at 22 attack power, 21 hits exactly with regular R1s, for phase 1 with divine confetti and yashariku sugar, both took exactly 21, literally no difference at all, you would think that after 21 hits the difference would add up, but nope. so it might be best to only go to 14 attack power with the mask and pick up some other skills with the remaining skillpoints. after 27 it must be even worse still, considering to see the increase between 21 and 22 attack power you need a magnifying glass already.