Ashina Soldier (Hassou Stance)

footsoldier hat
Location Ashina Outskirts
Ashina Reservoir
Ashina Castle
XP 21 (Ashina Outskirts)
43 (Ashina Reservoir)
NG: 21
NG+: 315
Sen 11 (Ashina Outskirts)
32 (Ashina Reservoir)
NG: 11
NG+: ??
Drops Scrap Iron
Scrap Magnetite
Fistful of Ash
Ceramic Shard
Pacifying Agent
Black Gunpowder
Weakness Deflects

Ashina Soldier (Hassou Stance) is an Enemy in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. The Ashina Soldier (Hassou Stance) dons an Ashina Soldier uniform, wielding a katana. They are easily recognizable by their hats. They are commonly found in Ashina Outskirts and Ashina Castle. Their attacks are relatively slow, and their posture can easily be depleted with a few quick strikes. There are two types of Ashina Soldiers wielding a katana, this version two-hands the katana, and the version that one-hands the katana are the Ashina Soldier (Katana). These two-handed-wielding soldiers are less aggressive but more deadly.


Sekiro Ashina Soldier (Hassou Stance) Location


Sekiro Ashina Soldier (Hassou Stance) Rewards


Sekiro Ashina Soldier (Hassou Stance) Notes & Tips

  • These enemies are distinguished by their hats, and are more dangerous than their more basic counterpart, boasting increased speed, higher Posture, and the ability to deflect Sekiro's attacks.
  • Drops 33-2090 XP without Kuro's Charm (NG+7).


Sekiro Ashina Soldier (Hassou Stance) Image Gallery

enemy type two sekiro wiki guide hat guard1 min

Alarm Enemy  ♦  Animals  ♦  Ashina Army  ♦  Ashina Soldier (Katana)  ♦  Ashina Soldier (Matchlock Rifle)  ♦  Ashina Soldier (Spear)  ♦  Assassin  ♦  Assassin (Interior Ministry)  ♦  Bandit (Axe)  ♦  Bandit (Fire Bow) Archer  ♦  Bandit (Fire Bow and Katana)  ♦  Bandit (Katana)  ♦  Bandit (Katana and Shield)  ♦  Bandit (Katana and Torch)  ♦  Bandit (Poison Bow and Katana)  ♦  Bandits of Hirata Estate  ♦  Black-Feathered Nightjar  ♦  Blue Spear Monk  ♦  Centipede  ♦  Cricket  ♦  Dog  ♦  Dual Wielding Samurai  ♦  Elder Monkey  ♦  Elite Okami Warrior (Lightning Katana)  ♦  Elite Okami Warrior (Lightning Kemari)  ♦  Elite Okami Warrior (Lightning Naginata)  ♦  Fencer  ♦  Fountainhead Palace Dog  ♦  Fountainhead Palace Forces  ♦  Gamefowl  ♦  Gecko  ♦  Grey-Feathered Nightjar  ♦  Guard Type One  ♦  Guard Type Two  ♦  Hammer Monk  ♦  Healing Gecko  ♦  Infested Seeker  ♦  Infested Seeker (Non-Parasite)  ♦  Infested Seeker (Parasite)  ♦  Interior Ministry  ♦  Interior Ministry Loneshadows  ♦  Interior Ministry Ninja  ♦  Man-eating Carp  ♦  Mibu Villager (Bamboo Spear)  ♦  Mibu Villager (Bare Hands)  ♦  Mibu Villager (Bare Hands and Bombs)  ♦  Mibu Villager (Hoe)  ♦  Mibu Villager (Loom)  ♦  Mibu Villager (Rake)  ♦  Mibu Villagers  ♦  Mist Archer  ♦  Mist Wolf  ♦  Monkeys of Sunken Valley  ♦  Monsters of Ashina  ♦  Mt. Kongo  ♦  Nightjar Ninja  ♦  Okami Warrior (Bow)  ♦  Okami Warrior (Katana)  ♦  Okami Warrior (Katana & Bow)  ♦  Okami Warrior (Kemari)  ♦  Okami Warrior (Naginata)  ♦  Old Maid  ♦  Old Woman  ♦  Palace Noble (Blue Garb)  ♦  Palace Noble (Red Garb)  ♦  Poison Assassin  ♦  Rat  ♦  Red Guard (Dual Katana)  ♦  Red Guard (Firebomb)  ♦  Red Guard (Flamethrower)  ♦  Red Guard (Kodachi and Dual Katana)  ♦  Red Guard Elite (Dual Uchigatana and Rifle)  ♦  Red Hat Assassin  ♦  Red Hat Sentry  ♦  Red-Eyed Carp  ♦  Rock Diver  ♦  Samurai  ♦  Samurai General  ♦  Samurai Spirit  ♦  Seeker (Bo Staff)  ♦  Seeker (Fists)  ♦  Senpou Bombthrower Monk  ♦  Senpou Temple Monks  ♦  Sentry  ♦  Shinobi Dog  ♦  Shura Samurai  ♦  Spear Adept  ♦  Sunken Valley Clan  ♦  Sunken Valley Clan (Cannon)  ♦  Sunken Valley Clan (Rifle)  ♦  Sunken Valley Clan (Scatter-shot)  ♦  Sunken Valley Clan (Watcher)  ♦  Taro Troop (Bell)  ♦  Taro Troop (Club)  ♦  Taro Troop (Greatshield)  ♦  Taro Troop (Wooden Mallet)  ♦  Taro Troops  ♦  Test Subject  ♦  Treasure Carp  ♦  Valley Monkey (Bare Hands)  ♦  Valley Monkey (Katana)  ♦  Valley Monkey (Matchlock Rifle)  ♦  Valley Monkey (Poison and Bare Hands)  ♦  Valley Monkey (Poison and Gun)  ♦  Valley Monkey (Sword)  ♦  Villagers  ♦  White Spear Monk  ♦  Wolf  ♦  Zombie

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    • Anonymous

      There’s also a variant of this enemy that wears a straw caps (Mino). They play very similarly except sometimes they can resort to going into a full block with the only way to get through their guard being a thrust attack.

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